Software Development

Revolutionize Data Management: Unleashing the Potential of Quarkus and HarperDB for Maximum Efficiency

Welcome to a transformative journey in modern data management! In this tutorial, we will explore the seamless integration of Quarkus, a cutting-edge Java framework for building cloud-native applications, with HarperDB, a powerful and high-performance database solution. By the end of this guide, you will have the skills to craft a Quarkus-based microservice API intricately connected with HarperDB, enabling you to unlock unparalleled efficiency and scalability in your data-driven applications.

As organizations strive for agility and responsiveness in today’s dynamic digital landscape, the need for efficient and scalable solutions for data management has become paramount. Quarkus, with its focus on fast startup times and low memory footprint, has emerged as a frontrunner for developing microservices that can swiftly adapt to changing demands. Paired with HarperDB, which boasts a robust and versatile database engine, this combination presents a potent alliance for crafting modern, high-performance applications.

Throughout this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building a Quarkus-based microservice API that seamlessly integrates with HarperDB. From setting up your development environment to implementing robust API endpoints, and optimizing data storage and retrieval with HarperDB, we’ll cover each step with clarity and precision.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to enhance your microservices architecture or a newcomer eager to explore the realms of Quarkus and HarperDB, this tutorial is designed to empower you with practical insights and hands-on experience. Get ready to harness the power of Quarkus and HarperDB for efficient, scalable, and high-performance data management. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together

1. HarperDB 4.2

Embark on a revolutionary journey with HarperDB 4.2, a comprehensive solution that seamlessly intertwines an ultra-fast database, user-programmable applications, and data streaming into a unified technological marvel. HarperDB 4.2 is not just an upgrade; it’s a leap forward in simplifying the complex, accelerating the slow, and reducing costs in the realm of application development. This latest version offers a cohesive and unified platform, empowering developers to craft applications that effortlessly span the globe, handling data with unprecedented ease and speed.

HarperDB is a NoSQL database designed for simplicity and high performance. It is known for its ease of use, flexibility, and ability to handle both traditional and modern data structures. Some key features and aspects of HarperDB include:

  1. Multi-Model Database: HarperDB is a multi-model database, meaning it can handle various data models, including document, key-value, and graph data.
  2. SQL Support: Despite being a NoSQL database, HarperDB supports SQL queries, making it accessible to developers familiar with SQL syntax.
  3. Horizontal Scalability: HarperDB is designed to scale horizontally, allowing it to handle increased workloads by adding more nodes to the system.
  4. Embedded Mode: Developers can choose to run HarperDB in an embedded mode, making it easy to integrate with applications and deploy in various environments.
  5. Edge Computing: HarperDB is well-suited for edge computing scenarios, where data needs to be processed closer to the source rather than in a centralized data center.
  6. High Performance: HarperDB emphasizes fast performance and low latency, making it suitable for applications with demanding data processing requirements.

2. Creating a Quarkus Microservice API With HarperDB, Part 1: Setting up the Environment

In this part of the tutorial, we’ll guide you through the initial steps of setting up your development environment for creating a Quarkus-based microservice API integrated with HarperDB. This involves configuring your environment, creating a schema, and defining a table in HarperDB.

Step 1: Install Quarkus Development Environment

Make sure you have Java installed on your system. Quarkus requires Java 11 or later. You can download and install OpenJDK or Oracle JDK from their respective websites.

Next, install Apache Maven, a build and project management tool. You can download Maven from the official Apache Maven website.

Now, install the Quarkus CLI (Command Line Interface) by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

curl -s -o && unzip -d my-quarkus-project && rm
cd my-quarkus-project

Step 2: Configure HarperDB

Now, let’s configure HarperDB to set up the database environment.

  1. Install HarperDB: Download and install HarperDB from the official website.
  2. Start HarperDB: Run HarperDB using the provided executable or script.
# Example for Linux/Mac
cd path/to/hdb
  1. Access HarperDB Studio: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:9925. This is the default address for HarperDB Studio.

Step 3: Create a Schema and Table

Now that HarperDB is running, let’s create a schema and a table for our microservice.

  1. Create a Schema: In HarperDB Studio, go to the “Schema” tab and click on the “Add Schema” button. Enter a schema name (e.g., quarkus_tutorial) and save.
  2. Create a Table: Within the newly created schema, click on the “Add Table” button. Enter a table name (e.g., sample_table) and define the columns based on your application requirements.Here’s a sample snippet of a JSON schema for a sample_table:
  "schema": "quarkus_tutorial",
  "table": "sample_table",
  "hash_attribute": "id",
  "attributes": {
    "id": "integer",
    "name": "string",
    "age": "integer"

Adjust the schema and attributes according to your specific needs.

  1. Save and Apply Changes: After defining the schema and table, don’t forget to save and apply the changes.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully configured your Quarkus development environment and set up HarperDB with a schema and table. In the next part of the tutorial, we’ll delve into creating the Quarkus microservice and establishing the connection with HarperDB. Stay tuned!

3. Creating a Quarkus Microservice API With HarperDB, Part 2: Microservice Creation and Database Connection

In this part of the tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a Quarkus microservice and establishing a connection with HarperDB. We’ll cover the necessary dependencies, configuration, and code snippets to get your microservice up and running.

Step 1: Add HarperDB Dependency to Quarkus Project

Open the pom.xml file in your Quarkus project directory and add the HarperDB dependency:

        <version>2.1.3</version> <!-- Replace with the latest version -->

Save the file, and Maven will automatically download the required dependencies.

Step 2: Configure HarperDB Connection in

Create or update the src/main/resources/ file to configure the HarperDB connection:


Replace HDB_ADMIN_USERNAME and HDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD with your HarperDB admin credentials.

Step 3: Create an Entity Class

Create a Java class representing the entity you want to persist in the database. For example, a Person class:

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Person {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    public Long id;

    public String name;
    public int age;

    // Constructors, getters, setters

Step 4: Create a Repository Interface

Create a repository interface to interact with the database. Extend PanacheRepositoryBase for easy CRUD operations:

import io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.panache.PanacheRepositoryBase;

public interface PersonRepository extends PanacheRepositoryBase<Person, Long> {

Step 5: Create a Resource Class

Create a resource class to handle HTTP requests. For example, a PersonResource class:

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import java.util.List;

public class PersonResource {

    PersonRepository personRepository;

    public List<Person> getAllPersons() {
        return personRepository.listAll();

    public Person getPersonById(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
        return personRepository.findById(id);

    public void addPerson(Person person) {

    public void updatePerson(@PathParam("id") Long id, Person updatedPerson) {
        Person existingPerson = personRepository.findById(id);
        if (existingPerson != null) {
            existingPerson.age = updatedPerson.age;

    public void deletePerson(@PathParam("id") Long id) {

Step 6: Run Your Quarkus Application

Execute the following command to start your Quarkus application:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

Your Quarkus microservice should now be running at http://localhost:8080. You can test the endpoints using tools like curl or Postman.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a Quarkus microservice connected to HarperDB. In the next part, we’ll dive into more advanced features and optimizations. Stay tuned!

4. Advancing Your Quarkus Microservice With HarperDB, Part 3: Advanced Features and Optimizations

In this final part of our tutorial , we’ll explore advanced features and optimizations to enhance the capabilities of your Quarkus microservice integrated with HarperDB.

Advanced Features

  1. Custom Queries with Panache: Leverage Panache, Quarkus’s active record pattern, to write custom queries for more complex data retrieval and manipulation. Extend the functionality of your repository interface with custom methods.
// Example in PersonRepository
List<Person> findByName(String name);

2. Transactions and Error Handling: Implement transactional operations to ensure data consistency. Utilize exception handling to gracefully manage errors and provide meaningful responses to clients.

// Example in PersonResource
public void addPerson(Person person) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Handle exception


  1. Caching: Implement caching mechanisms, such as Quarkus Cache, to store and retrieve frequently accessed data more efficiently.
// Example: Caching in PersonResource
@CacheResult(cacheName = "persons")
public List<Person> getAllPersons() {
    return personRepository.listAll();

2. Asynchronous Processing: Improve response times by implementing asynchronous processing for non-blocking operations. Utilize Quarkus’s reactive programming capabilities.

// Example: Asynchronous method in PersonResource
public Uni<List<Person>> getAllPersonsAsync() {
    return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> personRepository.listAll());

5. Closing Thoughts

In this tutorial you’ve learned how to set up your development environment, establish a connection to HarperDB, and implement advanced features for a robust application.

As you continue your journey in application development, remember to explore additional Quarkus extensions, HarperDB features, and best practices to further optimize and customize your microservices.

The combination of Quarkus and HarperDB offers a powerful and flexible solution for modern, high-performance applications. Feel free to delve into the extensive documentation of both technologies for more in-depth insights and possibilities.

Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey. May your future development endeavors be efficient, scalable, and filled with innovation! Happy coding!

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