Best Of The Week

Best Of The Week – 2011 – W09

Hello guys,

Time for the “Best Of The Week” links for the week that just passed. Here are some links that drew JavaCodeGeeks attention:

* The Holy Grail of Zero Defect Systems: A short article discussing the “ultimate goal” of eliminating all defects from your system and why some times it is better to not fix a bug (short answer: in order to avoid the risk of introducing more bugs).

* Spring Best Practices: A nice collection of tips (I would not really characterize them as “best practices”) for our beloved framework, Spring. It includes pretty much everything, from configuration to AOP. While you are at it, also take a look at our Spring related articles.

* Is The Second Dotcom Bubble Underway? Ten Telltale Signs: Title says it all. With Facebook and Twitter evaluated at ridiculously high prices, are we running towards a new Dotcom bubble? Not a technical article per-se, but I am sure you will find it at very interesting.

* This stuff isn’t taught, you learn it bit by bit as you solve each problem: This is actually a re-post of an answer given in a HackerNews thread regarding building high-scalability systems and how someone can learn how to do it. The answer: you learn it a piece at a time when the various problems hit you in the face.

* Prevalence of Non-Java JVM Languages on JVM: A short, yet interesting article, discussing the results of a poll on how much of your JVM-based programming is in languages other than Java.

* Using GWT to Build a Large Web Application: This is a post-mortem explaining how a large web application was built using GWT. Cool read, stating some of the benefits of this approach.

* Brownfield Software – Industrial Waste or Business Fertilizer?: InfoQ again, with a very nice presentation that addresses 10 myths related to working on legacy software, attempting to prove that one can make good use of legacy code without having to rewrite the entire thing.We all prefer to work in greenfield projects, but there is apparently an other side too.

* Getting GWT to work with Servlet 3 Async Requests: The guys at JTeam explain how to make GWT to play along with a new Servlet v.3 feature, the one that supports async requests.

* The pain of enterprise Java development: A very nice post discussing how Java enterprise development can be painful and why some times, we developers also make things worse by inflicting some of the pain on our selves.

* Brian Chess on Static Code Analysis: An interview with Brian Chess on the merits of static code analysis and how it helps in building secure software. Static analysis is essentially about finding problems in code without executing it. After this, also take a look at one of our previous articles Using FindBugs to produce substantially less buggy code.

That’s all for this week. Stay tuned for more, here at JavaCodeGeeks.

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Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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