Enterprise Java

jClarity: Boost to Java on Azure

In the new age of connected world public infrastructure, the biggest and the most essential two pieces have been the birth and the rise of Java and the OpenJDK. And hence, many companies devote their time and resources in building cutting edge technologies to ensure the industry, in general, has an abundance of quality rich yet free of cost OpenJDK binaries at AdoptOpenJDK for years to come.

One of the most crucial aspects of Java Web development on cloud-based applications is of performance monitoring and analysis. It is especially important as it often decides the difference between an efficient and inefficient cloud service. The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence has proved to be a game-changer as it has enabled companies to build large parts of the cloud infrastructure over it – which also sports features and tools that are not only intelligent but also incredibly lightweight-performance monitoring.

It gives the Information Technology teams of the client companies to focus on developing the company’s tech stack rather than troubleshooting the level of throughput it should generate. And hence, there exists a huge demand for software that automatically does the troubleshooting and healing for you.


This domain far exceeds the nuances of Java. These applications that are a raging development today, particularly, for just Java, will be a common talk shortly for all other programming languages.

These incremental changes have eventually led to the adoption of the commercial support for AdoptOpenJDK binaries open-source version of the open-source, the drop-in replacement for Oracle’s Java/JDK: J-Clarity.

Let us now dive in to read more about J-Clarity and the promise it holds.


As stated above, JClarity is simply a software performance monitoring, tuning and analytical tool (primarily for Java) enforced through the power of machine learning. A most important application of J-Clarity is to use artificial intelligence models to troubleshoot Java performance issues and hazards in a desktop or a cloud setup, whichever the client demands. It not only has shown how powerful their system is but also how easy it is to set up and roll out in production. It is predominantly cross infrastructure, providing a low impact tool that requires only a few seconds to activate only whenever a diagnosis is required on cloud or an on-premise system.

Another feature that impacts the user significantly is that their machine learning model is always supported heavily by a highly trained set of professionals at the helpdesk support and training of in-house staff. They advise and quickly resolve almost all issues that have ever popped up on the application. 

So how does Azure come into the picture? Microsoft acquired J-Clarity in August 2019 to support their continued contributions to the open-source while driving increased performance for Java workloads on Azure.

Cross-platform OpenJDK binaries

The recent trend for Microsoft has been to see a drastic increase in the adoption of java for writing their business software. It now fashions many large-scale deployments including, Azure HDInsight and everyone’s favorite – Minecraft. Also, Java is seeing a huge surge in client companies that are extremely keen to bring their Java production workload following the footsteps, of giants like Adobe, Daimler and Société Générale.

Well, the ball did not stop rolling there for Microsoft, what with strong partnerships being formed soon enough with companies to bring their full wide set of environments and applications, such as Azul Systems, Pivotal, Red Hat and Oracle to name a few. Since Azure’s attitude has always been very positive towards open-source as fifty percent of the entire cloud workload run on Linux, Java was bound to stumble into Azure’s long-term plans.

The team at J-Clarity is an open-source champion and JVM experts who will prove to be invaluable assets in Microsoft’s pursuit of well-optimized Java applications. This seems to be a perfect fit as this acquisition does not bring in any unfamiliar vibes as back in 2018 June, Microsoft was the core sponsor of the AdoptOpenJDK project to help build binaries of OpenJDK for different platforms, including Linux and Windows.

Cloud Memory leaks

 The world of cloud is owned by none but just the cloud services company.

The meaning of this statement extends to the fact that every application that utilizes this service is allocated a piece of the memory which is then ideally deallocated to be allocated to another application, this poses the problem of a ‘memory leak’ in a situation where, for some reason, the memory deallocation was not done even if the memory is not used. This leads to inefficient use of the cloud and resources are wasted.

J-Clarity homegrown application software Censum is precisely designed with the purpose of tracking ‘memory leaks’ in any configuration the developer plans to deploy their application, whether it be cloud or an on-premise PC. This works along with the Illuminate diagnosis engine, the troubleshooting application. Both are semi-automated as both runs over machine learning algorithms.

More and more companies like LinkedIn and Starbucks are turning their heads towards Java on the cloud. Microsoft’s smart move of going in and acquiring a talented London-based team behind J-Clarity shows that it is not aiming for the silver medal in the long and highly competitive race for the most used cloud service.

Microsoft aims to make Azure cloud service for not only large-scale customers but will also be one of the pioneers of the open-source cloud development revolution.

Divyesh Aegis

Divyesh Aegis is a senior Java developer and writer for working with NEX – leading mobile and web Development Company in USA. You can contact his in order to hire digital marketing to avail the highly functional mobile and web development solutions. He has several years of experience in the field of Java Development.
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