Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W47

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* Monitor and diagnose Java applications: An amazing collection of Developerworks articles on monitoring and diagnosing Java applications using both tools available in the JDK and third party software. Also check out Monitoring OpenJDK from the CLI.

* Analysis Of Web API Versioning Options: An analysis of the various strategies for versioning Web API in the cloud. The fundamental principle is that you shouldn’t break existing clients, because you don’t know what they implement, and you don’t control them.

* Java 7 Working With Directories: DirectoryStream, Filter and PathMatcher: This tutorial presents some new functionality in Java 7 regarding directories. With DirectoryStream, Filter and PathMatcher developers are now able to perform easily complex directory related operations. Also check out Manipulating Files in Java 7 and Java 7 Feature Overview.

* Why you have less than a second to deliver exceptional performance: This article discusses the performance of web sites (in terms of response times), highlights the importance of having an exceptional performance and explains why it is quite difficult to achieve something like this.

* Why do so many technical recruiters suck?: A real life story indicating why today’s technical recruiters are probably not the way to find good developers.

* Setting Up Measurement of Garbage Collection in Apache Tomcat: In this article, Garbage Collection measurement is set up for Apache Tomcat. First, some performance tuning basics are discussed and then the author shows how to measure GC performance in Tomcat (and any JVM for that matter). Also check out Change Without Redeploying With Eclipse And Tomcat and Zero-downtime Deployment (and Rollback) in Tomcat.

* Continuously Improving as a Developer: Personally, one of the best articles on the subject of becoming a better developer. Includes not only the typical stuff (read code, read more books, write code, use Social Media etc.), but also more subtle things like working out to increase productivity and leveraging the Pareto rule (80/20 principle) when learning a new technology.

* A really simple but powerful rule engine: A great tutorial on how to create a custom simple and lightweight rule engine. First, some rules engine use cases are presented and then the implementation of the engine follows based on some general requirements..

* Is Implementing Continuous Delivery the Key to Success?: In this article, the author discusses Continuous Delivery and how it can affect the product delivery and overall software architecture. The goal is to create an efficient delivery mechanism that will give allow developers to collect useful feedback in a structured and continual way.

* Android SDK: Using the Text to Speech Engine: This tutorial shows you how to use the embedded text to speech (TTS) engine that is provided with the Android SDK. Also check out Android Text-To-Speech Application.

* Using Gossip Protocols for Failure Detection, Monitoring, Messaging and Other Good Things: This article provides a soft introduction to Gossip Protocols which can offer a decentralized way to manage large clusters. Gossip protocols, which maintain relaxed consistency requirements amongst a very large group of nodes, may be used for Failure Detection, Monitoring, as a Form of Messaging etc.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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