Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W44

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Practical Challenges of Profiler Integration with Java/J2EE Applications: This white paper enlists some of the most common practical challenges in integrating Profiling Tools with Java/J2EE Applications (standalone or Application Server based) and discusses about workarounds that can significantly help reduce turn-around time required for profiling integration activity..

* Guava’s Objects Class: Equals, HashCode, and ToString: This article shows how to use Guava to efficiently implement some standard Java methods like equals, hashCode and toString. Also check out Google Guava Libraries Essentials.

* Finding the Right Data Solution for Your Application in the Data Storage Haystack: This article explores the data needs of end user applications and various tradeoffs. It provides guidelines on the criteria for selecting data storage choices enabling the architects and developers to make an informed decision..

* JEE6: Integration testing with JBoss 7: A nice tutorial that shows how to perform integration testing in a JEE6 environment using JBoss AS 7 and the Arquillian testing framework. Also see Java RESTful API integration testing and JBoss AS 7 EJB3 Pools Configuration.

* Subversion Best Practices: Repository Structure: An article presenting Subversion best practices regarding repository structure. It discusses positives and negatives of Single Repository vs. Multiple Repositories approaches and explains how to make the most of the project’s trunk, branches and tags.

* Why Agile Spreads Like Wildfire: Software Specifications: Here the author argues that the principle reason that Agile development methods have caught on is that they address the root cause of most software development project failures: Unreliability of software specifications. Also check out Save money from Agile Development and You can’t be Agile in Maintenance?.

* StackExchange Architecture Updates – Running Smoothly, Amazon 4x More Expensive: Another update on StackExchange’s remarkable architecture which shows that the scale-up strategy for even largish sites is a good practice.

* Do you SAMCRO your Google App Engine Apps?: A very interesting tutorial that shows how to create a web application with asynchronous, multi-client read capabilities using Google App Engine and the Google App Engine Channel API.

* Modeling the User Interface: This presentation discusses the concepts behind UI and challenges met trying to model user interfaces, and how code generation can be used to create UIs.

* Another reason not to log directly in your code: In this article the author provides a case where logging broke due to an application refactoring and argues against mixing logging with business related code. Don’t forget to check 10 Tips for Proper Application Logging and The Java Logging Mess.

* Creating a high performance cloud hosted homepage: A great example of how to fine-tune an Apache/MySQL/PHP installation that runs on the cloud. The author uses a real-life scenario for this purpose.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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