
New Webinar: How to Avoid the Hidden Costs of Continuous Delivery

The time has come to solve the missing link of the CI/CD toolchain

With constant change, comes constant risk. The silent killer of CI/CD initiatives is also its biggest advantage, a side effect of moving too fast when a major component of the same process that pushes releases forward remains outdated and left behind. A common misconception is that Continuous Delivery stops when releases are deployed to production. That’s where a new kind of trouble begins.

In our upcoming webinar, we’ll cover the hidden costs of the CI/CD workflow and most importantly, how to avoid them. Check it out.

The silent killer of CI/CD workflows is now avoidable

Many companies have adopted or are in the process of adopting CI/CD methodologies as part of their workflow to be able to innovate faster. Quick Time-To-Market is more than a nice-to-have ability, it’s the cornerstone of a successful company.

Organizations who withstand the growing pains of CI/CD are getting ahead of their competition. High performing engineering teams get a bigger impact on their company’s bottom line, and the satisfaction of their team members goes up along with their productivity. Find out how you can avoid one of the greatest hurdles for implementing CI/CD. Learn more:

How to Avoid the Hidden Costs of Continuous Delivery

Automated workflows are becoming a golden standard for delivering top quality products in an agile environment, but with constant change, comes constant risk.

This 30-minute session will cover:

  1. The most common misconception behind a CI/CD workflow
  2. The 3 hidden costs of CI/CD
  3. How forward-thinking companies, such as TripAdvisor, Fox, Nielsen, Zynga and Intuit are planning ahead and avoid these hidden costs

The webinar will take place on April 25th 11AM PST and will be hosted by Alex Zhitnitsky. Alex is the Director of Developer Relations at OverOps, conducting research and producing content for over 200,000 monthly readers. Fun fact: When not writing his next blog post, you can find Alex waiting in line for a good spot in the nearest metal concert.

Webinar participants will also receive “The Complete Guide to Java Logging in Production”. In this eBook we’ve gathered insights from researching how Github’s top Java projects use logs, and which percentage of that data actually reaches production to help you troubleshoot errors.


Henn Idan

Henn works at OverOps, helping developers know when and why code breaks in production. She writes about Java, Scala and everything in between. Lover of gadgets, apps, technology and tea.
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