Enterprise Java

[FREE EBOOK] Lessons from analyzing over 600,000 Java projects

Solving Java Application Errors

What does it take to build an informed error handling workflow?

Investigating and resolving application errors in production is critical for maintaining performance and reliability. But, that shouldn’t mean spending endless hours doing it.

To understand why troubleshooting in production can be such a headache, we set out to discover the “truth” behind our frequently unexceptional exceptions. After analyzing more than 600,000 Java projects, we’re here to introduce a new workflow for solving Java application errors.

Solving Java Application Errors

What’s Inside:

  1. What’s the Purpose of Using Exceptions?

This chapter covers practical tips for producing meaningful and actionable exceptions.

  1. Lessons from analyzing over 600,000 Java projects

Learn how exceptions are actually used (and misused) with an overview of exception handling in over 600,000 Java projects on Github and Sourceforge.

  1. Logged Data Crunch: 1,000 Java Applications, 1 Billion Logged Errors

In this chapter, we’re talking about the Pareto logging principle which shows that 97% of logged errors originate from 3% of the unique events.

  1. The Top 10 Exceptions Types in Production

Be aware of the most common exceptions in production, their frequency, and possible solution strategies. Including the infamous —NullPointerException.

Solving Java Application Errors

Tali Soroker

Tali studied theoretical mathematics at Northeastern University and loves to explore the intersection of numbers and the human condition. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and spending time with animals.
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