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Intro to Gradle Lint Plugin


Maintaining clean, efficient, and maintainable build scripts is essential for any project that uses Gradle. The Java Gradle Lint Plugin is a powerful tool that helps developers identify and fix issues in their build scripts, ensuring that best practices are followed. This article provides an intro to the Java Gradle Lint Plugin, including its setup, configuration, built-in rules, and how to generate reports.

What’s Java Gradle Lint Plugin?

The Gradle Lint Plugin is a static analysis tool for Gradle build scripts. It analyzes your build scripts for potential issues and provides recommendations for improvements. These issues can range from deprecated API usage to inefficient build configurations. Not only does the plugin identify problems, but it also offers automated fixes for many of them.

Java Gradle Lint Plugin Setup

To start using the Gradle Lint Plugin, you need to add it to your project’s build.gradle file. Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up the plugin.

First, add the plugin dependency:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.netflix.nebula:gradle-lint-plugin:latest.release'

Next, apply the plugin in your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'nebula.lint'

Gradle Lint Plugin Setup Configuration

Once you apply the plugin, you can configure it to suit your needs. Here’s an example of basic configuration:

gradleLint {
    rules = ['all-dependency']
    // Custom rule set
    rules += ['dependency-parentheses']
    reporters = ['console', 'html'] // Define the type of report
    reportFormat = 'html' // Set the report format
    autocorrect = true // Automatically correct issues

Key Configuration Options:

  • rules: Specifies the rules to be applied.
  • reporters: Defines the reporters to use (e.g., console, HTML).
  • reportFormat: Sets the format of the generated report.
  • autocorrect: If set to true, the plugin will automatically fix the issues it detects.

Gradle Lint Built-in Rules

The Gradle Lint Plugin comes with a set of built-in rules that cover a wide range of common issues. For example, some of the most useful built-in rules include:

  • all-dependency: Ensures all dependencies are declared properly.
  • dependency-parentheses: Checks for the proper use of parentheses in dependency declarations.
  • dependency-management: Verifies the use of dependency management best practices.
  • deprecated-dependency: Detects usage of deprecated dependencies.

To use these rules, simply include them in the rules configuration as shown earlier. Additionally, you can combine multiple rules to tailor the linting process to your specific needs.

Java Gradle Lint Generated Reports

Generating reports with the Gradle Lint Plugin is straightforward. By default, the plugin can generate reports in multiple formats, such as console and HTML. Consequently, you can choose the format that best suits your workflow.

To generate a report, run the lint task:

./gradlew lintGradle

This command will analyze your build scripts and produce a report based on your configuration. If you configured HTML reporting, you’ll find the report in the build/reports/gradleLint directory. As a result, you can easily review the issues and take necessary actions.


In conclusion, the Gradle Lint Plugin is an invaluable tool for maintaining the health and efficiency of your Gradle build scripts. By integrating this plugin into your build process, you can ensure that your build scripts follow best practices, avoid deprecated APIs, and are free of common pitfalls. This Java Gradle Lint Intro has provided you with the essential information on setting up, configuring, and utilizing the Gradle Lint Plugin. Moreover, with its easy setup, comprehensive configuration options, and powerful built-in rules, the Gradle Lint Plugin is a must-have for any Gradle-based project. Therefore, developers who want to keep their build scripts clean and efficient should highly consider using it.

Ashraf Sarhan

With over 8 years of experience in the field, I have developed and maintained large-scale distributed applications for various domains, including library, audio books, and quant trading. I am passionate about OpenSource, CNCF/DevOps, Microservices, and BigData, and I constantly seek to learn new technologies and tools. I hold two Oracle certifications in Java programming and business component development.
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