
Discovering containers loaded by Che 7


You need a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster (eg., minikube or minishift), into which you have  installed Che.

Follow the steps in this document to deploy Che. Steps below can be done in parallel to collect a list of containers involved in deployment.


  • Once you have started your cluster, you can watch events and see which images are pulled. Start this in a console window before deploying Che to your cluster.

oc project che oc get po oc get events -w | tee /tmp/minishift.log.txt

  • Watch for lines containing the following lines to see what containers are pulled.

Successfully pulled image "..." and Container image "..." already present on machine

  • For example, this should extract just a list of pulled containers, including any duplicate re-pulls:

cat /tmp/minishift.log.txt | \ egrep "Successfully pulled image|Container image" | \ sed -e 's#.*\(Successfully pulled image\|Container image\) "\(.\+\)\".*#\2#g'

  • You can also look at the available images in the minishift docker context:

eval $(minishift docker-env) docker images

  • You can also see container events at this URL:


Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Nick Boldt , partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Discovering containers loaded by Che 7

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