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Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2017

Hello fellow geeks! 2017 is coming to its end and the new year is just around the corner! This has been again an amazing year for Java and Java Code Geeks. Our community continues to grow and improve, offering top-notch programming content to developers all over the world. Thank you for your support on achieving this great milestone!

Our insiders list has further increased, and now we are proud to see our weekly newsletter reaching more than 180,000 developers. Make sure to hop on the newsletter to enjoy the latest news in the Java world and more.

We recently also launched our “Minibooks” section, offering cookbooks, whitepapers and e-books on a variety of technologies. Here are some that you are going to enjoy:

We know that the modern developer is hungry for top quality articles and tutorials, so we have delivered an enormous amount of them, both on our main site and our Examples section. Major contributors were our JCG Partners. If you have a blog, you are more than welcome to participate to the program.

Our sister site, Web Code Geeks, targeted to Web programming developers, continues to also grow rapidly. There are currently more than 40,000 insiders in our newsletter, who are already enjoying weekly updates. You can get access to 10+ FREE ebooks by joining our WCG Newsletter, on technologies like HTML5, jQuery, AngularJS, CSS, Bootstrap and Node.js.

During 2016, we also launched another sister site, System Code Geeks, targeted to System Administrators. There you are going to find articles and tutorial on all kinds of SysAdmin technologies, from NGINX and VirtualBox, to Nagios and PostgreSQL.

Of course, Linux based content is prevalent and one of our favorite ones. In SCG, more there are already more than 13,000 insiders in our newsletter, who are already enjoying weekly updates. You can get access to 5+ FREE ebooks by joining our SCG Newsletter, on technologies like Linux, BASH, Apache, NGINX and more!

Now, keeping the tradition, we are compiling the top Java Code Geeks for the year that just passed.

As with the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2010, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2011, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2012, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2013, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2014, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2015 and the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2016 we have created a compilation with the most popular posts for this year for your eyes only.

The ranking of the posts was based on the absolute number of page views per post, not necessarily unique. It includes only articles published in 2017.

So, let’s see in ascending order the top posts for 2017.

10) Event Driven Microservices Patterns

In this blog we will discuss some patterns which are often used in microservices applications which need to scale: – Event Stream – Event Sourcing- Polyglot Persistence- Memory Image- Command Query Responsibility Separation. The Motivation – UberGilt and others have moved from a monolithic to a microservices architecture because they needed to scale.  A monolithic application puts all of its functionality into a single process, scaling requires replicating the whole application, which has limitations.

9) Docker for Java Developers: Introduction
If you have not heard about Docker, then you have probably spent the last few years on some other planet of the Solar system. Docker stormed into our industry and in no time dramatically changed many well-established software development and operational practices and patterns. These days pretty much every organization is using Docker (or equivalent of it), the brave ones even in production, and its adoption is growing at fantastic pace.

8) The Best Java Developer Tools for Testing and Integration

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for a while, programming with the right tools can make a huge difference in a project’s success. The proper tools allow you to write better code and to quickly identify bugs. All of this makes your code better. Period. If your programming language of choice is Java, there is no shortage of tools to cover every aspect of Java development, from coding and testing to server integration and documentation. Let’s explore the best of the best.

7) JDK 9 is the End of the Road for Some Features

It was announced a few days ago that JDK 9 is Feature Complete! Many of the “features” that made the cut are additions, but some are removals. This post looks at some of the items being removed from OpenJDK and/or Oracle’s JDK with Java 9. Endorsed-standard OverrideMechanism and Extension Mechanism -Part of JEP 220 (“Modular Run-Time Images”) is the removal of the Java Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism (“means whereby later versions of classes and interfaces that implement Endorsed Standards or Standalone Technologies may be incorporated into the Java Platform”) and the removal of the Extension Mechanism for Support of Optional Packages

6) How to Set Up a Secure REST API with Spring
As you all know, Spring Boot is a toolkit that makes it super easy to quickly develop powerful web services. It is very modular and made to play well with other frameworks and tools. In this tutorial I am going to show you how easy it is to set up a RESTful API towards an existing SQL database by using Speedment as the ORM. Background – Speedment is an open-source toolkit that connects to a database, analyzes the metadata and uses it to generate entity- and managers classes to model the database in an object-oriented fashion.

5) Elasticsearch for Java Developers: Introduction

This article is part of our Academy Course titled Elasticsearch Tutorial for Java Developers. In this course, we provide a series of tutorials so that you can develop your own Elasticsearch based applications. We cover a wide range of topics, from installation and operations, to Java API Integration and reporting. With our straightforward tutorials, you will be able to get your own projects up and running in minimum time. Check it out here!

4) JDK 9 is Feature Complete!

Today’s Mark Reinhold  message  JDK 9 is Feature Complete — now it’s time to ramp down announces that JDK 9’s “overall feature set is, at this point, frozen.” Reinhold, Chief Architect of Oracle’s Java Platform Group, adds, “It’s highly unlikely that any further JEPs will be targeted to the release.” Text similar to that in this message is also featured on the  JDK 9 page(which was not coincidentally updated today).

3) Spring Tutorial: Creating a Hello World REST API Using Spring Framework and Spring Boot
Spring Framework was created as a result of disappointment of Java community with earlier versions of Enterprise Java. Since then it has grown into huge ecosystem that allows one to solve every problem in building a Web-based Java application and more. Spring is often criticized because it used to rely on XML for configuration purposes. As a response to that the Spring Boot framework was released, which relies on convention over configuration principle and can do without XML at all.

2) Amazon S3 Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide (PDF Download)

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services. Amazon S3 provides storage through web services interfaces (REST, SOAP, and BitTorrent). Amazon does not make details of S3’s design public, though it clearly manages data with an object storage architecture. According to Amazon, S3’s design aims to provide scalability, high availability, and low latency at commodity costs. S3 is designed to provide 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability of objects over a given year, though there is no service-level agreement for durability.

1) Elasticsearch for Java Developers: Elasticsearch from Java

This article is part of our Academy Course titled Elasticsearch Tutorial for Java Developers.. In this course, we provide a series of tutorials so that you can develop your own Elasticsearch based applications. We cover a wide range of topics, from installation and operations, to Java API Integration and reporting. With our straightforward tutorials, you will be able to get your own projects up and running in minimum time. Check it out here!

So, that would be all! I hope you enjoyed this folks. Our top posts for 2017. We would love to see you around again and have your support and love in the year to come. Stay tuned for more Java Code Geeks surprises within the new year!

Happy new year everyone! From the whole Java Code Geeks team, our best wishes!

Be well,


Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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