Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W53

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* 11 Things every Software Developer should be doing in 2012: A great list of things that developers should be doing in the year to come. Perfect for new year’s resolutions :-). Also check out Things Every Programmer Should Know.

* Practical Garbage Collection, part 1 – Introduction: Must read article for an introduction to Garbage Collection. Enough said.

* Android SDK: Build a Mall Finder App – Mapview & Location: A very helpful tutorial that shows how to use both the integrated Google Maps functionality and the location based capabilities of Android. Also check out Android Google Maps Tutorial and Android Location Based Services Application.

* Smelly Communication: How the Suits should assign tasks to Geeks: This article discusses the communication problems between the “Suits” (Marketing, Sales, Creative folks) and the “Geeks” (Devs, Ops and Infra folks) which stem from a fundamental gap in understanding between translating the language of business needs into the language of technical requirements.

* Provisioning of Java web applications using Chef, VirtualBox and Vagrant: This DevOps tutorial describes how to set up Chef (configuration management), VirtualBox (virtualization) and Vagrant in order to deploy a very simple web application to a Tomcat instance in a dynamic topology of virtualized servers.

* Java Servlet 3.0 Tutorial: WebServlet Annotations with NetBeans 7, Jetty and Maven: A quick tutorial on how to implement a 3.0 Servlet using WebServlet annotations and how to deploy it on Jetty using Maven and NetBeans. Also check out Servlet 3.0 Async Processing for Tenfold Increase in Server Throughput and JAX–WS with Spring and Maven Tutorial.

* 10 Indispensable NOC Tools for Linux and BSD: As the title suggets, some Linux/BSD based tools that will help you with the NOC administration. Tools like Nagios, Zenoss, CloudPassage, Htop, Xen and others are suggested.

* OSGi: An Introduction: A nice introductory article to OSGi, it demonstrates how to use the framework in order to build modular systems. Eclipse and the Equinox platform are used for this example. Also check out OSGi – Simple Hello World with services and OSGi Using Maven with Equinox.

* Integrating Lucene with HBase: A very interesting article that describes how to integrate Lucene (search library) with HBase (NoSQL data storage) in order to build a highly scalable search implementation. For this, a memory-based backend is used as an in memory cache and a mechanism for synchronizing this cache with the HBase backend is implemented.

* The Rise of Application Analytics: A New Game Demands New Rules: This article discusses the emerging application analytics market, which offers unprecedented insight into how software is being used in the real world and gives multiple stakeholders a reliable way to measure and manage development investments. Application analytics correlates behavior with business results and extends beyond browser clicks on a web page.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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