Software Development

Prometheus Sample Alert Rules

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit widely used in the field of software systems monitoring. It enables you to collect metrics from various sources, store them in a time-series database, and run queries and analysis on the data. To facilitate proactive monitoring, Prometheus provides a robust alerting mechanism that allows you to define and trigger alerts based on specific conditions.

In Prometheus, alert rules are defined using the Prometheus Query Language (PromQL). These rules specify the conditions under which an alert should be fired. When the metrics data matches the defined conditions, an alert is triggered, and you can configure various actions to be taken, such as sending notifications, executing external commands, or integrating with other systems.

Here is a brief introduction to creating Prometheus sample alert rules:

  1. Define Alerting Rules: Alerting rules are written in a file called prometheus.rules and are typically stored in the Prometheus configuration directory. Each rule consists of a unique name, a PromQL expression to evaluate, and the desired alerting configuration. For example:
ALERT HighErrorRate
  IF error_rate > 0.5
  FOR 5 minutes
  LABELS { severity="critical" }
    summary = "High error rate detected",
    description = "Error rate is above 0.5 for the past 5 minutes."

In this example, the rule is named “HighErrorRate” and will trigger an alert if the “error_rate” metric is greater than 0.5 for a duration of 5 minutes. It also includes labels and annotations to provide additional context for the alert.

  1. Configure Alertmanager: Alertmanager is a component that handles alert notifications sent by Prometheus. It allows you to define receivers, which specify how and where alerts should be sent. For example, you can configure it to send emails, trigger webhooks, or integrate with popular communication tools like Slack or PagerDuty.
  2. Reload Prometheus Configuration: After creating or modifying alert rules, you need to reload the Prometheus configuration to make the changes effective. Prometheus periodically evaluates the alert rules against the collected metrics and sends alerts accordingly.

It’s important to note that this is just a basic introduction to Prometheus alert rules. Prometheus provides a rich set of features and options for configuring alerts, such as defining alert thresholds, specifying alerting intervals, and grouping alerts. You can refer to the Prometheus documentation for more details on advanced configurations and best practices.

Remember to test your alert rules thoroughly and fine-tune them to ensure timely and accurate notifications for potential issues in your systems.

Key Prometheus Alert Rules Concepts

Prometheus is a powerful open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit widely used in the field of software development and operations. It provides a flexible system for collecting, storing, and querying metrics, as well as defining alert rules to generate notifications based on those metrics. Here are some key concepts related to Prometheus alert rules:

  1. Metrics: Prometheus collects metrics from various sources such as applications, services, and infrastructure components. Metrics are numerical values representing the state of a system at a specific point in time, such as CPU usage, memory utilization, or request latency.
  2. PromQL: Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) is the query language used to retrieve and process metrics stored in Prometheus. PromQL allows you to perform various operations like filtering, aggregation, and arithmetic calculations on metrics to derive meaningful insights and identify abnormal behavior.
  3. Alerting Rules: Alerting rules define conditions that should be evaluated periodically against the collected metrics. These rules help in identifying certain situations or events that require attention or action. An alerting rule consists of a condition expression, a time duration for which the condition must be true to trigger an alert, and an optional list of annotations and labels to provide additional context to the alert.
  4. Alertmanager: Alertmanager is a component of the Prometheus ecosystem responsible for handling alerts generated by Prometheus servers. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, routing, and sending notifications to various receivers, such as email, PagerDuty, or a custom webhook. Alertmanager allows you to configure notification strategies, silence specific alerts, and define alert routing based on labels.
  5. Alert State: Alert state refers to the current status of an alert. It can be one of the following states: “pending,” which means the alert condition is still true; “firing,” indicating that the alert has crossed the defined threshold and is actively triggering notifications; or “resolved,” indicating that the alert condition is no longer true.
  6. Recording Rules: Recording rules allow you to precompute frequently used or computationally expensive expressions in Prometheus and store the results as new time series. This helps in reducing the query load and improving the query performance. Recording rules are particularly useful for complex calculations or aggregations that are reused across multiple queries or dashboards.
  7. Alert Labels and Annotations: Labels and annotations provide additional context and metadata to alerts. Labels are key-value pairs that help identify and categorize alerts, while annotations contain additional information about the alert, such as a description, severity level, or troubleshooting instructions.

Understanding these key concepts will help you effectively define, manage, and utilize alerting rules in Prometheus to monitor your systems and respond to critical events promptly.

Benefits & Limitations of Prometheus

Prometheus offers several benefits as a monitoring and alerting tool, but it also has some limitations. Let’s explore them:

Benefits of Prometheus:

  1. Powerful Metric Collection: Prometheus provides a flexible and robust system for collecting and storing time-series metrics from various sources, including applications, services, and infrastructure components. It can handle high volumes of data and supports a wide range of metric types.
  2. Dynamic Querying and Analysis: Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) enables dynamic querying and analysis of metrics. It allows users to perform complex operations, such as filtering, aggregation, and mathematical calculations, to derive meaningful insights from the collected metrics.
  3. Real-Time Monitoring: Prometheus excels at real-time monitoring due to its pull-based architecture. It scrapes metrics from targets at regular intervals, providing up-to-date visibility into the system’s state and performance.
  4. Alerting and Notification: Prometheus has built-in support for defining alert rules based on metric conditions. It can generate alerts when certain thresholds are exceeded or specific conditions are met. Integrated with Alertmanager, Prometheus can send notifications to various channels like email, PagerDuty, or custom webhooks.
  5. Service Discovery: Prometheus offers service discovery mechanisms, including static and dynamic configurations. It can automatically discover and monitor new instances as they come online, making it easier to scale and manage monitoring in dynamic environments.
  6. Rich Ecosystem and Integrations: Prometheus has a vibrant ecosystem and extensive community support. It integrates well with other tools and systems, such as Grafana for visualization and Cortex for scalable long-term storage. There are also numerous exporters and libraries available for instrumenting applications and exporting metrics to Prometheus.

Limitations of Prometheus:

  1. Resource Intensive: Prometheus collects and stores metrics locally, which can consume significant resources, particularly if monitoring a large number of targets or generating a high volume of metrics. Proper resource planning and scaling are required to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Lack of Long-Term Storage: By default, Prometheus stores metrics in a local time-series database with limited retention. While it can handle short-term monitoring, it may not be suitable for long-term storage or historical analysis. However, integration with other systems like Cortex can address this limitation.
  3. Pull-Based Architecture: Prometheus employs a pull-based approach, where it scrapes metrics from targets at defined intervals. This architecture may not be ideal for scenarios where targets are located behind firewalls or in environments with strict outbound network access policies. Push-based solutions like Pushgateway can help overcome this limitation.
  4. No High Availability (HA) Built-In: Prometheus itself does not provide built-in high availability mechanisms. However, it can be made highly available by deploying a clustered setup or using external solutions like Thanos or Cortex to achieve HA and horizontal scalability.
  5. Limited Multi-Tenancy Support: Prometheus primarily focuses on a single-tenant model, meaning it may not be the best choice for scenarios requiring robust multi-tenancy support or isolation of metrics and alerts between different teams or customers.

Understanding the benefits and limitations of Prometheus helps in making informed decisions about its adoption and identifying potential areas where additional tools or configurations may be required to address specific needs.

Prometheus Sample Alert Rules Examples

Here are some sample Prometheus alert rules that cover a variety of situations where you may want to produce alerts based on environment metrics. Please note that these examples are meant to showcase different scenarios, and you may need to adapt them to match your specific environment and metric requirements:

  1. High CPU Usage Alert:
- alert: HighCPUUsage
  expr: 100 - (avg by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m])) * 100) > 80
  for: 5m
    severity: critical
    summary: High CPU usage detected
    description: CPU usage is above 80% for 5 minutes.

This rule triggers an alert if the average CPU usage across instances is above 80% for a continuous duration of 5 minutes.

  1. Memory Usage Alert:
- alert: HighMemoryUsage
  expr: (node_memory_usage_bytes / node_memory_total_bytes) > 0.8
  for: 10m
    severity: warning
    summary: High memory usage detected
    description: Memory usage is above 80% for 10 minutes.

This rule triggers a warning alert if the memory usage exceeds 80% of the total available memory for a continuous duration of 10 minutes.

  1. Disk Space Alert:
- alert: LowDiskSpace
  expr: (node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint="/"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"}) * 100 < 10
  for: 15m
    severity: critical
    summary: Low disk space detected
    description: Available disk space is less than 10% for 15 minutes.

This rule generates a critical alert if the available disk space on the root ("/") filesystem falls below 10% of the total disk size for a continuous duration of 15 minutes.

  1. HTTP Request Latency Alert:
- alert: HighHTTPRequestLatency
  expr: histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{job="webserver"}[5m])) > 2
  for: 2m
    severity: warning
    summary: High HTTP request latency detected
    description: Latency for 99th percentile HTTP requests is above 2 seconds for 2 minutes.

This rule triggers a warning alert if the latency for the 99th percentile of HTTP requests to a webserver job exceeds 2 seconds for a continuous duration of 2 minutes.

  1. Service Unavailability Alert:
- alert: ServiceUnavailable
  expr: up == 0
  for: 5m
    severity: critical
    summary: Service unavailable
    description: The service is not responding for 5 minutes.

This rule generates a critical alert if the monitored service becomes unavailable (i.e., no instances are up) for a continuous duration of 5 minutes.

These examples cover a range of scenarios, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, latency, and service availability. Feel free to modify and customize them based on your specific needs and the metrics available in your Prometheus setup.

Best Practices for Prometheus Alerts Configuration

When configuring Prometheus alerts, it's essential to follow some best practices to ensure effective and reliable monitoring. Here are some recommended best practices for Prometheus alerts configuration:

  1. Define Clear and Meaningful Alert Labels and Annotations: Use descriptive labels and annotations to provide context and relevant information about the alerts. Clear labels help with filtering, grouping, and routing alerts, while detailed annotations assist in understanding the alert's significance and providing instructions for resolution.
  2. Use Targeted and Specific Alerting Rules: Create alerting rules that focus on specific issues or conditions that require attention. Avoid creating broad rules that generate excessive noise or trigger alerts for non-critical situations. Targeting specific metrics and thresholds improves the accuracy and relevance of the alerts.
  3. Set Appropriate Alerting Durations: Choose suitable durations for evaluating the alert conditions. Short durations may result in frequent alert notifications for transient issues, while long durations might delay the detection of critical incidents. Consider the nature of the monitored system and the expected behavior to determine the optimal alerting duration.
  4. Establish Multiple Alerting Severity Levels: Use different severity levels (e.g., critical, warning, info) for categorizing alerts based on their impact and urgency. This allows teams to prioritize and respond to critical issues promptly while providing flexibility for less severe situations.
  5. Leverage Labels for Alert Grouping and Routing: Utilize labels effectively to group related alerts and route them to appropriate teams or notification channels. For example, you can use labels to categorize alerts by application, environment, or team responsible for resolution. This enables efficient handling and delegation of alerts to the relevant stakeholders.
  6. Regularly Review and Update Alert Rules: Continuously monitor and review your alerting rules to ensure they remain accurate and effective. As your system evolves, metrics change, and new issues emerge, periodically reassess your alert rules to reflect the current state of your environment.
  7. Test and Validate Alerting Configurations: Test your alerting configurations in a controlled environment to verify that alerts trigger correctly and notifications are delivered as intended. Conduct periodic testing and simulation exercises to validate the end-to-end alerting workflow and ensure that the alerting system is functioning properly.
  8. Monitor Alerting System Health: Keep an eye on the health and performance of your alerting system itself. Monitor metrics related to alert evaluation, alerting latency, and notification delivery to detect any issues or bottlenecks in the alerting pipeline.
  9. Document and Communicate Alerting Processes: Document your alerting processes, including the rules, escalation paths, and response procedures. Share this documentation with the relevant teams and stakeholders to ensure everyone understands the expectations and knows how to respond to alerts effectively.

By following these best practices, you can optimize the configuration of Prometheus alerts, reduce false positives, and improve the overall reliability and effectiveness of your monitoring and alerting system.


In conclusion, Prometheus is a powerful monitoring and alerting tool with several benefits. It excels at real-time monitoring, offers powerful querying capabilities, and provides integrated alerting and notification features. Its dynamic service discovery and rich ecosystem make it a popular choice for monitoring applications and infrastructure.

However, Prometheus also has its limitations. It can be resource-intensive, requiring careful resource planning and scaling. Its default local storage has limited retention, which may not be suitable for long-term storage or historical analysis without additional integrations. The pull-based architecture may present challenges in certain network configurations, and multi-tenancy support is limited.

Despite these limitations, Prometheus remains a widely used and highly capable tool, particularly for environments that prioritize real-time monitoring and alerting. It can be complemented with other tools and integrations to address specific requirements, such as long-term storage or multi-tenancy. Understanding both the benefits and limitations of Prometheus helps in leveraging its strengths while mitigating its potential drawbacks.

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