Web Development

Top VSCode Extensions for Web Devs in 2024

Ever spend ages hunting for typos or rewriting the same code bits? As a web developer, your time is precious. This guide will intro you to the top Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extensions that can help you write cleaner, faster code in 2024. These handy tools will:

  • Catch errors on the fly, so you can fix them before they cause problems.
  • Automate repetitive tasks, freeing you up to focus on the bigger picture.
  • Suggest code completions and snippets, saving you time and keystrokes.
  • Let you see live previews of your code, so you can test it as you go.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a toolbox full of extensions ready to take your web development skills to the next level!

1. Top 10 VSCode Extensions for Writing Cleaner, Faster Web Code in 2024

Ready to ditch typos, write code quicker, and become a web dev superhero? Buckle up! Here are the top 10 VSCode extensions to elevate your workflow in 2024, backed by stats, sources, and tips to get you started.

1. ESLint (Millions of Installs):

Code Snippet (JavaScript):

// Example ESLint configuration file (.eslintrc.json)
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "es2020": true
  "extends": [
  "parserOptions": {
    "sourceType": "module"
  "rules": {
    "semi": ["error", "always"]

2. Prettier (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Magically formats your code consistently with a single keystroke.
  • Why it’s awesome: Saves tons of time on manual formatting, keeps your code clean and readable, and avoids style arguments with teammates. (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode)
  • Tip: Integrate Prettier with ESLint for a one-two punch of code quality and formatting.

3. Live Server (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Instantly launches a local development server and shows a live preview of your web page in the browser as you code.
  • Why it’s awesome: Speeds up your development cycle by letting you see changes reflected immediately. No more switching between editor and browser! (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ritwickdey.LiveServer)
  • Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts to refresh the preview for even faster iteration.

4. Emmet (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Supercharges your HTML and CSS coding with abbreviations that expand into full code snippets.
  • Why it’s awesome: Writes complex HTML structures and CSS boilerplate code in a flash, saving you tons of keystrokes. (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/emmet)
  • Tip: Learn a few basic Emmet abbreviations to unlock its true power. Here’s an example:
**Code Snippet (Emmet):**

Type `div.container>ul#myList` and press Tab to expand it into:

<div class="container">
  <ul id="myList"></ul>

5. Auto Close Tag (Millions of Installs):

6. GitLens (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Provides a rich visual exploration of your Git version control history directly within VSCode.
  • Why it’s awesome: Lets you easily see code changes, authorship, and blame for bugs, making collaboration smoother. (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens)
  • Tip: Utilize GitLens features like code blame to understand who made specific code changes and why.

7. Debugger for Chrome (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Debugs your JavaScript code directly within Chrome, allowing you to step through code execution, set breakpoints, and inspect variables.
  • Why it’s awesome: Makes debugging complex web applications a breeze, helping you pinpoint the root cause of errors quickly. (https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2016/02/23/introducing-chrome-debugger-for-vs-code)
  • Tip: Here’s a basic code snippet demonstrating a breakpoint in JavaScript:
// Example JavaScript code with a breakpoint

function myFunction() {
  // Code to be executed
  console.log("Before the breakpoint");
  debugger; // Set a breakpoint here
  console.log("After the breakpoint");


By placing a debugger statement (debugger;) in your code, you can pause execution at that point and inspect variables using the debugger console in VSCode.

8. REST Client (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Allows you to send HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) directly from VSCode, making it easy to test and interact with APIs.
  • Why it’s awesome: Eliminates the need for separate API testing tools, streamlining your workflow and allowing you to test API calls as you develop.
  • Tip: Explore features like syntax highlighting for request bodies and responses, making it easier to read and understand API interactions.

9. Bracket Pair Colorizer (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Colors matching brackets (parentheses, curly braces, square brackets) to help you visually identify code structure.
  • Why it’s awesome: Makes complex code blocks easier to read and navigate, reducing the chance of missing misplaced brackets. ([invalid URL removed])
  • Tip: Customize the bracket color scheme to your preference for optimal clarity.

10. Code Runner (Millions of Installs):

  • What it does: Executes code snippets directly within VSCode, allowing you to test and experiment with code without switching environments.
  • Why it’s awesome: Speeds up development by letting you try out code snippets and see the results immediately. Great for quick checks and learning new functionalities. ([invalid URL removed])
  • Tip: Choose the appropriate language for your code snippet to ensure proper execution.

With these top extensions in your VSCode arsenal, you’ll be writing code at lightning speed and with laser focus. So go forth and conquer those coding challenges!

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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