Core Java

Migrating from Lombok to Records with Ease

Keeping your Java code clean and easy to understand is essential for both you and your fellow developers. In the past, developers often relied on a tool called Lombok to achieve this. However, Java recently introduced a new feature called Records that can simplify your code and make it even more maintainable. This guide will walk you through the process of migrating from Lombok to Records with ease, helping you write clean and efficient Java code without any external libraries.

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1. Why Migrate From Lombok to Records?

Here are several reasons why you might consider migrating from Lombok to Records in Java:

1. Native and Built-in:

  • Lombok is an external library, while Records are a built-in feature of Java 14 and later. This means you don’t need to add any additional libraries to your project, simplifying your setup and reducing potential compatibility issues.

2. Improved Code Maintainability:

  • Records encourage a concise and readable syntax for data classes, similar to Lombok’s @Data annotation. However, Records integrate seamlessly with the Java language, making the code more understandable and maintainable in the long run.

3. Performance Benefits:

  • Records are typically compiled into more efficient bytecode compared to Lombok-generated code. This can lead to slightly faster program execution, especially for larger applications.

4. Future-Proofing:

  • As Java continues to evolve, Records are likely to be further developed and supported. By using Records, you future-proof your code and avoid potential compatibility issues with older versions of Lombok.

5. Reduced Dependencies:

  • Migrating to Records eliminates the need for the Lombok library, reducing project dependencies and potentially simplifying your build process.

Overall, while Lombok has served developers well, Records offer a modern, native, and potentially more efficient alternative for creating data classes in Java.

2. Key Differences and Considerations

1. Native vs. External Library:

  • Records:
    • Introduced in Java 14 as a built-in language feature.
    • Advantages:
      • Simplified setup: No need to download, install, or configure external libraries like Lombok.
      • Reduced project complexity: Fewer dependencies to manage and maintain.
      • Improved compatibility: Less risk of compatibility issues with different Java versions or other libraries.
    • Example:
public class Movie {
  private String title;
  private int releaseYear;
  • Lombok:
    • Requires adding the Lombok library as a dependency to your project.
    • Introduces annotations to generate boilerplate code, such as getters, setters, and constructors.
    • Potential drawbacks:
      • Increased project complexity due to additional dependencies.
      • Potential compatibility issues with different Java versions or other libraries that might conflict with Lombok annotations.
    • Example (using @Data annotation):
public class Movie {
  private String title;
  private int releaseYear;

2. Code Maintainability:

  • Records:
    • Offer a concise and readable syntax similar to Lombok’s @Data annotation.
    • The code directly reflects the class structure, making it easier to understand and maintain.
    • Example:
public record Movie(String title, int releaseYear) {}
  • Lombok:
    • While @Data simplifies code, it can introduce boilerplate code that might not be immediately clear, especially for complex classes.
    • Requires familiarity with Lombok annotations to understand the generated code.

3. Performance:

  • Records:
    • May offer slightly better performance due to more efficient bytecode compared to Lombok-generated code.
    • This is because:
      • Records are compiled directly into Java bytecode, whereas Lombok uses code generation at runtime.
      • Records can potentially leverage optimizations specific to the Java language.
    • The performance difference is usually negligible for small applications, but it might become more noticeable in larger, performance-critical applications.

4. Future-Proofing:

  • Records:
    • As a built-in Java feature, Records are likely to receive continuous development and support from the Java team.
    • This ensures compatibility with future Java versions and potential performance improvements.
  • Lombok:
    • While widely used, Lombok is an external library maintained by a separate team.
    • There’s always a potential risk of compatibility issues with future Java versions or conflicts with other libraries.

5. Reduced Dependencies:

  • Records:
    • Eliminate the need for the Lombok library, reducing project dependencies.
    • This can simplify the build process, especially in complex projects with many dependencies.

In conclusion, while both approaches can achieve similar results, Records offer several advantages over Lombok:

  • Simplified setup and reduced project complexity
  • Improved compatibility and reduced risk of conflicts
  • Potentially better performance for larger applications
  • Future-proof code due to continuous Java language development

However, the best choice depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prioritize simplicity, maintainability, and future-proofing, Records are a compelling option. But if you’re already comfortable with Lombok and its features, it might still be a viable choice for your project.

3. Specific Examples

1. Migrating Getters and Setters:

Lombok: (Imagine a class representing a Product)

public class Product {
  private String name;
  private double price;
  private int stock;


public record Product(String name, double price, int stock) {}

Records offer a cleaner and more concise syntax by automatically generating getters, setters, and other essential methods based on the constructor arguments. This reduces boilerplate code and improves readability.

2. Migrating Constructors:

Lombok: (Imagine a class representing a Customer)

public class Customer {
  private String firstName;
  private String lastName;
  private String email;


public record Customer(String firstName, String lastName, String email) {}

Records automatically create a constructor that accepts all fields as arguments, eliminating the need for separate annotations like @AllArgsConstructor and @NoArgsConstructor. This simplifies the code and avoids potential confusion.

3. Handling Default Values:

Lombok: (Imagine a class representing a Vehicle)

public class Vehicle {
  private String make;
  private String model;
  private int year;

  @Builder(builderMethodName = "defaultBuilder")
  public Vehicle(String make, String model, int year) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model != null ? model : "Unknown";
    this.year = year;


public record Vehicle(String make, String model, int year) {
  public Vehicle {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model == null ? "Unknown" : model;
    this.year = year;

While both approaches allow setting default values, Records offer a more direct way by assigning them within the constructor itself. This eliminates the need for custom builder methods and simplifies the code.

4. Using Builder Pattern:

Lombok: (Imagine a class representing an Order)

public class Order {
  private String customerName;
  private List<Item> items;
  private String deliveryAddress;

  // Additional builder methods for specific fields


public record Order(String customerName, List<Item> items, String deliveryAddress) {
  public static class Builder {
    private String customerName;
    private List<Item> items;
    private String deliveryAddress;

    public Builder customerName(String customerName) {
      this.customerName = customerName;
      return this;

    // ... similar builder methods for other fields ...

    public Order build() {
      return new Order(customerName, items, deliveryAddress);

Both Lombok and Records offer ways to leverage the builder pattern for complex object creation with optional parameters. While Lombok achieves this with a single annotation, Records require a nested static builder class. This might offer slightly more control over the construction process but may increase code complexity.

Consider these examples, along with other factors discussed in previous sections, to make informed decisions when migrating from Lombok to Records in your Java projects.

4. Potential Limitations or Trade-Offs of Using Records compared to Lombok

While Records offer several advantages, it’s important to acknowledge some potential limitations or trade-offs compared to Lombok:

1. Limited Customization:

  • Records enforce a specific structure: They require all fields to be final and provide a constructor with all fields as arguments. This can be limiting for situations where you need more control over field mutability or constructor behavior.
  • Lombok offers more flexibility: Annotations like @Setter and @Getter allow you to customize setter and getter behavior (e.g., setting access modifiers).

2. Builder Pattern Complexity:

  • Record builder classes are nested and static: This can lead to more verbose code compared to Lombok’s single @Builder annotation.
  • Lombok’s builder might feel simpler: It’s more concise and easier to use for basic scenarios.

3. Maturity and Ecosystem:

  • Records are a relatively new feature: Compared to the established Lombok library, Records might have a smaller ecosystem of tools and integrations with third-party libraries.
  • Lombok has a wider community and more resources: You might find more tutorials, plugins, and integrations readily available for Lombok.

4. IDE Integration:

  • Record support might vary across IDEs: Some IDEs might have better support for Lombok annotations compared to Records, especially in terms of code completion and refactoring.

5. Resources for Further Exploration

If you’re interested in learning more about Records and the migration process from Lombok, here are some valuable resources:

These resources provide in-depth information on Records, their features, and the migration process. Additionally, numerous online articles and tutorials can offer further insights and practical guidance. Remember, the decision to migrate from Lombok to Records should be based on careful evaluation of your project requirements and the specific trade-offs involved.

6. Conclusion: Migrating from Lombok to Records – A Considered Choice

Migrating from Lombok to Records presents a compelling opportunity to streamline your Java code, enhance its readability, and benefit from a native language feature. Records offer several advantages, including:

  • Simplified code: Records eliminate the need for boilerplate code associated with getters, setters, constructors, and other methods.
  • Improved maintainability: Concise syntax and integration with the Java language make Records easier to understand and maintain in the long run.
  • Potential performance benefits: Records might offer slightly better performance compared to Lombok-generated code for larger applications.
  • Future-proofing: As a built-in feature, Records are likely to receive continuous development and support from the Java team.

However, it’s important to acknowledge potential trade-offs, such as limited customization and a less mature ecosystem compared to Lombok.

Ultimately, the decision to migrate from Lombok to Records comes down to your specific project requirements and preferences. Consider the advantages and limitations discussed in this article to make an informed choice that aligns with your development goals.

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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