Software Development

#GeekListener v.4

The fourth #GeekListener is out! So what was awesome in software development world? Well from the most loud events I can recall just one – CA World. These guys talked a lot about integration of technologies and software in all business.

Now we can continue with the main part of the digest – TWEETS OVERVIEW!

George Watt quotes Otto Berkes…

Well, I don’t want to disappoint George and Otto, but drug dealers in Venezuela have high revenues even without official twitter accounts. And I think they don’t plan to open e-commerce shops in the nearest future.

Bruce Eckel motivates to action!

Do you still have some doubts regarding a deployment of your app in the production this Friday? Indeed?! You must do it, only this will move you to Monday through wasted weekends.
Btw me and a lot of my friends have read the java book written by Bruce and we want to give him a BIG RESPECT!

Outstanding news by Stefan Tilkov!

AngularFaces… Are you seriously? What’s next? React Server Pages?! Just imagine somewhere in 2016:
– Hello, I’m recruiter at CoolSoftServices Inc. We are looking for experienced backend developer as you. By the way, do you use ReactSP?
– Hmm… Sorry, I need to go…

Our next newsmaker is Jimmy Heller!

Jimmy, I totally agree! But I’m scared that JavaEE has no future until the last EJB isn’t substituted by a Spring Bean! In that day I’ll raise a glass of champagne for the Spring community!

Marc Wilczek makes a prediction!

And we can’t ignore this tweet. Because all of us make a small contribution, for this to become a reality! I write these fucking digests, you read them and then share in social networks, meanwhile somewhere in South Korea uploading a new StarCraft replay to YouTube…

I also decided to publish some useful tweet. And Tomasz Dziurko helped me with this.

Many SEO specialists for sure envious to Tomasz’s post. A lot of infographic, diagrams which illustrate competition of different Intellij IDEA configurations. All this is a warranty of a successful article. I definitely like it!

Breaking news from UI world.

As you see, now Scala.JS site is much better.

And finally Heiko Seeberger reminds us how fast technologies change.

Just yesterday when someone said “BigData”, your thoughts were likely about Hadoop. And today you hear “Hadoop”, and you think about old, slow elephants. It’s Spark time, guys!

Do you want to join the #GeekListener digest? Then retweet cool tweets with the hash code #GeekListener! Comment, share and stay in touch! Have a good production deployment on this Friday :)

Reference: #GeekListener v.4 from our JCG partner Alexey Zvolinskiy at the Fruzenshtein’s notes blog.

Alexey Zvolinskiy

Alexey is a test developer with solid experience in automation of web-applications using Java, TestNG and Selenium. He is so much into QA that even after work he provides training courses for junior QA engineers.
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