Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W52

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew Java Code Geeks attention:

* 7 habits I learned to become more efficient programmer: This post summarizes some coding guidelines that might help developers to write more maintainable source code. The tips include using names, keeping the indentation consistent, adding meaningful comments, following design patterns etc. Also check out Things Every Programmer Should Know.

* Java EE 6 Testing with Arquillian Persistence Extension: This tutorial shows how to use the Arquillian Persistence Extension. Arquillian provides a simple test harness that abstracts away all container lifecycle and deployment, while the persistence extension allows you to test JPA related code without filling up the database with test data (they are populated via .yml files).

* How to use Domain-Driven Design to better understand the business: This article is an introduction to Domain-Driven Design, a software development approach to model complex business applications. It strongly focuses on modeling the core business concepts – model – which in general is the most complex part of a business systems. Also check out Using the State pattern in a Domain Driven Design and Domain Driven Design with Spring and AspectJ.

* Architecting Massively-Scalable Near-Real-Time Risk Analysis Solutions: This article discusses the architectural approach behind Risk Analysis solutions. Risk analysis is a compute-intensive and a data-intensive process, a classic Big Data analytics problem. The effective architecture is a Big Data multi-tiered architecture, in which intraday data is cached in-memory, while historical data is kept in a database.

* Processing Huge JSON Files with Jackson: This article explains how to process large JSON files with Jackson leveraging the JsonView concept and the Streaming API. Also check out Java JSON processing with Jackson and Android JSON Parsing with Gson Tutorial.

* How to manage the performance of 1000+ JVMs: This article gives some hints on how to perform monitoring of production systems where there is a huge number of applications and JVMs involved. Establishing health metrics, measuring the application performance andmonitoring for errors may all help for that cause.

* Using JSON to Build Efficient Applications: This article is a nice introduction to JSON, a way to store information in an organized, easy-to-access way. It also provides a number of reasons on why use JSON (e.g. it is lightweight, integrates easily with every programming language, is natively supported in Javascript etc.). Also take a look at Java JSON processing with Jackson, Add JSON capabilities into your GWT application and Android JSON Parsing with Gson Tutorial.

* In Memory Data Grid Technologies: This article is an introduction to In Memory Data Grids (IMDG), i.e. the software products where the data model is distributed across many servers in a single location or across multiple locations in a ‘shared nothing’ architecture. Also check out GWT Spring and Hibernate enter the world of Data Grids.

* 10 reasons why this is a great time to be a developer: This article presents some of the top reasons why now is a great time to be a developer. Reasons include move to SaaS, low startup costs, mobile technology, the rise of “personal computing” devices, the increasingly prominent role of developers and others.

* How Twitter Stores 250 Million Tweets a Day Using MySQL: An article that sheds some light on Twitter’s data persistence layer. It discusses the transition from Twitter’s old way of storing tweets using temporal sharding, to a more distributed approach using a new tweet store called T-bird, which is built on top of Gizzard, which is built using MySQL.

* Third Party Content Management applied: Four steps to gain control of your Page Load Performance!: This article presents some best practices for integrating Third Party Content and for convincing your business that they will benefit from establishing Third Party Management.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at Java Code Geeks.


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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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