
Escape JSON property names in jq

I’m using the command line a lot and jq is a helpful tool for dealing with JSON data. You can access JSON object properties and array elements by concatenating the property names with dots and square brackets:

gt; cat ~/.docker/config.json { "auths": { "": { "auth": "aBcDeFghiJKlMn=" }, [...] } }
gt; cat .docker/config.json | jq . { "auths": { "": { "auth": "aBcDeFghiJKlMn=" }, [...] } }
gt; cat .docker/config.json | jq .auths { "": { "auth": "aBcDeFghiJKlMn=" }, [...] }

You can also access and escape “non-trivial” field names in different ways. You can get the encoded Docker auth authentication as follows, by using square brackets and quotes to escape the property name:

gt; cat .docker/config.json | jq '.auths[""].auth' "aBcDeFghiJKlMn="
gt; cat .docker/config.json | jq -r '.auths[""].auth' aBcDeFghiJKlMn=

You’ll notice the formatted and colorized output of jq. Have a look at the documentation.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Sebastian Daschner, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Escape JSON property names in jq

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Sebastian Daschner

Sebastian Daschner is a self-employed Java consultant and trainer. He is the author of the book 'Architecting Modern Java EE Applications'. Sebastian is a Java Champion, Oracle Developer Champion and JavaOne Rockstar.
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