Software Development

Mastering Terraform: 20 Essential Best Practices

Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, has revolutionized the way organizations manage their infrastructure. By enabling the creation, modification, and versioning of infrastructure resources through code, Terraform empowers teams to build and manage complex environments with efficiency and consistency. However, while Terraform offers powerful capabilities, its true potential can only be harnessed when best practices are followed.

In the world of Terraform, best practices are like a guiding compass, helping you navigate the vast landscape of infrastructure automation with confidence. They offer a roadmap to optimizing your workflows, maintaining code quality, ensuring security, and ultimately, achieving operational excellence.


This article delves into the heart of Terraform’s best practices, presenting you with a comprehensive guide to the 20 key principles that should be at the core of your IaC strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned infrastructure engineer or just beginning your journey with Terraform, these practices will prove invaluable in your pursuit of efficient, scalable, and maintainable infrastructure.

20 Essential Terraform Best Practices

1. Modularize Your Code:

Modularization is the cornerstone of well-organized Terraform code. By breaking down your infrastructure configurations into reusable modules, you promote maintainability and reusability. Imagine you’re managing infrastructure on AWS, and your team needs to create multiple VPCs with similar configurations across different regions. With modular code, you can define a VPC module once and reuse it for each region, minimizing redundancy and making updates or improvements a breeze.

2. Use Variables and Outputs:

Variables and outputs are vital for flexible configuration and communication between modules in Terraform. Variables allow you to parameterize your code, making it adaptable to various environments or scenarios. For instance, you can define variables for the number of instances, regions, and instance types, allowing you to customize your infrastructure easily. Outputs, on the other hand, serve as a way to communicate information from one module to another. You can retrieve essential data like IP addresses or instance IDs and use them in other parts of your infrastructure.

3. Version Control with VCS:

Leveraging a Version Control System (VCS), such as Git, is indispensable for tracking changes, collaborating effectively, and having a history of your infrastructure code. By hosting your Terraform code on a Git repository, you can manage it just like application code, allowing your team to collaborate, track changes, and roll back to previous configurations when needed.

4. State Management:

Terraform state files contain essential information about your infrastructure. Using a remote backend, like AWS S3 or Azure Storage, to store these state files is crucial for both security and collaboration. A remote backend centralizes state storage, ensuring that your team members are working with the same, up-to-date state information and avoiding conflicts or overwrites of state files.

5. Immutable Infrastructure:

Immutable infrastructure is a concept that emphasizes replacing instances or resources instead of modifying them. In a cloud environment like AWS, this means you create new instances with updated configurations rather than making changes to running instances. This practice ensures that your infrastructure remains consistent and makes it easier to roll back to a previous state in case of issues or failures.

6. Provision Wisely with Provisioners:

While Terraform offers provisioners like remote-exec and local-exec for tasks such as software installations or initial configurations, it’s best to use them sparingly. Provisioners should be a last resort, employed when Terraform resources cannot meet your specific needs. For instance, you can use a provisioner to run a shell script on a provisioned EC2 instance after it’s created to install software specific to your application.

7. Environment-specific Configuration:

To ensure that your Terraform code can adapt to various environments (e.g., development, staging, production), it’s crucial to parameterize your code. This can be achieved by creating separate Terraform variable files or using conditionals to adjust settings like instance counts, instance types, or region configurations for each environment. This flexibility allows you to use the same infrastructure code across different stages of your project while customizing it as needed.

8. Code Review and Testing:

Code reviews and testing are fundamental to catch issues early, improve code quality, and ensure that your infrastructure works as intended. Tools like tflint and terraform validate help with static code analysis, ensuring that your code adheres to best practices. Pair this with code reviews within your team to identify and rectify potential issues and maintain a high-quality codebase.

9. Secrets Management:

Safeguarding sensitive information, such as API keys and passwords, is critical. Implement secrets management using tools or services like AWS Secrets Manager. Store secrets securely, and retrieve them in your Terraform code using data sources when necessary. This practice ensures that sensitive information is protected and not exposed in your infrastructure code.

10. Remote State Data:

Sharing data between different Terraform configurations is essential. You can achieve this by using remote state data. This practice allows resources from one Terraform configuration to be aware of and reference resources in another configuration. For example, you can retrieve output values from one configuration in another configuration to establish proper dependencies between resources.

11. Infrastructure as Code Documentation:

Maintain clear and concise documentation for your Terraform code. Including comments and descriptions in your code helps provide context to your team and future maintainers. Effective documentation can explain the purpose of resources, dependencies, and any particular configuration choices made in your code.

12. Immutable Artifacts:

Storing immutable artifacts, such as custom machine images (AMIs) or container images in version-controlled repositories, ensures that your infrastructure remains reproducible. For example, using a tool like Packer to create custom AMIs allows you to version and store these images in an Amazon Machine Image repository, enabling consistent deployments across your infrastructure.

13. Monitor and Alert Configuration:

Integrating infrastructure monitoring and alerting configurations into your Terraform code is essential for maintaining the health and performance of your resources. For instance, you can use Terraform to define resources for cloud-specific monitoring services like AWS CloudWatch, Prometheus, or Grafana. These resources can be used to monitor key metrics and set up alarms to alert you in case of issues or performance degradation.

14. Plan Before Applying:

Always run terraform plan before applying changes to your infrastructure. This practice allows you to review the changes that Terraform will make and ensures that they align with your intentions. By examining the plan output, you can identify any unexpected modifications and make necessary adjustments before applying the changes.

15. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Integrating Terraform into your CI/CD pipeline is crucial for automated testing, validation, and deployments. This practice enables you to automate your Terraform workflows as part of your application’s CI/CD pipeline. For example, you can use tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions to automate Terraform executions based on your code changes and release cycles.

16. Backup and Recovery Strategy:

Implementing backup and recovery strategies for critical infrastructure components is essential to ensure data integrity and rapid recovery in case of data loss or corruption. For instance, creating regular snapshots of databases or using automated backup solutions for data stores like Amazon RDS ensures that you can restore your data if a failure occurs.

17. Terraform Modules Registry:

Leveraging the Terraform Registry, a public repository of Terraform modules, can accelerate your development. These modules provide reusable configurations for popular services, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. You can also create your organization’s modules for internal use, ensuring consistent deployments across your infrastructure.

18. Dependency Management:

Properly handling dependencies between resources and modules is crucial to ensure the correct order of resource creation. Use resource dependencies and lifecycle settings to define the order of resource creation. This practice prevents issues where one resource depends on another resource being created first, ensuring a smooth deployment process.

19. Security Hardening:

Implement security best practices in your Terraform code to reduce vulnerabilities. For example, you can configure resources to use private subnets, enforce network security groups, and enable encryption at rest and in transit for data storage resources. These measures enhance your infrastructure’s security posture.

20. Cost Optimization:

Continuously optimizing your infrastructure for cost efficiency is vital, especially in a cloud environment. Features like auto-scaling and reserved instances can help reduce costs. For example, by using AWS Auto Scaling Groups, you can automatically adjust the number of instances based on the load, ensuring that you’re not overprovisioned. Additionally, purchasing AWS Reserved Instances for predictable workloads can result in significant cost savings on compute resources.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Terraform offers a powerful platform for managing infrastructure as code, enabling teams to create, update, and maintain complex environments with precision and efficiency. However, achieving the full potential of Terraform requires the adoption of best practices that enhance code quality, security, and maintainability while streamlining deployment workflows.

Throughout this exploration of 20 essential Terraform best practices, we’ve seen how each practice contributes to the development of robust and efficient infrastructure. Modularization and the use of variables and outputs make your code adaptable and reusable, while state management and version control keep your configurations secure and collaborative.

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