
Microservices Development with Scala, Spray, MongoDB, Docker and Ansible

This article tries to provide one possible approach to building microservices. We’ll use Scala as programming language. API will be RESTful JSON provided by Spray and Akka. MongoDB will be used as database. Once everything is done we’ll pack it all into a Docker container. Vagrant with Ansible will take care of our environment and configuration management needs.

We’ll do the books service. It should be able to do following:

  • List all books
  • Retrieve all the information related to a book
  • Update an existing book
  • Delete an existing book

This article will not try to teach everything one should know about Scala, Spray, Akka, MongoDB, Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, TDD, etc. There is no single article that can do that. The goal is to show the flow and the setup that one might use when developing services. Actually, most of this article is equally relevant for other types of developments. Docker has much broader usage than microservices, Ansible and CM in general can be used for any type of provisioning and Vagrant is very useful for quick creation of virtual machines.


We’ll use Ubuntu as a development server. Easiest way to set up a server is with Vagrant. If you don’t have it already, please download and install it. You’ll also need Git to clone the repository with the source code. The rest of the article will not require any additional manual installations.

Let’s start by cloning the repo.

git clone
cd books-service

Next we’ll create an Ubuntu server using Vagrant. The definition is following:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :


Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant"
  config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
    v.memory = 2048
  config.vm.define :dev do |dev|
    dev.vm.provision :shell, inline: 'ansible-playbook /vagrant/ansible/dev.yml -c local'
  config.vm.define :prod do |prod|
    prod.vm.provision :shell, inline: 'ansible-playbook /vagrant/ansible/prod.yml -c local'

We defined the box (OS) to be Ubuntu. Sync folder is /vagrant meaning that everything inside the current directory on the host will be available as the /vagrant directory inside the VM. The rest of things we’ll need will be installed using Ansible so we’re provisioning our VM with it through the script. Finally, this Vagrantfile has two VMs defined: dev and prod. Each of them will run Ansible that will make sure that everything is installed properly.

Preferable way to work with Ansible is to divide configurations into roles. In our case, there are four roles located in ansible/roles directory. One will make sure that Scala and SBT are installed, the other that Docker is up and running, and another one will run the MongoDB container. The last role (books) will be used later to deploy the service we’re building to the production VM.

As example, definition of the mongodb role is following.

- name: Directory is present
  tags: [mongodb]

- name: Container is running
  tags: [mongodb]

This should be self-explanatory for those used to work with Docker. The role makes sure that the directory is present and that the mongodb container is running. Playbook ansible/dev.yml is where we tie it all together.

- hosts: localhost
  remote_user: vagrant
  sudo: yes
    - scala
    - docker
    - mongodb

As the previous example, this one should also be self-explanatory. Every time we run this playbook, all tasks from roles scala, docker and mongodb will be executed.

Nice thing about Ansible and Configuration Management in general is that they don’t blindly run scripts but are acting only when needed. If you run the provisioning the second time, Ansible will detect that everything is in order and do nothing. On the other hand if, for example, you delete the directory /data/db, Ansible will detect that it is absent and create it again.

Let’s bring the dev VM up! First time it might take a bit of time since Vagrant will need to download the whole Ubuntu distribution, install few packages and download Docker images for MongoDB. Each next run will be much faster.

vagrant up dev
vagrant ssh dev
ll /vagrant

vagrant up creates a new VM or brings the existing one to life. With vagrant ssh we can enter the newly created box. Finally, ll /vagrant lists all files within that directory as a proof that all our local files are available inside the VM.

That’s it. Our development environment with Scala, SBT and MongoDB container is ready. Now it’s time to develop our books service.

Books Service

I love Scala and Akka. Scala is a very powerful language and Akka is my favourite framework for building message driven JVM applications. While it was born from Scala, Akka can be used with Java as well.

Spray is simple yet very powerful toolkit for building REST/HTTP based applications. It’s asynchronous, uses Akka actors and has a great (if weird at the beginning) DSL for defining HTTP routes.

In the TDD fashion, we do tests before implementation. Here’s an example of tests for the route that retrieves the list of all books.

"GET /api/v1/books" should {

  "return OK" in {
    Get("/api/v1/books") ~> route ~> check {
      response.status must equalTo(OK)

  "return all books" in {
    val expected = insertBooks(3).map { book =>
      BookReduced(book._id, book.title,
    Get("/api/v1/books") ~> route ~> check {
      response.entity must not equalTo None
      val books = responseAs[List[BookReduced]]
      books must haveSize(expected.size)
      books must equalTo(expected)


These are very basic tests that hopefully show the direction one should take to test Spray based APIs. First we’re making sure that our route returns the code 200 (OK). The second spec, after inserting few example books to the DB, validates that they are correctly retrieved. Full source code with all tests can be found in ServiceSpec.scala.

How would we implement those tests? Here’s the code that provides implementation based on the tests above.

val route = pathPrefix("api" / "v1" / "books") {
  get {

That was easy. We define the route /api/v1/books, GET method and the response inside the complete statement. In this particular case, we’re retrieving all the books from the DB and transforming them to the BookReduced case class. Full source code with all methods (GET, PUT, DELETE) can be found in the ServiceActor.scala.

Both tests and implementation presented here are simplified and in real world scenarios there would be more to do. Actually, complex routes and scenarios are where Spray truly shines.

While developing you can run tests in a quick mode.

[Inside the VM]

cd /vagrant
sbt ~test-quick

Whenever source code changes, all affected tests will be re-run automatically. I tend to have terminal window with test results displayed at all times and get continuous feedback of the quality of the code I’m working on.

Testing, Building and Deploying

As any other application, this one should be tested, built and deployed.

Let’s create a Docker container with the service. Definition needed for the creation of the container can be found in the Dockerfile.

[Inside the VM]

cd /vagrant
sbt assembly
sudo docker build -t vfarcic/books-service .
sudo docker push vfarcic/books-service

We assemble the JAR (tests are part of the assemble task), build docker container and push it to the Hub. If you’re planning to reproduce those steps, please create the account in and change vfarcic to your username.

The container that we built contains everything we need to run this service. It is based on Ubuntu, has JDK7, contains an instance of MongoDB and has the JAR that we assembled. From now on this container can be run on any machine that has Docker installed. There is no need for JDK, MongoDB or any other dependency to be installed on the server. Container is self-sufficient and can run anywhere.

Let’s deploy (run) the container we just created in a different VM. That way we’ll simulate deployment to production.

To create the production VM with books service deployed run following.

[from source directory]

vagrant halt dev
vagrant up prod

First command stops the development VM. Each requires 2GB. If you have plenty of RAM you might not need to stop it and can skip this command. The second brings up the production VM with the books service deployed.

After a bit of waiting, new VM is created, Ansible is installed and the playbook prod.yml is run. It installs Docker and runs vfarcic/books-service that was previously built and pushed to the Docker Hub. While running, it will have the port 8080 exposed and share the directory /data/db with the host.

Let’s try it out. First we should send PUT requests to insert some test data.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"_id": 1, "title": "My First Book", "author": "John Doe", "description": "Not a very good book"}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"_id": 2, "title": "My Second Book", "author": "John Doe", "description": "Not a bad as the first book"}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"_id": 3, "title": "My Third Book", "author": "John Doe", "description": "Failed writers club"}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books

Let’s check whether the service returns correct data.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books

We can delete a book.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books/_id/3

We can check that the deleted book is not present any more.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books

Finally, we can request a specific book.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/books/_id/1

That was a very quick way to develop, build and deploy a microservice. One of the advantages of Docker is that it simplifies deployments by reducing needed dependencies to none. Even though the service we built requires JDK and MongoDB, neither needs to be installed on the destination server. Everything is part of the container that will be run as a Docker process.


Microservices have existed for a long time but until recently they did not get enough attention due to problems that arise when trying to provision environments capable of running hundreds if not thousands microservices. Benefits that were gained with microservices (separation, faster development, scalability, etc) were not as big as problems that were created with increased efforts that needed to be put intro deployment and provisioning. Docker and CM tools like Ansible can reduce this effort is almost negligible. With deployment and provisioning problems out-of-the-way, microservices are getting back in fashion due to benefits they provide. Development, build and deployment times are faster when compared to monolithic applications.

Spray is a very good choice for microservices. Docker containers shine when they contain everything the application needs but not more. Using big Web servers like JBoss and WebSphere would be an overkill for a single (small) service. Even Web servers with smaller footprint like Tomcat are not needed. Play! is great for building RESTful APIs. However, it still contains a lot of things we don’t need. Spray, on the other hand, does only one thing and does it well. It provides asynchronous routing capabilities for RESTful APIs.

We could continue adding more features to this service. For example, we could add registration and authentication module. However, that would bring us one step closer to monolithic applications. In microservices world, new services would be new applications and in case of Docker new containers, each of them listening on a different port and happily responding to our HTTP requests.

When building microservices try to create them in a way that they do one or very few things. Complexity is solved by combining them together, not building one big monolithic application.

Viktor Farcic

Viktor Farcic is a Software Developer currently focused on transitions from Waterfall to Agile processes with special focus on Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Continuous Integration (CI).
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Swapnil Shah
Swapnil Shah
9 years ago

How to handle transactions,security propogation in a set of microservices in a distributed env. IN that case will Spray with docer suffice. Who will manage these services for their QOS. Lets say i have 100 functional microservices in different languages in different envornments. How should i orchestrate them and controll them. Will not an dedicated ESB+BPM provide huge benefit in such scenarios or orchestration as SOA principles. Can there be any simple way of doing this.? Usually agent based frameworks are fine for POC types but for mission critical distributed env, as described above how can one leverage Scala ,Akka,others.… Read more »

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