Software Development

10 things you can do as a developer to make your app secure: #9 Start with Requirements

To build a secure system, you should start thinking about security from the beginning.

Legal and Compliance Constraints

First, make sure that everyone on the team understands the legal and compliance requirements and constraints for the system.

Regulations will drive many of the security controls in your system, including authentication, access control, data confidentiality and integrity (and encryption), and auditing, as well as system availability and reliability.

Agile teams in particular should not depend only on their Product Owner to understand and communicate these requirements. Compliance restrictions can impose important design constraints which may not be clear from a business perspective, as well as assurance requirements that dictate how you need to build and test and deliver the system, and what evidence you need to show that you have done a responsible job.

As developers you should try to understand what all of this means to you as early as possible. As a place to start, Microsoft has a useful and simple guide (Regulatory Compliance Demystified: An Introduction to Compliance for Developers) that explains common business regulations including SOX, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS and what they mean to developers.

Tracking Confidential Data

The fundamental concern in most regulatory frameworks is controlling and protecting data.
Make sure that everyone understands what data is private/confidential/sensitive and therefore needs to be protected. Identify and track this data throughout the system. Who owns the data? What is the chain of custody? Where is the data coming from? Can the source be trusted? Where is the data going to? Can you trust the destination to protect the data? Where is the data stored or displayed? Does it have to be stored or displayed? Who is authorized to create it, see it, change it, and do these actions need to be tracked and reviewed?

The answers to these questions will drive requirements for data validation, data integrity, access control, encryption, and auditing and logging controls in the system.

Application Security Controls

Think through the basic functional application security controls: Authentication, Access Control, Auditing – all of which we’ve covered earlier in this series of posts. Where do these controls need to be added? What security stories need to be written? How will these controls be tested?

Business Logic Abuse Can be Abused

Security also needs to be considered in business logic, especially multi-step application workflows dealing with money or other valuable items, or that handle private or sensitive information, or command and control functions. Features like online shopping carts, online banking account transactions, user password recovery, bidding in online auctions, or online trading and root admin functions are all potential targets for attack.

The user stories or use cases for these features should include exceptions and failure scenarios (what happens if a step or check fails or times out, or if the user tries to cancel or repeat or bypass a step?) and requirements derived from “abuse cases” or “misuse cases”. Abuse cases explore how the application’s checks and controls could be subverted by attackers or how the functions could be gamed, looking for common business logic errors including time of check/time of use and other race conditions and timing issues, insufficient entropy in keys or addresses, information leaks, failure to prevent brute forcing, failing to enforce workflow sequencing and approvals, and basic mistakes in input data validation and error/exception handling and limits checking.

This isn’t defence-against-the-dark-arts black hat magic, but getting this stuff wrong can be extremely damaging. For some interesting examples of how bad guys can exploit small and often just plain stupid mistakes in application logic, read Jeremiah Grossman’s classic paper “Seven Business Logic Flaws that put your Website at Risk”.

Make time to walk through important abuse cases when you’re writing up stories or functional requirements, and make sure to review this code carefully and include extra manual testing (especially exploratory testing) as well as pen testing of these features to catch serious business logic problems.
We’re close to the finish line. The final post in this series is coming up: Design and Architect Security In.

Jim Bird

Jim is an experienced CTO, software development manager and project manager, who has worked on high-performance, high-reliability mission-critical systems for many years, as well as building software development tools. His current interests include scaling Lean and Agile software development methodologies, software security and software assurance.
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