Enterprise Java

Leaky Abstractions, or How to Bind Oracle DATE Correctly with Hibernate

We’ve recently published an article about how to bind the Oracle DATE type correctly in SQL / JDBC, and jOOQ. This article got a bit of traction on reddit with an interesting remark by Vlad Mihalcea, who is frequently blogging about Hibernate, JPA, transaction management and connection pooling on his blog. Vlad pointed out that this problem can also be solved with Hibernate, and we’re going to look into this, shortly.

What is the problem with Oracle DATE?

The problem that was presented in the previous article is dealing with the fact that if a query uses filters on Oracle DATE columns:

// execute_at is of type DATE and there's an index
PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT * " + 
    "FROM rentals " +
    "WHERE rental_date > ? AND rental_date < ?");

… and we’re using java.sql.Timestamp for our bind values:

stmt.setTimestamp(1, start);
stmt.setTimestamp(2, end);

… then the execution plan will turn very bad with a FULL TABLE SCAN or perhaps an INDEX FULL SCAN, even if we should have gotten a regular INDEX RANGE SCAN.

| Id  | Operation          | Name   |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |        |
|*  1 |  FILTER            |        |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter(:1<=:2)

This is because the database column is widened from Oracle DATE to Oracle TIMESTAMP via this INTERNAL_FUNCTION(), rather than truncating the java.sql.Timestamp value to Oracle DATE.

More details about the problem itself can be seen in the previous article

Preventing this INTERNAL_FUNCTION() with Hibernate

You can fix this with Hibernate’s proprietary API, using a org.hibernate.usertype.UserType.

Assuming that we have the following entity:

public class Rental {

    @Column(name = "rental_id")
    public Long rentalId;

    @Column(name = "rental_date")
    public Timestamp rentalDate;

And now, let’s run this query here (I’m using Hibernate API, not JPA, for the example):

List<Rental> rentals =
session.createQuery("from Rental r where r.rentalDate between :from and :to")
       .setParameter("from", Timestamp.valueOf("2000-01-01 00:00:00.0"))
       .setParameter("to", Timestamp.valueOf("2000-10-01 00:00:00.0"))

The execution plan that we’re now getting is again inefficient:

| Id  | Operation          | Name   |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |        |
|*  1 |  FILTER            |        |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter(:1<=:2)

The solution is to add this @Type annotation to all relevant columns…

    value = @TypeDef(
        name = "oracle_date", 
        typeClass = OracleDate.class
public class Rental {

    @Column(name = "rental_id")
    public Long rentalId;

    @Column(name = "rental_date")
    @Type(type = "oracle_date")
    public Timestamp rentalDate;

and register the following, simplified UserType:

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Objects;

import oracle.sql.DATE;

import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType;

public class OracleDate implements UserType {

    public int[] sqlTypes() {
        return new int[] { Types.TIMESTAMP };

    public Class<?> returnedClass() {
        return Timestamp.class;

    public Object nullSafeGet(
        ResultSet rs, 
        String[] names, 
        SessionImplementor session, 
        Object owner
    throws SQLException {
        return rs.getTimestamp(names[0]);

    public void nullSafeSet(
        PreparedStatement st, 
        Object value, 
        int index, 
        SessionImplementor session
    throws SQLException {
        // The magic is here: oracle.sql.DATE!
        st.setObject(index, new DATE(value));

    // The other method implementations are omitted

This will work because using the vendor-specific oracle.sql.DATE type will have the same effect on your execution plan as explicitly casting the bind variable in your SQL statement, as shown in the previous article: CAST(? AS DATE). The execution plan is now the desired one:

| Id  | Operation                    | Name          |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |               |
|*  1 |  FILTER                      |               |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | IDX_RENTAL_UQ |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter(:1<=:2)
   3 - access("RENTAL0_"."RENTAL_DATE">=:1 
          AND "RENTAL0_"."RENTAL_DATE"<=:2)

If you want to reproduce this issue, just query any Oracle DATE column with a java.sql.Timestamp bind value through JPA / Hibernate, and get the execution plan as indicated here.

Don’t forget to flush shared pools and buffer caches to enforce the calculation of new plans between executions, because the generated SQL is the same each time.

Can I do it with JPA 2.1?

At first sight, it looks like the new converter feature in JPA 2.1 (which works just like jOOQ’s converter feature) should be able to do the trick. We should be able to write:

import java.sql.Timestamp;

import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;

import oracle.sql.DATE;

public class OracleDateConverter 
implements AttributeConverter<Timestamp, DATE>{

    public DATE convertToDatabaseColumn(Timestamp attribute) {
        return attribute == null ? null : new DATE(attribute);

    public Timestamp convertToEntityAttribute(DATE dbData) {
        return dbData == null ? null : dbData.timestampValue();

This converter can then be used with our entity:

import java.sql.Timestamp;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Convert;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Rental {

    @Column(name = "rental_id")
    public Long rentalId;

    @Column(name = "rental_date")
    @Convert(converter = OracleDateConverter.class)
    public Timestamp rentalDate;

But unfortunately, this doesn’t work out of the box as Hibernate 4.3.7 will think that you’re about to bind a variable of type VARBINARY:

// From org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.SqlTypeDescriptorRegistry

    public <X> ValueBinder<X> getBinder(JavaTypeDescriptor<X> javaTypeDescriptor) {
        if ( Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom( javaTypeDescriptor.getJavaTypeClass() ) ) {
            return VarbinaryTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE.getBinder( javaTypeDescriptor );

        return new BasicBinder<X>( javaTypeDescriptor, this ) {
            protected void doBind(PreparedStatement st, X value, int index, WrapperOptions options)
                    throws SQLException {
                st.setObject( index, value, jdbcTypeCode );

Of course, we can probably somehow tweak this SqlTypeDescriptorRegistry to create our own “binder”, but then we’re back to Hibernate-specific API. This particular implementation is probably a “bug” at the Hibernate side, which has been registered here, for the record:



Abstractions are leaky on all levels, even if they are deemed a “standard” by the JCP. Standards are often a means of justifying an industry de-facto standard in hindsight (with some politics involved, of course). Let’s not forget that Hibernate didn’t start as a standard and massively revolutionised the way the standard-ish J2EE folks tended to think about persistence, 14 years ago.

In this case we have:

  • Oracle SQL, the actual implementation
  • The SQL standard, which specifies DATE quite differently from Oracle
  • ojdbc, which extends JDBC to allow for accessing Oracle features
  • JDBC, which follows the SQL standard with respect to temporal types
  • Hibernate, which offers proprietary API in order to access Oracle SQL and ojdbc features when binding variables
  • JPA, which again follows the SQL standard and JDBC with respect to temporal types
  • Your entity model

As you can see, the actual implementation (Oracle SQL) leaked up right into your own entity model, either via Hibernate’s UserType, or via JPA’s Converter. From then on, it will hopefully be shielded off from your application (until it won’t), allowing you to forget about this nasty little Oracle SQL detail.

Any way you turn it, if you want to solve real customer problems (i.e. the significant performance issue at hand), then you will need to resort to vendor-specific API from Oracle SQL, ojdbc, and Hibernate – instead of pretending that the SQL, JDBC, and JPA standards are the bottom line.

But that’s probably alright. For most projects, the resulting implementation-lockin is totally acceptable.

Lukas Eder

Lukas is a Java and SQL enthusiast developer. He created the Data Geekery GmbH. He is the creator of jOOQ, a comprehensive SQL library for Java, and he is blogging mostly about these three topics: Java, SQL and jOOQ.
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