Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W29

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Facebook trapped in MySQL ‘fate worse than death’: In this article the author argues that MySQL is posing a liability into Facebook’s growth and performance.This predicament is common among web startups that start small and grow to epic proportions. But NoSQL seems to also not be a viable solution. Enter NewSQL.

* 7 new cool features in Java 7: This article describes some of the new cool features that are provided in the forthcoming Java 7 release. Among them, Strings in switch Statements, Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation, Multiple Exception Handling Syntax and try-with-resources Statement.

* 101 Tips to MySQL Tuning and Optimization: For those of you working with MySQL, this is a good list of tips for tuning and optimizing your MySQL servers. The tips cover hardware and OS tuning, server configuration, schema optimization, queries optimization and backup procedure.

* JBoss AS7 Released: In case you haven’t already heard, JBoss AS 7 was released the previous week, being both EE6 Web Profile certified and OSGi 4.2 compliant. The biggest change is that the AS 7 stack has been modularised for the release, which enables selective startup of modules; those that aren’t used are not loaded into the runtime, which allows it to be one of the fastest starting containers today.

* Open source physics engines: This article introduces the use and basics of a physics engine, a simulator used to create a virtual environment that incorporates laws from the physical world. It also explores two options from the open source community, Box2D and Bullet. A good introduction for game programmers. Also check out our Android Game Development Tutorials.

* VisualVM for Java Development: jVisualVM comes bundled with the JDK and provides a very efficient way of monitoring your Java applications. It allows you to view configuration information, dynamically monitor the application (GC activity, heap activity etc.), monitor CPU usage per thread, monitor memory usage, profile your application and analyze the output of a heap dump. What else can you ask?

* How much should you pay developers?: Joel Spolsky has talked a lot in the past about hiring and compensating developers. In this post he describes the basic principles regarding developer compensation in the Stack Exchange team and provides a guide with the detailed process.

* Hibernate Object Mapping for NoSQL DatastoresHibernate recently introduced support for NoSQL databases via a new framework named OGM (Object Grid Mapping). They started with Infinispan (another JBoss product) but they plan on supporting a bunch of other NoSQL solutions.

* Apache Thrift vs. Protocol Buffers: A comprehensive comparison between Apache’s Thrift and Google’s Protobuf for platform agnostic serialization. Features, performance, code quality, open-ness and documentation are all taken under account. Also check out our article Java Best Practices – High performance Serialization.

* Google+ is Built Using Tools You Can Use Too: Closure, Java Servlets, JavaScript, BigTable, Colossus, Quick Turnaround: This article discusses the stack used for building Google+. It consists of Closure (a suite of JavaScript tools), plain old Java servlets, Google’s own BigTable and Colossus (Google’s next generation file system) among others.

* Developing RESTful applications on JBoss AS 7: After getting introduced to JBoss AS 7, it is time to take it for a test drive. This is a straightforward guide on how to deploy REST applications on the brand new JBoss 7. First, the new JBoss modules approach is examined, then the Maven and Eclipse integration is explained and finally a sample RESTful web service is deployed on the server.

* Google Code Gets Git: With Git getting a lot of traction during the past years, Google Code introduced support for Git repositories, along with the existing Subversion and Mercurial ones. It is also possible for existing projects to switch over to Git repositories. Cool!

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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