Software Development

Comparison of language features between Java, Kotlin, Dart and TypeScript

Some time ago I blogged about language features in TypeScript and Dart which I miss in Java.

In this blog post, due to my new expertise in Kotlin, I would like to consider Kotlin too. Every programming language has a main focus where it is used. Java is primarily used in backend, Kotlin in backend + frontend (Android) and Dart, TypeScript are mostly used in frontend.

I have created a comparison of various language features in form of compact tabular cheat sheet. I only considered features which are (partially) existing at least in two programming languages. There is much similarity across different programming languages. But sure, there are unique features per programming language too. Such features are not considered due to huge amount of them. Furthermore, I have taken the latests and greates versions into account.

List of references:

Do you know more features to be compared? Feel free to leave comments.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Oleg Varaksin, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Comparison of language features between Java, Kotlin, Dart and TypeScript

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

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2 years ago

The icon of Java and Kotlin for traditional for loop are inverted.

Last edited 2 years ago by SuperPat
2 years ago

Kotlin can do ternary, it’s just more clearer than others

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