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Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2016

Hello fellow geeks! 2016 is coming to its end and the new year is just around the corner! This has been again a massive year for Java and Java Code Geeks. Our community continues to grow and improve, offering top-notch programming content to developers all over the world. Thank you for your support on achieving this great milestone!

Our insiders list has further increased, and now we are proud to see our weekly newsletter reaching more than 175,000 developers. Make sure to hop on the newsletter to enjoy the latest news in the Java world and more. You will also get over 20 FREE programming ebooks, complimentary of Java Code Geeks.

We know that the modern developer is hungry for top quality articles and tutorials, so we have delivered an enormous amount of them, both on our main site and our Examples section. Major contributors were our JCG Partners. If you have a blog, you are more than welcome to participate to the program.

Our sister site, Web Code Geeks, targeted to Web programming developers, continues to also grow rapidly. There are currently more than 40,000 insiders in our newsletter, who are already enjoying weekly updates. You can get access to 10+ FREE ebooks by joining our WCG Newsletter, on technologies like HTML5, jQuery, AngularJS, CSS, Bootstrap and Node.js.

During 2016, we also launched another sister site, System Code Geeks, targeted to System Administrators. There you are going to find articles and tutorial on all kinds of SysAdmin technologies, from NGINX and VirtualBox, to Nagios and PostgreSQL.

Of course, Linux based content is prevalent and one of our favorite ones. In SCG, more there are already more than 16,000 insiders in our newsletter, who are already enjoying weekly updates. You can get access to 5+ FREE ebooks by joining our SCG Newsletter, on technologies like Linux, BASH, Apache, NGINX and more!

Now, keeping the tradition, we are compiling the top Java Code Geeks for the year that just passed.

As with the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2010, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2011, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2012, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2013, the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2014 and the Top 10 JavaCodeGeeks posts for 2015 we have created a compilation with the most popular posts for this year for your eyes only.

The ranking of the posts was based on the absolute number of page views per post, not necessarily unique. It includes only articles published in 2016.

So, let’s see in ascending order the top posts for 2016.

10) C code always runs way faster than Java, right? Wrong!
So we all know the prejudice that Java being interpreted is slow and that C being compiled and optimized runs very fast. Well as you might know, the picture is quite different. TL;DR Java is faster for constellations, where the JIT can perform inlining as all methods/functions are visible whereas the C compiler cannot perform optimizations accross compilation units (think of libraries etc.).

9) Build a CRUD Application with React, Spring Boot, and User Authentication
React is one of the most popular libraries for creating web application frontends. With Spring Boot it’s easier than ever to create a CRUD backend for your React-fronted application. In this tutorial, we’ll tie those together and then use Stormpath to add authentication and authorization protocols. We’ll start by creating a static data view using React. Then we will create a REST backend with Spring Boot, tie it in, and add user security with Stormpath. Everything should be straight-forward, even if you’ve never used React before.

8) Build a new Web Application from scratch using Spring boot, Thymeleaf, AngularJS
In this series of blog posts we will be building a complete responsive web application using the following tech stack : 1) Spring boot: Spring MVC web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, 2) Thymeleaf for server side templating, 3) Angular JS for client side MVC (including JS dependency management with bower), 4) Deploy the app on AWS/EBS/Heroku/Openshift. We will use good old maven to get started.

7) Why SpringBoot?
Spring team created SpringBoot to address the complexity of configuration. But before diving into SpringBoot, we will take a quick look at Spring framework and see what kind of problems SpringBoot is trying to address. In this article we will cover: Overview of Spring framework, A web application using Spring MVC and JPA(Hibernate), A quick taste of SpringBoot.

6) Exception Handling in Spring RESTful Web Service
We might have been across some of the several ways by which we can handle exceptions in a RESTful web service application in Spring. In this article, we will try to explore the best approach we can take to achieve efficient exception handling. Let’s create a simple application that will identify the employee name in the REST URI.

5) Java vs .NET vs Python vs Ruby vs Node.JS: Who Reigns the Job Market?
Every now and then a new article/blog post/opinion piece/twitter rant is published wondering about the future of Java. However, the cold facts state that it’s still the most popular language in the programming world, but what does it actually mean? In the following post we’ll dig into the buzz around Java through analysing the current job market, focusing on server side languages. Who knows, it might even help you find your next position.

4) The Top 10 Advanced Java Talks You Should See to Stay Relevant
One of the main resources for learning about new things in software development, is online talks and videos. You can find Java experts sharing their experience with you, without getting off the couch. In the following post we’ve gathered 10 of our favorite speakers and topics that we believe every Java developer should watch. Get the popcorn, sit back and let Java blow your mind.

3) SpringBoot : Working with JdbcTemplate
Spring provides a nice abstraction on top of JDBC API using JdbcTemplate and also provides great transaction management capabilities using annotation based approach. First let’s take a quick look at how we generally use Spring’s JdbcTemplate (without SpringBoot) by registering DataSource, TransactionManager and JdbcTemplate beans and optionally we can register DataSourceInitializer bean to initialize our database.

2) Git Tutorial – The Ultimate Guide
Git is, without any doubt, the most popular version control system. Ironically, there are other version control systems easier to learn and to use, but, despite that, Git is the favorite option for developers, which is quite clarifying about the powerfulness of Git. This guide will cover all the topics needed to know in order to use Git properly, from explaining what is it and how it differs from other tools, to its usage, covering also advanced topics and practices that can suppose an added value to the process of version controlling.

1) Apache Hadoop Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide
Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework written in Java for distributed storage and distributed processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from commodity hardware. All the modules in Hadoop are designed with a fundamental assumption that hardware failures are common and should be automatically handled by the framework. Hadoop has become the de-facto tool used for Distributed computing. Now, we wanted to create a standalone, reference post to provide a framework on how to work with Hadoop and help you quickly kick-start your own applications. Enjoy!

So, that would be all! I hope you enjoyed this folks. Our top posts for 2016. We would love to see you around again and have your support and love in the year to come. Stay tuned for more Java Code Geeks surprises within the new year. It is going to be… legendary!

Happy new year everyone! From the whole Java Code Geeks team, our best wishes!

Be well,

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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