Core Java

Github Gists in Eclipse

I’d like to describe simple steps regarding integrating GitHub Gists in Eclipse.

There are several sources which provoke me to do this:

I’ve been using Eclipse Java EE destibution, Mylyn plugin has been already installed there:

1. Install EGit plugin via Eclipse Marketplace:

2. Install GitHub Mylyn Connector via Eclipse Marketplace:

3. Open View ‘Task List’ and click ‘Add Repository’:

4. Add Mylyn Task repository – ‘GitHub Gists’:

5 .Then you should create Mylyn Query to fetch all Gists:

6. You should get something like this:

That’s it.

PS. Please note I’ve excluded such common sense steps as providing credentials for your GitHub account.

Reference: Github Gists in Eclipse from our JCG partner Orest Ivasiv at the Knowledge Is Everything blog.

Orest Ivasiv

Passionate software engineer interested in different programming languages, pragmatic approaches and performance boost practices.
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