Software Development

Exploring Vue UI Component Libraries for Modern Web Development

In front-end development, Vue.js emerged as a powerful and flexible JavaScript framework, renowned for its simplicity and scalability. Vue’s popularity has led to a vibrant ecosystem of UI component libraries, which offer developers a wide array of pre-designed and customizable elements to build beautiful and responsive user interfaces. In this article, we will explore some Vue UI component libraries that can supercharge your Vue projects.

1. Vuetify

Undoubtedly one of the most popular Vue UI frameworks, Vuetify is a comprehensive UI component library for Vue.js that empowers developers to create elegant and responsive web applications with ease. It is built on top of Vue.js and follows Google’s Material Design guidelines, offering a rich set of pre-designed and customizable components to streamline the development process.

2. PrimeVue

PrimeVue is a comprehensive UI component library designed for Vue.js developers seeking to create sophisticated and responsive web applications. Built with performance and usability in mind, PrimeVue offers a diverse range of meticulously crafted components, including charts, grids, inputs, and overlays, among others. PrimeVue’s lightweight footprint ensures fast loading times and smooth interactions, while its extensive documentation and support resources make it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

3. Bootstrap Vue

For those familiar with Bootstrap’s design language, Bootstrap Vue provides a seamless integration of Bootstrap components into Vue.js applications. It combines the power of Bootstrap’s CSS framework with Vue’s reactive data binding, offering developers a convenient way to create modern and responsive user interfaces.

4. Element Plus

Element Plus is a Vue.js UI library, an extension of Element UI, offering a collection of responsive and customizable components. With a sleek design and abundant features, Element Plus simplifies web development, empowering developers to effortlessly create modern and intuitive user interfaces for their Vue.js applications.

5. Quasar

Quasar is a full-stack Vue.js framework that streamlines the development of responsive and cross-platform web and mobile applications. With its extensive component library, build tools and responsive design philosophy, Quasar simplifies the creation of high-performance applications, catering to the diverse needs of developers and end-users alike. Quasar is a great choice for building full-fledged hybrid mobile apps (PWAs) with Vue.js.

6. Ant Design Vue

Ant Design Vue brings the elegance and efficiency of Ant Design to Vue.js developers. With its meticulously designed components and comprehensive documentation, Ant Design Vue empowers developers to create professional-grade user interfaces with ease.

7. Ionic Vue

Ionic Vue is a powerful UI component library that seamlessly integrates the Vue.js framework with the Ionic ecosystem, enabling developers to build high-performance and cross-platform mobile applications using web technologies. Ionic Vue components are optimized for mobile devices, providing a consistent and intuitive user experience across iOS, Android, and web platforms. One of the key features of Ionic Vue is its seamless integration with Capacitor, Ionic’s native runtime for building cross-platform mobile apps.

8. Buefy

Buefy is a lightweight and flexible UI framework for Vue.js that leverages the power of Bulma, a popular CSS framework. With its modular architecture and customizable components, Buefy allows developers to create modern and responsive web applications with minimal effort.

9. Keen UI

Keen UI is a lightweight and modular UI library for Vue.js that focuses on simplicity and flexibility. With its clean and minimalist design, Keen UI offers a range of essential components like buttons, forms, and modals, allowing developers to build sleek and intuitive user interfaces effortlessly.

10. Framework7 Vue

Framework7 Vue combines the flexibility of Vue.js with the mobile-first approach of Framework7 to create high-performance mobile apps. With its extensive collection of UI components and built-in animations, Framework7 Vue enables developers to build feature-rich mobile applications that look and feel like native apps.

11. Vuestic UI

This library offers a unique approach with its focus on Vue 3 and TypeScript. Vuestic UI is a Vue.js component library designed for building clean and visually appealing user interfaces. It offers a collection of customizable and responsive components, including charts, forms, and widgets, to streamline the development of modern web applications. Vuestic UI prioritizes simplicity, flexibility, and user experience for developers.

12. VueStrap

VueStrap is a Vue.js implementation of Bootstrap components, providing Vue developers with access to a wide range of UI elements and utilities. By seamlessly integrating Bootstrap’s CSS and JavaScript components into Vue.js applications, VueStrap simplifies the development process and ensures consistency across projects.

13. Tailwind CSS

While not strictly a component library, Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that integrates seamlessly with Vue.js. It provides low-level utility classes that allow you to build custom UIs with a high degree of control.

Note that this list is not exhaustive or presented in any specific order. Web developers are encouraged to conduct thorough research to find Vue UI component libraries that best suit their project requirements. Factors such as functionality, design preferences, community support, and documentation should be considered when selecting the right library for your needs.


Choosing the right Vue UI component libraries for your project depends on various factors, including your project’s specific needs, design preferences, team familiarity, and the desired level of customization. By considering these factors and exploring the options listed above, you can find the perfect library to accelerate your Vue.js development and create exceptional user experiences.

Omozegie Aziegbe

Omos holds a Master degree in Information Engineering with Network Management from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Omos is currently a freelance web/application developer who is currently focused on developing Java enterprise applications with the Jakarta EE framework.
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