Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W11

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* Good code is cheap code: An article where the author claims that good code is cheap code, i.e. code that is easy to maintain, is minimally complex and can be easily extended. He also provides some short insights on how to write such code.

* My Thoughts on Thoughts on Developer Longevity: In this post the author shares some  thoughts on an other article discussing how age plays a role in software development. He also explains how a mixture of young and older developer can create a very strong team.

* Another look at Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment: A great article on how to leverage continuous delivery and deployment in order to automate your application’s deployment and as a result create a product of high quality.

* jBPM5 lightweight? Running on Android! : In this post the author explains how he managed to run the jBMP engine on Android! This is definitely a showcase of how lightweight the engine is and surely and interesting read.

* The 5 minute tutorial to getting started with Spring 3 MVC: As the title says, a quick guide on how to get started with Spring 3 MVC framework. After this, also check our older articles Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial and Spring 3 RESTful Web Services.

* Major GCs – Separating Myth from Reality : The guys at DynaTrace blog talk about major garbage collections during an application’s lifetime and how those affect the application’s performance.

* Why Data Structures Matter: This is functional programming related article where the importance of data structures in an algorithm implementation is shortly discussed.

* Ehcache: Distributed Cache or NoSQL Store? An article by Ehcache CTO explaining how Ehcache compares to a NoSQL store and how it could be used for such purposes. Performance, durability, consistency and other attributes are discussed.

* Ensuring Product Quality at Google: A very interesting article about how Google performs tests internally and how ensures product quality. In short, Google blends development with testing, having relatively few testers, and each product goes through successive channels before is ready for prime time.

* Clustering Tomcat Servers with High Availability and Disaster Fallback: An analytical guide on how to cluster Tomcat servers in a high availability configuration with disaster fallback. The author uses some robust Linux tools (such as Heartbeat) in order to create a HA Tomcat cluster.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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