
Flutter: A Boon for Javascript Developers with Better Web Apps UI

After Google officially launched flutter 1.0 in 2018, there is a hot-talk among mobile app developers — flutter. Major companies, including Sonos Inc., Capital One Financial Corp., eBay Inc., Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., and Tencent Holdings, are already building apps with Flutter, Google said. There are many questions raised among mobile developers, how it is possible to be cross-platform without javascript? Does it quicker than other javascript frameworks? Why do I have to pick flutter? But the vast majority of them mesmerized by its UI/UX components. Due to the impact of that, there is an announcement in Google I/O2019


This article covers the UI features of flutter and topics roused by the specific flutter session Google I/O 2019 developers’ summit.

1. Flutter UI kit has wonderful features

  • Look and feel the same with Material Design

Flutter utilizes its own Material design which is elegant and delightful. Apart from that, you will see a similar button, frames, and widgets in both ios and android devices. Natively ios and android have different styles in their UI elements, yet flutter will bring a similar design to both devices. So you get the same feel in various devices when utilizing applications built with flutter.

  • Pixel perfect and Size is no matter.

Flutter controls each pixel on display. So whatever your device display’s Size is, flutter will work with it. It additionally gives free-hand the designer’s view with no compromisation.

  • Glitch-free nice UX

Flutter is built on top of Skia, the 2D graphics engine with hardware acceleration. With that, the flutter code is straightforwardly compiled to native code not interpreted nor run on a virtual machine like javascript UI frameworks.

Consequently, apps made with flutter are glitch-free and have decent user experience (UX).

As the flutter UI kit has the above features, the developers began to utilize it widely. Flutter’s developers noticed them and chose to extend the power of flutter to big screens.

2. How does flutter work on Big screens?

Flutter is truly a UI framework on top of dart language. Behind the scenes, all the programming works are finished with dart code. So the way of utilizing the dart code determines the flutter’s flexibility.

  • On Web

Web developers know that javascript is the scripting language of the web. The entire client-side environment is controlled with javascript. Accordingly, the dart code is compiled to javascript code and effectively keeps running on the web with HTML components.

  • On Embedded Systems

Flutter has its low-level API called flutter embedder. This API is accustomed to bringing the functionality of the flutter to the embedded system. Developers need to make your custom flutter engines by utilizing API on your preferred platform. But this is still in the development stage and developers taking a shot on it to improve it in the future.

  • On Desktops

Flutter stepped into the desktop environments similarly as it entered the mobile environments. Dart code keeps running over the C++ flutter engine that will run on platform-explicit embedders extraordinarily build for Mac, Windows, and Linux. It is simpler than you think. 

This is an experimental project, yet the instructions for utilizing flutter on the desktop is in this link .

3. How could it be revolutionary?

Previous topics are explained to accomplish this point. Writing code is always challenging. That makes the cross-platform app needs a lot of time and effort. Flutter makes it simpler.

  • E.g.:- If a company builds up a mobile app with flutter. After launching the mobile app, the company discovers there is a need for the web app for that product. Then hire a web developer and develop the web app. From that point, there is a need for a desktop app that likewise arises. In such cases, for an organization to extend its apps to cross-platform, flutter could be more helpful. No need for an additional cost to design UI/UX from scratch, yet altering the current design will be only the work to be completed.
  • For a user, if cross-platform apps feel similar, it’s simpler for them to work with the application. Since they won’t worry over putting of frames and buttons. So the number of users for the app increases. This is a beneficial move for the company.
  • E.g.:- Writing a medium article that is easier on PC than using the mobile app. But the mobile app is convenient to read the articles. If the web app is built with flutter, it’s easier to bring the equivalent UI to the mobile app. So users could feel the same experience in mobile and web.

4. Conclusion

Flutter has gained remarkable traction since its launch and is already well-known among mobile app developers. If you’re planning to opt for flutter app development, then it is crucial to stay updated with the new releases and trends about this platform. It’s UI/UX capabilities are interesting. So flutter’s developers attempting to carry that experience beyond mobile screens to bigger such as desktop, web, and embedded systems. This evolution of flutter turns into a transformation in UI/UX industry, and one day all the screens would be lit by flutter. The company is expanding its vision to deliver better applications to their customers as well as developers by saving their time, money, and efforts at the same time. 

Nathan Mckinley

Nathan Mckinley is Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC - mobile app development company in Chicago, Illinois the USA. Along with marketing career, he is a technophile person to write and explain about mobile technologies and its updates and how we can utilize them into mobile app development to improve app UI/UX.
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