
Implement a SciPy Stack Docker Image

SciPy is a powerful python library, but it has many dependencies including Fortran. So Running your Scipy code in a docker container makes absolute sense. We will use a private registry:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

I will use a Centos image. Centos is a very popular linux distribution based on RedHat which is a commercial Linux distribution. Oracle’s Linux and Amazon Linux is based on Red Hat Linux.

docker pull centos
docker tag centos localhost:5000/centos
docker push localhost:5000/centos

Then we start a container

docker run -i -t --name centoscontainer localhost:5000/centos /bin/bash

We install all binary dependencies

yum install -y epel-release
yum -y update
yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum -y install python-devel
yum -y install blas --enablerepo=epel
yum -y install lapack --enablerepo=epel
yum -y install Cython --enablerepo=epel
yum -y install python-pip

Then we install the scipy stack

pip install boto3
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install scipy

And we are ready. Now we should proceed on committing the image.

docker commit -m 'Added scipy stack' -a "Emmanouil Gkatziouras" 4954f603d93b localhost:5000/scipy
docker push localhost:5000/scipy

Now we are ok to run our SciPy enabled container.

docker run -t -i localhost:5000/scipy /bin/bash

Last but not least we clear our registry.

docker stop registry && docker rm -v registry
Reference: Implement a SciPy Stack Docker Image from our JCG partner Emmanouil Gkatziouras at the gkatzioura blog.

Emmanouil Gkatziouras

He is a versatile software engineer with experience in a wide variety of applications/services.He is enthusiastic about new projects, embracing new technologies, and getting to know people in the field of software.
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