Software Development

Workflows Tips #18: Access All User Properties, Output for If/Else Condition, and Partial User Update

Welcome to another Okta Workflows Tips post. Read all previous tips.

In this post:

  • Use Read User card to access all user properties
  • How to create output for an if/else condition
  • How to do a partial user update

How to use Read User card to access all user properties

When an Okta connection event fires it makes available many properties associated with the event. Some of the properties are user-related (under Okta User). An Okta user has many more properties (and custom properties). To access all the properties use Okta – Read User card.

Using Read User card to read all user properties

To see (and show/hide) all properties, click the gear icon in the card’s lower right and then select Choose fields. You can select what attributes to show on the card.

Choosing what attributes to show

How to create output for an if/else condition

The Branching – If/Else allows you to create a card output. The output will be set to value from either the true or the false condition. For example, you can use the output to compose a dynamic message. Here is how to create such output:

Creating output for If/Else card

How to do a partial user update

The Okta – Update User card has a number of important properties that you need to be aware of when updating a user profile.

Update User card

There are two update options available Partial and Strict:

Update User options

From Workflows documentation:

Partial: Updates a user’s profile or credentials with partial update semantics. Any properties that are not specified are ignored, and will maintain their current value.
Strict: Updates a user’s profile and credentials using strict-update semantics. IMPORTANT: All profile properties must be specified when updating a user’s profile. Any property not specified in the request is set to null

When you choose the Partial option, an option called Pass Empty Values? becomes available. It works like this:

If Yes, all fields selected and filled in with valid values will be updated. All fields selected but left blank will be cleared, except special fields. See the note below. All fields unselected will remain unchanged.

If No, all fields selected and filled in with valid values will be updated. All fields unselected or left blank will remain unchanged.

It’s import you are aware of this options as they can significantly change how the update works.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Max Katz , partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Workflows Tips #18: Access All User Properties, Output for If/Else Condition, and Partial User Update

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