Software Development

Optimize Kubernetes with K8s-Cleaner

Welcome to K8s-cleaner, your solution for keeping your Kubernetes environment neat and efficient! This powerful tool is designed to identify and remove any unused or stale resources, ensuring that your cluster remains streamlined. Not only does K8s-cleaner help in maintaining a clutter-free environment, but it also provides handy notifications, keeping you informed about the cleanup progress. Let’s explore how K8s-cleaner can effortlessly enhance the cleanliness and health of your Kubernetes resources.

1. What Is K8s-Cleaner?

Imagine your computer desktop cluttered with files you no longer need – that’s where K8s-cleaner steps in for your Kubernetes world. K8s-cleaner is like your personal organizer, but for your Kubernetes cluster. It scans through and identifies things that are just taking up space, like unused or stale resources, and then does a digital spring cleaning by removing them. It’s like having a friend who tidies up your room, making sure everything is in its place. Plus, K8s-cleaner can even shoot you a quick message to let you know it’s done – just like getting a heads-up after your room has been tidied! It’s your tool to keep your Kubernetes space clean, efficient, and ready for whatever comes next

1.1 Why they are Important

K8s-cleaner is important for a few key reasons:

Importance of K8s-cleanerExplanation
Efficiency BoostKeeps the Kubernetes environment organized and removes unused or stale resources, enhancing cluster efficiency.
Resource OptimizationOptimizes Kubernetes resources by preventing the cluster from being cluttered with non-essential items.
Cost SavingsControls costs by ensuring that only necessary resources are actively utilized, preventing unnecessary expenses.
Proactive MaintenanceActs as a proactive maintenance tool, identifying and addressing issues to prevent performance problems.
Notification FeatureProvides notifications to keep users informed about resource cleanup, ensuring transparency in cluster management.

2. How to Use K8s-Cleaner

Using K8s-Cleaner is a straightforward process. Below are the steps along with necessary code snippets for each action:

1. Installation:

  • Begin by installing K8s-Cleaner. You can use the following command:
kubectl apply -f

2. Configuration:

  • Create a configuration file, say k8s-cleaner-config.yaml, where you specify what resources you want to clean up. Below is an example for cleaning up Deployments and ConfigMaps:
kind: CleanupPolicy
- exclude:
    - my-important-deployment
configMaps: {}

3. Apply Configuration:

  • Apply the configuration to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f k8s-cleaner-config.yaml

4. Run K8s-Cleaner:

  • Once configured, run K8s-Cleaner as a Kubernetes Job:
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/kube-resource-cleaner k8s-cleaner-job

5. Check Cleanup Status:

  • Monitor the cleanup progress by checking the logs of the K8s-Cleaner Job:
kubectl logs -l job-name=k8s-cleaner-job

6. Receive Notifications:

  • If you want to receive notifications after cleanup, configure the notification settings in your k8s-cleaner-config.yaml. For example, sending notifications to a Slack channel:
kind: CleanupPolicy
  webhookURL: ""
deployments: {}
configMaps: {}

7. Review Cleaned Resources:

  • After K8s-Cleaner has run, check your Kubernetes cluster to ensure that the specified resources have been cleaned up:
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get configmaps

8. Adjust Configuration as Needed:

  • Depending on your needs, adjust the configuration file to include/exclude specific resources or change cleanup policies.

This step-by-step guide, along with code snippets, should help you effectively use K8s-Cleaner to maintain a tidy and efficient Kubernetes environment. Adjust the configuration based on your specific requirements and enjoy the benefits of automated resource management.

3. K8s-Cleaner Library

K8s-cleaner comes with a handy toolkit, or library, that’s like a superhero for your Kubernetes cluster. It’s equipped with different “Cleaner” tools to spot unused resources, expired things, and even unhealthy stuff. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Unused Resources Detective:
    • These Cleaners can find things like forgotten ClusterRoles, ConfigMaps that nobody uses, old-school Deployments, and more. It’s like having a detective to spot all the things in your Kubernetes cluster that are just taking up space.
  2. Expired Resources Investigator:
    • This set of Cleaners is like your personal timekeeper. They can spot resources that have overstayed their welcome using different methods:
      • Time to live (TTL): Finding things that have been around for too long.
      • Expiration date: Pointing out resources with a “best before” date that’s now history.
      • Age: Sniffing out things that are just getting too old.
  3. Unhealthy Resources Spotter:
    • These Cleaners have a keen eye for spotting unhealthy resources. For example:
      • Pods with outdated secrets: Identifying pods that are using secrets that need an update.
      • Pods with expired certificates: Sniffing out pods using certificates that are past their expiry date.
      • Ingress with ghost services: Finding Ingress rules talking about services that don’t exist, which could mean trouble.
      • Deployments with imaginary ConfigMaps or Secrets: Catching Deployments trying to use ConfigMaps or Secrets that have disappeared.

Think of it like having a superhero team for your Kubernetes cluster, making sure everything is in order, nothing’s overstaying its welcome, and all your resources are healthy and happy!

4. K8s-Cleaner Notifications

8s-cleaner doesn’t just quietly do its job; it keeps you in the loop with notifications – think of them as friendly updates. Here’s how it lets you know what’s going on:

  1. Cleanup Progress Updates:
    • While K8s-cleaner is doing its cleaning dance, it can shoot you a quick message to let you know how things are going. It’s like getting updates on the progress of your digital cleanup.
  2. Configurable Notification Methods:
    • K8s-cleaner is flexible – it lets you choose how you want to be notified. Whether it’s through Slack, email, or other methods, you get to decide how you’d like to receive these notifications.
  3. Transparency in Cleanup Actions:
    • After the cleanup is done, K8s-cleaner doesn’t just vanish. It leaves a message, giving you a report on what resources were cleaned up. It’s like a friendly note saying, “Hey, I did some tidying up for you!”

So, notifications in K8s-cleaner are like having a helpful assistant that keeps you informed about the cleaning process, ensuring you’re in control and aware of what’s happening in your Kubernetes world.

5. Wrapping Up

In conclusion, K8s-cleaner emerges as a powerful ally in the realm of Kubernetes management, offering a user-friendly and efficient solution for resource optimization. With its ability to detect and remove unused, expired, and unhealthy resources, K8s-cleaner acts as a digital janitor, ensuring a streamlined and healthy Kubernetes environment. The library’s versatility, from spotting forgotten configurations to identifying potential disruptions, provides a comprehensive approach to cluster maintenance.

The inclusion of customizable notifications adds transparency, keeping users informed throughout the cleanup process. As we navigate the complexities of Kubernetes, K8s-cleaner stands out as a reliable tool, simplifying resource management and contributing to the overall health and efficiency of your digital infrastructure. Cheers to a cleaner, leaner, and more organized Kubernetes experience!

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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