Enterprise Java

Spy vs SpyBean In Spring

Distinguishing between @Spy and @SpyBean involves understanding their functions and knowing when to use each. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these tools, developers can optimize their testing strategies and enhance the overall quality of their software products. Let us delve into comparing Spy vs Spybean in Spring applications.

1. Understanding the @Spy Annotation in Mockito

When writing unit tests for Java applications, it’s often necessary to mock objects to isolate the behavior of the component under test. Mockito is a popular framework that simplifies the creation of mock objects. One of its powerful features is the @Spy annotation, which allows developers to partially mock objects.

The @Spy annotation is used to create a spy instance of a class or interface. Spies are special types of mocks that default to calling the real implementation of every method of the class they spy on. However, you can still stub specific methods to return custom values or throw exceptions, as needed.

1.1 How to Use @Spy?

To use the @Spy annotation, you simply annotate the field of the class under test with @Spy. You can then use Mockito’s when() method to specify behaviors for specific methods or let the call go through to the actual implementation for others.

// Example of using @Spy
private List spyList = new ArrayList();

// Customizing a specific method

This creates a spy on an ArrayList, with the size method stubbed to return 100, while all other methods use their real implementations.

1.1 When to Use @Spy?

Use the @Spy annotation when you need to mock only certain behaviors of an object while keeping the rest as is. It’s particularly useful in situations where calling the real method is necessary to test certain integrations or when the effort to stub out a method’s behavior outweighs the benefits.

2. Understanding the @SpyBean Annotation in Mockito

Integration testing in Spring Boot applications often requires the ability to mock certain components while still using actual instances of others. Here, the @SpyBean annotation comes into play, offering a way to spy on Spring-managed beans.

The @SpyBean annotation creates a Mockito spy for a Spring-managed bean. This means that while the bean remains part of the Spring application context, you can override specific methods as needed for testing purposes, with other methods retaining their original behavior.

2.1 How to Use @SpyBean?

Using @SpyBean is straightforward. Simply annotate a field in your test class with @SpyBean and specify the bean you wish to spy on. Spring Boot will automatically replace the original bean in the application context with the spy, allowing you to stub responses or verify method calls as needed.

public class MyServiceTest {

    private MyDependency myDependency;

    private MyService myService;

    public void testServiceMethod() {
        doReturn("Mocked Response").when(myDependency).someMethod();
        assertEquals("Mocked Response", myService.useDependency());

This test demonstrates how @SpyBean can be used to mock the response of someMethod in MyDependency, a Spring-managed bean while testing MyService.

2.2 When to Use @SpyBean?

The @SpyBean annotation is particularly useful in integration testing scenarios where you need to inspect or alter the behavior of a Spring bean without removing it from the Spring application context. It is an essential tool for testing interactions with external systems or complex business logic that cannot be easily tested using unit tests alone.

3. Differences Between @Spy and @SpyBean Annotations

FrameworkMockitoSpring Boot Testing with Mockito
Usage ContextUnit TestingIntegration Testing within Spring Context
ObjectiveCreate spies on objects to mock some methods and use real implementations for others.Add or replace existing beans in the Spring application context with a spy.
Annotation TargetFields, method parametersSpring beans in the application context
Primary UseTo spy on regular objects.To spy on Spring-managed beans.
ConfigurationAnnotated directly on the test class fields or method parameters.Requires Spring’s test context framework to recognize and process the bean in the application context.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding the distinctions between the @Spy and @SpyBean annotations is pivotal for developers working with Mockito and Spring Boot, especially in the context of testing.

The @Spy annotation, originating from Mockito, serves primarily in unit testing scenarios, enabling developers to create partial mocks or spies of objects. This functionality allows for specific methods to be stubbed or verified, while the rest of the object’s methods retain their actual implementations.

On the other hand, the @SpyBean annotation is specifically tailored for Spring Boot applications, enhancing integration testing by allowing developers to replace or add spies to the Spring application context. This is particularly useful for testing in a more integrated environment where Spring-managed beans interact with each other or with external systems.

While @Spy is more suited for granular, class-level testing without Spring’s involvement, @SpyBean shines in scenarios where the full Spring context is in play, offering a nuanced approach to mocking that leverages the sophistication of Spring Boot’s testing capabilities.

Choosing between these two annotations depends largely on the specific testing scenario and the level of integration with Spring Boot’s context that is required. Both annotations provide powerful capabilities for mocking behavior in tests, but their effective use requires an understanding of the testing context and the specific requirements of the application being tested.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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