Core Java

Asynchronous SQL Execution with jOOQ and Java 8’s CompletableFuture

Reactive programming is the new buzzword, which essentially just means asynchronous programming or messaging.

Fact is that functional syntax greatly helps with structuring asynchronous execution chains, and today, we’ll see how we can do this in Java 8 using jOOQ and the new CompletableFuture API.

In fact, things are quite simple:

// Initiate an asynchronous call chain

    // This lambda will supply an int value
    // indicating the number of inserted rows
    .supplyAsync(() -> DSL
        .values(3, "Hitchcock")
    // This will supply an AuthorRecord value
    // for the newly inserted author
    .handleAsync((rows, throwable) -> DSL
        .fetchOne(AUTHOR, AUTHOR.ID.eq(3))

    // This should supply an int value indicating
    // the number of rows, but in fact it'll throw
    // a constraint violation exception
    .handleAsync((record, throwable) -> {
        return record.insert();
    // This will supply an int value indicating
    // the number of deleted rows
    .handleAsync((rows, throwable) -> DSL

    // This tells the calling thread to wait for all
    // chained execution units to be executed

What did really happen here? Nothing out of the ordinary. There are 4 execution blocks:

  1. One that inserts a new AUTHOR
  2. One that fetches that same AUTHOR again
  3. One that re-inserts the newly fetched AUTHOR (throwing an exception)
  4. One that ignores the thrown exception and delets the AUTHOR again

Finally, when the execution chain is established, the calling thread will join the whole chain using the CompletableFuture.join() method, which is essentially the same as the Future.get() method, except that it doesn’t throw any checked exception.

Comparing this to other APIs

Other APIs like Scala’s Slick have implemented similar things via “standard API”, such as calls to flatMap(). We’re currently not going to mimick such APIs as we believe that the new Java 8 APIs will become much more idiomatic to native Java speakers. Specifically, when executing SQL, getting connection pooling and transactions right is of the essence. The semantics of asynchronously chained execution blocks and how they relate to transactions is very subtle. If you want a transaction to span more than one such block, you will have to encode this yourself via jOOQ’s Configuration and its contained ConnectionProvider.

Blocking JDBC

Obviously, there will always be one blocking barrier to such solutions, and that is JDBC itself – which is very hard to turn into an asynchronous API. In fact, few databases really support asynchronous query executions and cursors, as most often, a single database session can only be used by a single thread for a single query at a time.

Lukas Eder

Lukas is a Java and SQL enthusiast developer. He created the Data Geekery GmbH. He is the creator of jOOQ, a comprehensive SQL library for Java, and he is blogging mostly about these three topics: Java, SQL and jOOQ.
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