Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W22

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Evernote Architecture – 9 Million Users and 150 Million Requests a Day: An article providing an overview of Evernote’s architecture. Some of the key points include controlling costs, application redundancy, data reliability, fast request routing and system monitoring.

* Why Perfomance Management is easier in public than on premise clouds: With more and more applications being migrated on the cloud and performance being a main aspect of theirs, this article discusses the impact of shared environments, how to get reliable performance metrics and how to manage performance on clouds.

* A Continuous Delivery of Business Value: This detailed article discusses how improving the automated testing aspects of a continuous delivery project led to dramatic improvements in quality and delivered real business value to the client company. On technical terms, this was achieved after completing a Jenkins and JMeter integration to facilitate automated testing.

* Requirements of a Standard Java Module System: A short overview on the developments on modularity in Java. Note that one of the key goals of enabling modularity in the JVM is to enable the splitting of the JVM libraries itself

* Developing Android Home Screen Widgets: A comprehensive guide on how to develop Home Screen Widgets for Android. Also check our take on the subject with our article Creating an AppWidget for the Home Screen.

* Programming Games: This article’s title is a little misleading, since it does not talk about how to program games, but rather provides a historic overview of games that involve programming! Must read for geeks.

* Head first into GWT game development: And now this is an article on how to actually develop a browser game with GWT. Definitely original!

* The Tragedy Of Checked Exceptions: A short, yet interesting article on checked exceptions and why they make programming more difficult instead of facilitating it.

* Erlang is not a Concurrent Functional Programming Language: A nice article discussing Erlang’s merits and why developers should not focus on the fact that it makes concurrency easier but on the fact that Erlang helps building reliable systems. Also check out our article Erlang vs Java memory architecture.

* JavaFX 2 Beta: Time to Reevaluate JavaFX?: Following the release of JavaFX 2 beta, this article discusses JavaFX, its future and whether or not is relevant in today’s programming world.

* Activiti BPM first steps: An article where the author shares his experience on working with Activiti for a BPM project. He talks about Spring integration, creating models with various designers and other. Also check our Andygene Web Archetype which will help you kick start your projects.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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