Enterprise Java

Jetty and Eclipse Integration in 3 Steps

This tutorial will walk you through out how to integrate Jetty and Eclipse and how to run a web application on Jetty server inside Eclipse.


  1. Install Jetty Eclipse plugin
  2. Create web application
  3. Run web application

1 – Installing Jetty Eclipse Plugin

  1. When you add a server to the Servers view, you will not see an option for Jetty as you will find for Tomcat, JBoss, Apache, etc.
  2. First you need to install a plugin.
  3. Go to Eclipse -> Install new Software menu.
  4. Click on add and type Jetty for Name and http://run-jetty-run.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/updatesite for Location.
  5. Select the Jetty plugin to install. Click on Next and follow the installation:

2 – Creating a Web Application

When you restart Eclipse, got o Project Explorer view or the New menu and click on New -> Dynamic Web Project:

Configure the Project, create a name for it and click on Next:

Click on Next:

Configure the Web Module:

And the project is create. Create also a index.html file. The project structure should look like this:

 3 – Running the Web Application

Select the application you want to run on Jetty.

Click on the Run button -> Run Configurations.

Configure your app on Jetty as shown in the picture bellow and click on Run:

Wait for the server to start. You should get something like the following on your log:

Open a browser and test the application!


Happy Coding!

Reference: Jetty and Eclipse Integration in 3 Steps from our JCG partner Loiane Groner at the Loiane Groner’s blog blog.

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