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[FREE EBOOKS] PowerShell 7 Workshop, The DevSecOps Playbook & Four More Best Selling Titles

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Fresh offers await you on our Information Technology Research Library, please have a look!

PowerShell 7 Workshop ($35.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Discover the capabilities of PowerShell 7 for your everyday tasks with this carefully paced tutorial that will help you master this versatile programming language. The first set of chapters will show you where to find and how to install the latest version of PowerShell, providing insights into the distinctive features that set PowerShell apart from other languages. You’ll then learn essential programming concepts such as variables and control flow, progressing to their applications. As you advance, you’ll work with files and APIs, writing scripts, functions, and modules. You’ll also gain proficiency in securing your PowerShell environment before venturing into different operating systems. Enriched with detailed practical examples tailored for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Raspberry Pi, each chapter weaves real-world scenarios to ignite your imagination and cement the principles you learn. You’ll be able to reinforce your understanding through self-assessment questions and delve deeper into the principles using comprehensive reading lists. By the end of this book, you’ll have the confidence to use PowerShell for physical computing and writing scripts for Windows administration.

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The DevSecOps Playbook: Deliver Continuous Security at Speed ($19.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

A must-read guide to a new and rapidly growing field in cybersecurity. In The DevSecOps Playbook: Deliver Continuous Security at Speed,Wiley CISO and CIO Sean D. Mack delivers an expert analysis of how to keep your business secure, relying on the classic triad of people, process, and technology to examine-in depth-every component of DevSecOps. In the book, you’ll learn why DevSecOps is as much about people and collaboration as it is about technology and how it impacts every part of our cybersecurity systems. You’ll explore the shared responsibility model at the core of DevSecOps, as well as the people, processes, and technology at the heart of the framework. You’ll also find: An insightful overview of DevOps and DevSecOps principles and practices. Strategies for shifting security considerations to the front-end of the development cycle. Ways that the standard security model has evolved over the years and how it has impacted our approach to cybersecurity. A need-to-read resource for security leaders, security engineers, and privacy practitioners across all industries,The DevSecOps Playbookwill also benefit governance, risk, and compliance specialists who seek to better understand how a transformed approach to cybersecurity can impact their business for the better.

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Artificial Intelligence For Dummies, 2nd Edition ($22.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Forget far-away dreams of the future. Artificial intelligence is here now!. Every time you use asmart deviceorsome sort ofslick technology-be it asmartwatch, smart speaker, security alarm, or even customer service chat box-you’re engaging with artificial intelligence (AI).If you’recurious about how AI is developed-or questionwhetherAI isreal-Artificial IntelligenceForDummiesholdsthe answers you’relooking for.Starting withabasic definitionof AIand explanations ofdata use, algorithms,special hardware,and more, this referencesimplifiesthis complextopicforanyone who wants to understand whatoperatesthe devices we can’t live without.. This book will help you:. Separatethe realityof artificial intelligencefromthe hype. Knowwhatartificial intelligencecan accomplishandwhatits limitsare. UnderstandhowAIspeeds up data gathering and analysisto help you make informed decisions more quickly. See how AI is beingusedin hardwareapplicationslike drones, robots, and vehicles. Know where AIcould be used in space, medicine, andcommunication fieldssooner than you think. Almost 80 percent of the devices you interact with every day depend on some sort of AI.And although you don’t need to understand AI to operate your smart speaker orinteract with abot, you’ll feel a little smarter-dare we say more intelligent-when you knowwhat’s going onbehind the scenes. So don’t wait.Pick up thispopularguide tounlock the secretsof AItoday!.

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Machine Learning Infrastructure and Best Practices for Software Engineers ($35.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Although creating a machine learning pipeline or developing a working prototype of a software system from that pipeline is easy and straightforward nowadays, the journey toward a professional software system is still extensive. This book will help you get to grips with various best practices and recipes that will help software engineers transform prototype pipelines into complete software products. The book begins by introducing the main concepts of professional software systems that leverage machine learning at their core. As you progress, you’ll explore the differences between traditional, non-ML software, and machine learning software. The initial best practices will guide you in determining the type of software you need for your product. Subsequently, you will delve into algorithms, covering their selection, development, and testing before exploring the intricacies of the infrastructure for machine learning systems by defining best practices for identifying the right data source and ensuring its quality. Towards the end, you’ll address the most challenging aspect of large-scale machine learning systems – ethics. By exploring and defining best practices for assessing ethical risks and strategies for mitigation, you will conclude the book where it all began – large-scale machine learning software.

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Linux Cookbook 2nd edition ( $56.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

This handy cookbook teaches new-to-intermediate Linux users the essential skills necessary to manage a Linux system, using both graphical and command-line tools. Whether you run Linux in embedded, desktop, server, or cloud or virtual environments, the fundamental skills are the same. This book aims to get you up and running quickly, with copy-paste examples. Carla Schroder provides recipes that cover specific problems, with discussions that explain how each recipe works, as well as references for additional study. You’ll learn how to: Use systemd,the new comprehensive service manager. Build simple or complex firewalls with firewalld. Set up secure network connections for Linux systems and mobile devices. Rescue nonbooting systems. Reset lost passwords on Linux and Windows. Use dnsmasq to simplify managing your LAN name services. Manage users and groups and control access to files. Probe your computer hardware and monitor hardware health. Manage the GRUB bootloader and multiboot Linux and Windows. Keep accurate time across your network with the newest tools. Build an internet router/firewall on Raspberry Pi. Manage filesystems and partitioning.

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Enterprise Transformation to AI and the Metaverse ($59.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Strategies for the Technology Revolution. This book provides guidance on how organizations can respond effectively to a rapidly converging collection of advanced technologies, methods, and models often referred to as “the metaverse.” The arrival of the metaverse will likely lead to one of the most disruptive eras in modern history. We will see our personal, social, professional, and business lives change just as dramatically as we experienced with the arrival of the personal computer, Internet, and smart phone. The book also discusses some of the most important metaverse technologies, concepts, and methods which are needed by organizational leaders to understand as they begin to map out their metaverse transformation plans. These discussions are followed by detailed chapters on the main elements of an effective enterprise transformation initiative, concluding with a detailed hypothetical case study that describes how such a transformation can be accomplished. The central purpose of the book is to help executives and other professionals in charting an effective course to the metaverse. . FEATURES. Discusses the most important metaverse technologies, concepts, and methods organizational leaders need to understand as they begin to map out their metaverse transformation plans. Features detailed chapters on the main elements of an effective enterprise transformation initiative. Covers machine learning, AI, augmented reality, quantum computing, enterprise architecture, robotics, platforms, ChatGPT, holograms, organizational structure for the metaverse era, and more. Concludeswith a detailed hypothetical case study that describes how such a transformation can be accomplished.

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That’s it for now, we hope you found them insightful. Stay tuned for more!

Till next time, keep geeking!

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