
HAPROXY up and running in couple of minutes

I tried HAPROXY for my WEBAPP (Hosted on tomcat) -reason for using HAPROXY is that it also supports WEBSOCKETS and my current project uses websockets for server push.
As first step, I tested it with bare bone web application -wow, it’s just so easy, without any hiccups it was up and working in ~30 minutes. I used Linux box as no distribution for windows is available (One can use cygwin) -My previous poston same.

  1. Download HAPROXY , I used version haproxy-1.4.24.
  2. Untar it tar -xvf haproxy-1.4.24.tar.gz.
  3. Build HAPROXY, command “make TARGET=linux26″ This is for centos58, Linux kernel 2.6. 26 in “TARGET=linux26″ indicates kernel for linux, if its 2.4 use TARGET=linux24″. As a side note, to know the kernel use uname -a on your linux box.
  4. copy haproxy to /usr/sbin use “cp haproxy /usr/sbin/haproxy”
  5. Create a config file say /etc/haproxy_chandan.cfg:
  6. A mentioned on the HAPROXY site, this is the bare minimum configuration needed -Add it to the config file
        maxconn 256
        mode http
        timeout connect 5000ms
        timeout client 50000ms
        timeout server 50000ms
    frontend http-in
        bind *:80
        default_backend websockets_support
    backend websockets_support
        server ws1 a.b.c.d:8888 maxconn 32
        server ws2 a.b.c.d:8080 maxconn 32
    listen admin
        bind *:8080
        stats enable
  7. Start HAPROXY, /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy_chandan.cfg
  8. As configured, requests will be handled at port 80 while the admin console for haproxy is 8080

Thats all. Moving on to configure it for WebSockets and see if it needs additional configuration tweaks or changes -will post.

Chandan Pandey

Chandan is Sun Certified Enterprise Architect having 8+ years of hands on coding experience and wide range of domain exposure as CMS, Telecom, Networking and Banking. He practices Agility, writes Clean Code and believes that great leaning can be enabled only through even greater sharing.
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