Core Java

JUnit: Testing Exceptions with Java 8 and AssertJ 3.0.0

AssertJ 3.0.0 release for Java 8 makes testing exceptions much easier than before. In one of my previous blog post I described how to utilize plain Java 8 to achieve this, but with AssertJ 3.0.0 much of the code I created may be removed.

Warning: this blog post contains mostly the code examples.

SUT – System Under Test

We will test exceptions thrown by the below 2 classes.

The first one:

class DummyService {
    public void someMethod() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Runtime exception occurred");

    public void someOtherMethod(boolean b) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Runtime exception occurred",
                new IllegalStateException("Illegal state"));

And the second:

class DummyService2 {
    public DummyService2() throws Exception {
        throw new Exception("Constructor exception occurred");

    public DummyService2(boolean dummyParam) throws Exception {
        throw new Exception("Constructor exception occurred");

assertThatThrownBy() examples

Note: static import of org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy is required in order to make the below code work properly.

public void verifiesTypeAndMessage() {
    assertThatThrownBy(new DummyService()::someMethod) 
            .hasMessage("Runtime exception occurred")

public void verifiesCauseType() {
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> new DummyService().someOtherMethod(true))
            .hasMessage("Runtime exception occurred")

public void verifiesCheckedExceptionThrownByDefaultConstructor() {
            .hasMessage("Constructor exception occurred");

public void verifiesCheckedExceptionThrownConstructor() {
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> new DummyService2(true))
            .hasMessage("Constructor exception occurred");

The assertions presented comes from AbstractThrowableAssert and there are much more of them for you to use!

No exception thrown!

The below test will fail as no exception is thrown:

public void failsWhenNoExceptionIsThrown() {    
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> System.out.println());

The message is:

java.lang.AssertionError: Expecting code to raise a throwable.

AAA Style

If you wish to distinguish act and assert phases of the test for improving readability, it is also possible:

public void aaaStyle() {
    // arrange
    DummyService dummyService = new DummyService();

    // act
    Throwable throwable = catchThrowable(dummyService::someMethod);

    // assert
            .hasMessage("Runtime exception occurred");


  • Source code for this article is available on GitHub (have a look at com.github.kolorobot.assertj.exceptions package)
  • AssertJ 3.0.0 for Java 8 release

Rafal Borowiec

Software developer, Team Leader, Agile practitioner, occasional blogger, lecturer. Open Source enthusiast, quality oriented and open-minded.
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