Software Development

Golang – First look at generics

This post is part of a series where I do my best to organize my thoughts around Go: its paradigms and usability as a programming language. I write this as a Java programmer that respects the principles of Elegant Objects.

Go 1.18 Beta 1 was just released. These are my initial impressions of the main feature to be delivered in this release: generics.


Go’s syntax possesses a very similar structure to Java’s:


// A function.
func Print[T any](t T) {
    fmt.Printf("printing type: %T\n", t)

// A type.
type Tree[T any] struct {
    left, right *Tree[T]
    data  T


// A function.
public static <T> void print(T t) {
    System.out.println("printing type: " + t.getClass().getName());

// A type.
class Tree<T> {
    private Tree<T> left, right;
    private T data;

One difference: Go requires the type parameter to be explicitly constrained by a type (eg.: T any) whereas Java does not (T on its own is implicitly inferred as a java.lang.Object). Failing to provide the constraint in Go will result in an error similar to the following:

./prog.go:95:13: syntax error: missing type constraint

I suspect the difference lies in Java’s unified type hierarchy (every thing is a java.lang.Object). Go possesses no such model.

Type Switch

The following compile error surprised me:

func print[T any](t T) {
    switch t.(type) {
        case string: fmt.Println("printing a string: ", t) // error: cannot use type switch on type parameter value t (variable of type T constrained by any)

… since the following is legal Go code:

func print(t interface{}) {
    switch t.(type) {
        case string: fmt.Println("printing a string: ", t)

This would appear to mean that any is not simply an alias for interface{} as declared by Robert Griesemer and Ian Lance Taylor in this talk. This was raised in this issue that points to this rationale in an earlier draft of the proposal. This is especially surprising on union type parameters:

func print[T int64|float64](t T) {
    switch t.(type) { // error: cannot use type switch on type parameter value t (variable of type T constrained by int64|float64)
        case int64:   fmt.Println("printing an int64: ", t)
        case float64: fmt.Println("printing a float64: ", t)

While looking at the comments in this and related issues I get impression there’s a decent chance that type-switching on type parameters will be possible in the future. Just not in 1.18. To work around this, assign t to a variable of type interface{} and type-switch on that.

In the meantime, here’s the same feature in Java (combining switch expressions from Java 14 and pattern matching for switch expressions (preview) in Java 17):

public static <T> void print(T t) {
    switch(t) {
        case String s -> System.out.println("you sent string: " + s);
        default       -> System.out.println("you sent an unknown type: " + t.getClass().getName());

Type Constraints

In Go, the type parameter constraint T any indicates T is not constrained by any particular interface. In other words, T implements interface{} (not quite; see Type Switch).

In Go we can further constrain the type set of T by indicating something other than any, eg.:

// T is now constrained to int types.
type Tree[T int] struct {
    left, right *Tree[T]
    data  T

Equivalent Java:

class Tree<T extends Integer> {
    private Tree<T> left, right;
    private T data;

In Go, type parameter declarations can specify concrete types (like Java) and can be declared inline or referenced:

// inlined
func PrintInt64[T int64](t T) {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", t)

// referenced
func PrintInt64[T Int64Type](t T) {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", t)

// reusable (like constraints.Integer)
type Bit64Type interface {

Go’s reusable type constraints

Go’s reusable type constraints are a bit… odd.

Take this simple example interface Tester:

package main

type Tester interface {

type myTester struct {}

func (m *myTester) Test() {}

func test(t Tester) {

func main() {

… then add a type constraint:

package main

type Tester interface {

type myTester struct {}

func (m *myTester) Test() {}

func test(t Tester) { // ERROR: interface contains type constraints

func main() {

Never mind that int64 does not implement Tester – the error implies that arguments cannot be of interface types that contain type constraints. This can be demonstrated even when both types implement the same methods:

package main

type Tester interface {

type myTester1 struct {}

func (m *myTester1) Test() {}

type myTester2 struct {}

func (m *myTester2) Test() {}

func test(t Tester) { // ERROR: interface contains type constraints

func main() {

My surprise stems from the reuse of the interface construct when declaring type constraints. Adding type constraints to an interface changes its nature entirely and limits its uses to generic type parameter declarations only. This will come across as strange to veterans who are used to Go’s structural typing system.

Union Types

Both Go and Java support union types as type parameters but they do so in very different ways.

Union Types in Go

Go allows union types for concrete types only.

func PrintInt64OrFloat64[T int64|float64](t T) {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", t)

type someStruct {}

func PrintInt64OrSomeStruct[T int64|*someStruct](t T) {
    fmt.Printf("t: %v\n", t)

// BAD
func handle[T io.Closer | Flusher](t T) { // error: cannot use io.Closer in union (interface contains methods)
    err := t.Flush()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("failed to flush: ", err.Error())

    err = t.Close()
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("failed to close: ", err.Error())

type Flusher interface {
    Flush() error

It seems like the primary motivation behind Go’s union types (known as type sets in their proposal) is to enable generic operations using operators such as < on primitive types that support them (source: proposal).

Other examples of type sets are in the constraints package.

To my surprise, it is possible to declare a reusable type constraint that is impossible to satisfy:

package main

type Tester interface {
    int    // int does not implement method `Test()`

func test[T Tester](t T) {

func main() {
    test(two(2)) // ERROR: two does not implement Tester (possibly missing ~ for int in constraint Tester)

type two int

func (t two) Test() {}

The error gives us a clue – use an approximation constraint element:

package main

type Tester interface {
    ~int    // any type alias whose underlying type is an `int` will make do

func test[T Tester](t T) {

func main() {
    test(two(2)) // works

type two int

func (t two) Test() {}

Approximation constraint elements is about as close to covariance as Go will get in 1.18.

Union Types in Java

Java allows union types for interface types only OR between a non-interface type and an interface type.

public static class Tree<T extends Closeable & Flushable> {
    private Tree<T> left, right;
    private T data;

public static <T extends Number & Closeable> void printNumberAndClose(T t) {

    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("io exception: " + e.getMessage());

// BAD
public static <T extends Integer & Float> void printIntegerOrFloat(T t) { // error: interface expected here
    System.out.println(t.toString()); // error: ambiguous call

As alluded to by the & (“and”) operator, type parameters for union types in Java must satisfy all referenced “interfaces”:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String... args) {
      printNumberAndClose(new CloseableNumber());
      printNumberAndClose(12);                                  // ERROR: no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that Integer conforms to Closeable
      printNumberAndClose(new InputStreamReader(;    // ERROR: no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that InputStreamReader conforms to Number

  static class CloseableNumber extends Number implements Closeable {
      // implements methods from Closeable
      // implements abstract methods from Number

  public static <T extends Number & Closeable> void printNumberAndClose(T t) {

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println("io exception: " + e.getMessage());

Similar to the Go example above, printNumberAndClose below will compile even though the conditions of the union type are impossible to satisfy given that java.lang.Integer is a final class:

public class Main {
  public static void main(String... args) {
      printNumberAndClose(new CloseableNumber(0));
      printNumberAndClose(12);                               // ERROR: no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that Integer conforms to Closeable
      printNumberAndClose(new InputStreamReader(; // ERROR: no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that InputStreamReader conforms to Integer

  static class CloseableNumber extends Integer implements Closeable { // ERROR: Cannot inherit from final 'java.lang.Integer'
      CloseableNumber(int n) {
      // implements methods from Closeable

  public static <T extends Integer & Closeable> void printNumberAndClose(T t) {

      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println("io exception: " + e.getMessage());

Worst that can happen is that nobody will use printNumberAndClose.


Go’s proposal does not include covariance nor contravariance.

Java supports both via the use of wildcards:

// covariance
private static void sort(List<? extends Number≶ list) {
    // sort

// contravariance
private static void reverse(List<? super Number≶ list) {
    // reverse

I summarized Java’s variance in a previous blog post

Final Thoughts

Although implementing a subset of Java’s generics features and despite the hackiness of reusable typesets, Go’s proposal is compelling and worthy of trials in real production code once 1.18 rolls around.

Generics was a sorely missed feature in Go. I look forward to significant savings in lines of code as map/reduce algorithms and data structures are de-duplicated altogether.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by George Aristy, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Golang – First look at generics
Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

George Aristy

Software Engineer experienced in digital identity authentication and authorization and SOA. Proficient in Go and Java.
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