Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2012 – W07

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* NetBeans IDE 7.1: Unlocking the Java EE 6 Platform: Java EE 6 specification is deeply integrated into NetBeans IDE 7.1 and this article helps you to map its various parts to the related tools provided by the IDE. JPA 2.0, EJB 3.1, JSF 2.0, Servlets 3.0, CDI 1.0 and JAX-RS 1.1 are discussed. Don’t forget to also check From Spring to Java EE 6.

* Developer/Designer Cross Training (or how to get developers to do your work for you): In this presentation, developer and designer cross training is discussed, i.e. how to get designers to cooperate with developers from the early stages of a project in an attempt to create a product that more closely reflects the designer’s vision.

* JEE6: Stress Testing Java EE 6 Applications, how to?: A detailed guide on how to perform stress testing on Java EE 6 applications. Open source tools like JMeter and jVisualVM are used in order to stress test a GlassFish application server. Also check out Profile your applications with Java VisualVM and Servlet 3.0 Async Processing for Tenfold Increase in Server Throughput.

* Meetings: Where Work Goes to Die: Jeff Atwood discusses meetings and why the pose a threat to productivity. He also offers some advice on how to make the most of them, like keeping meeting shorter than an hour, having a clearly defined mission statement for every meeting etc.

* Beyond “Big Data”: Here the author attempts to describe the term “big data”, which involves hdorizontally-scalable columnar data stores, distributed data analysis, data synergy and augmentation and the improved ability to recognize patterns. Don’t miss Hadoop: A Soft Introduction and Big Data analytics with Hive and iReport.

* Easier Parallel Programming on Google App Engine: This article describes an interesting way of achieving parallel programming and using the fork/join approach for tasks running on Google App Engine. Also see Java Fork/Join for Parallel Programming and Spring MVC and REST at Google App Engine.

* MySQL Cluster 7.2 Released with 70x Increased Performance and NoSQL Features: New release of MySQL Cluster from Oracle, with improvements in autosharding the data and replication conflict resolution in addition to some scalability and reliability improvements that allow replication at different data centers. Additionally, Oracle is claiming gains of up to 70x for complex queries (!?!).

* Setup and use Play framework 2.0 in Scala IDE 2.0: This guide shows how to configure a Play web application to import it in Scala IDE, how to configure Scala IDE to work fine with the Play framework and how to develop Play web application from inside Scala IDE. Also see Play! Framework: Why Did I Fall in Love with it and Scala for 2012? Deciding Whether to Invest In a Programming Language.

* Taming Android: This presentation shares tips on creating visually appealing Android applications that scale to various screen sizes. The session focuses on custom views, scalable drawables, and ListView. Also check out “Android Full Application Tutorial” series.

* The Codypo Test, aka 8 Questions To Identify A Lame Programming Job: This article provides some hints on how to identify a lame programming job by comparing salary and the market rates, checking whether internet usage is filtered or monitored, whether maintaining any ancient system is involved etc.

* Pretty Useless Javadocs: To lighten up, some examples of useless yet funny Javadocs. For even more laughs, check Funny Source Code Comments.

* How to Analyze Java Thread Dumps: Very useful article on how to generate and analyze thread dumps in Java in order to identify deadlocks and poor performance in general. Command line tools and VisualVM are used for this purpose. Must read.

* Adding Some Agility to Java EE Application Deployment with GlassFish: This article presents four noteworthy features in GlassFish that increase agility in Java EE application deployment: Session data preservation across redeployments, Servlet fragments, Application-scoped resources and Application versioning. Also see Zero-downtime Deployment (and Rollback) in Tomcat; a walkthrough and a checklist.

* Real-time error monitoring in Google app engine: Quick guide on how to setup real-time error monitoring in Google App Engine and send a Google Talk message each time an error occurs. Nice and simple.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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