Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W31

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Java SE 7 Released: First Major Update Since December 2006: Big news for Java this week, the new Java SE 7 is released. New features include the Fork/Join Framework, the “try-with-resources” statement, switch statement for Strings, new APIs for file system access, the first new bytecode instruction (invokedynamic) and more.

* Web 2.0 Killed the Middleware Star: An article discussing middleware (JMS, ESB, etc.) and how it is coming out of the picture for web 2.0 applications. As the author states, between cloud computing models and Web 2.0 having been forced to solve the shared messaging concept without middleware – and having done so successfully – that middleware as a service is obsolete.

* QoS for Applications: A Resource Management Framework for Runtimes: A very interesting article that describes how we can use concepts used in the networking field in order to implement resources management in runtimes and containers. Using a similar framework we may be able to provide Quality of Service for applications all running in the same container.

* Parallel programming in Java: A small interview around the Ateji PX Java extensions, an extension of Java that makes parallel programming easier. Parallelism is expressed by simple composition operators and multiple models are supported.

* Functional thinking: Immutability: Immutability is one of the building blocks of functional programming.This great article explains how to implement immutability in Java and Groovy.

* The Principles of Good Programming: Title says it all. Among them are the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle, the Open/Closed, the Single Responsibility and others. Also check The top 9+7 things every programmer or architect should know and Things Every Programmer Should Know.

* Why is JBoss AS 7 so fast?: This article explains why JBoss AS 7 is so fast at startup. Except for the modular approach used, the reason is the effective parallelization of work based on Ahmdahl’s law. This is leveraged by using an entirely new, highly performant, and manageable core architecture.

* What’s New in MySQL 5.6: An overview of the new features in MySQL 5.6 which provides new performance and scalability improvements. Among them are a NoSQL Interface via memcache, explicit partition selection, multi-threaded slaves for replication etc.

* Persistent Model Framework for Android: This article explains how to use Androrm, a persistent relational data mapper especially for Android, which can alleviate the pain of writing ContentProviders and SQL queries. Also check out our Android development Tutorials.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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