Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2012 – W03

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* Best development tools in the cloud: In this article, the best cloud-based development tools are presented. Source Control, Agile project management, Collaboration, Continuous Integration and Automated Testing tools are discussed. Also check out Developing and Testing in the Cloud and Services, practices & tools that should exist in any software development house.

* JBoss Releases Hibernate 4.0: This article discusses the release of Hibernate 4.0 by JBoss. The new release includes features such as Multi-tenancy support, introduction of the “Services” API, better logging with i18n support, preparation for OSGi support and various code cleanups.

* Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry Using Spring and MongoDB: A presentation on how to create Spring applications using Spring Data and MongoDB, applications deployed on Cloud Foundry. Also check out Using MongoDB with Morphia.

* How I Program Stuff: An interesting approach on how to program that involves isolation from distraction, elimination of redundant stuff and ruthless coding.

* Android Essentials: Create a Mirror: This tutorial demonstrates how to create a mirror app for your Android phone using the in built front facing camera. Also check out Android HTTP Camera Live Preview Tutorial.

* Oracle and the Java Ecosystem: An overview of Oracle’s current position in the Java ecosystem. Discusses topics like the Java Community Process (JCP), OpenJDK with its newly renewed interest and how Android fits in all these.

* Just-In-Time Logging: An interesting article that discusses logging and proposes moving it from the province of the developer’s discretion to the circle of architecture and design results in just-in-time logging. On the same topic, also read 10 Tips for Proper Application Logging.

* How to get the most out of Spring and Google App Engine: This presentation will get you up and running building Spring apps on Google App Engine. Explains step-by-step how to build a real Spring app and identifies not only the basics of App Engine, but more advanced topics such as integrating with Google’s SQL Service and using App Engine’s “Always on” feature. Also check out Spring MVC and REST at Google App Engine.

* How Many Hours Can a Programmer Program?: This article discusses programmer’s productivity and how working more hours than usually can affect one’s life.

* Creating Your First Spring Web MVC Application: Detailed tutorial to get you started with a Spring Web MVC application. Also check out Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial and Spring MVC3 Hibernate CRUD Sample Application.

* How Do You Pick Open Source Libraries?: A nice article with pointers on how to pick open source libraries like how well does it fit to a specific scenario, how popular it is, what the code quality is, the location of code and issue tracker and the underlying license.

* Java verbosity, JEE and Lombok: This post discusses how to minimize some of Java’s verbosity by using the Lombok project. More specifically, apart from the Java beans related code, the benefits of Lombok with JPA Entities and JAXB Content Objects are discussed.

* Is it time to get rid of the Linux OS model in the cloud?: A nice article with pointers on how to pick open source libraries like how well does it fit to a specific scenario, how popular it is, what the code quality is, the location of code and issue tracker and the underlying license.

* JVM Performance Tuning (notes): An article with some quick and dirty JVM performance tuning tips focusing on memory management, object allocation and garbage collection. Also check out Profile your applications with Java VisualVM and Practical Garbage Collection, part 1 – Introduction.

* The Principles of Web API Usage: This article describes the basic principles of using a web API, such as reading the provided documentation, using the appropriate version, checking the change log, taking usage limits under consideration, caching data, using the appropriate data format, handling authentication etc.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


Ilias Tsagklis

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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