Core Java

Top 10 Java Frameworks to Boost Your Web Development in 2024

Welcome to the world of web development in 2024! If you’re running a business, you know how important technology is for success. In this fast-changing landscape, picking the right Java framework can be a game-changer for making your web projects efficient and innovative.

In this guide, we’ll go through the world of Java frameworks and give you a list of the best tools to help your development teams. These frameworks are made to make your work easier and match what you want to achieve with your business.

So, let’s jump in and check out the latest Java frameworks that are ready to change how you do web development in 2024. Use the power of tech, stay ahead, and take your business to new heights!

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1. What is a Java Framework?

A Java framework is a pre-established set of tools, libraries, and conventions that provides a structured way to develop software applications using the Java programming language. Frameworks aim to simplify the development process by offering reusable and standardized components, reducing the need for developers to write repetitive code from scratch.

These frameworks often define the overall architecture of an application, handling tasks such as data persistence, input validation, and user interface management. By adopting a Java framework, developers can benefit from increased productivity, maintainability, and scalability of their projects.

Java frameworks come in various types, catering to different aspects of software development, including web development, desktop applications, and enterprise-level systems. Examples of popular Java frameworks include Spring, Hibernate, Apache Struts, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). Each framework serves a specific purpose, making it easier for developers to focus on implementing unique features rather than dealing with low-level details.

Java frameworks are also called libraries and APIs.

1.1 Why to use them?

Java frameworks play a crucial role in bringing order and structure to the application development process. They establish robust foundations that automate a variety of tasks, especially in testing, online applications, and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).

Essentially, the creation of purpose-specific frameworks empowers programmers to streamline their workflows, ensuring consistent and reliable outcomes. In the realm of Java web development, these frameworks go beyond the frontend, extending seamlessly into the backend and providing a holistic approach to application architecture.

In the broader context, the significance of Java frameworks stems from their ability to simplify developers’ lives. By managing repetitive and generic coding tasks prevalent across domains or applications, these frameworks empower developers to concentrate more on crafting intricate business logic. This shift in focus allows for a more efficient and purposeful utilization of their skills, ultimately contributing to the smooth and successful development of Java-based applications.

Incorporating Java frameworks is a strategic choice with a plethora of advantages that are indispensable in modern software development. Let’s delve into why this strategic decision holds immense value:

Efficiency and ProductivityReduces repetitive code, accelerates development, and provides a structured environment for efficient coding.
StandardizationPromotes consistency through established conventions, making code more readable and enhancing team collaboration.
ScalabilityIncorporates features to handle scalability challenges, ensuring applications can grow without compromising performance.
SecurityOffers built-in security features to protect applications from common vulnerabilities, prioritizing data and user safety.
Maintenance and UpdatesRegular updates keep frameworks aligned with industry standards, reducing the burden of maintenance and ensuring long-term relevance.
Community SupportLarge and active developer communities provide a wealth of resources, documentation, and support for issue resolution.
Cross-Platform CompatibilityExtends Java’s “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, allowing applications to run on various platforms with minimal adjustments.

2. Benefits of Using Java Frameworks for Web Development

Picking Java frameworks for web development is like finding a treasure chest of benefits that really boost how well your projects work, grow, and succeed. Let’s dig into why this choice is so great in a simpler way.

  1. Structured Development for Orderly Code: Opting for Java frameworks gifts developers with a meticulously defined structure, ensuring our code is organized and modular. It’s like having a reliable guide leading us through the development journey.
  2. Supercharged Productivity: With pre-built modules and components at our fingertips, Java frameworks liberate us from the shackles of repetitive code. This means more time and energy to infuse our projects with unique features and business logic that truly stand out.
  3. Consistency and Team Harmony: These frameworks bring along a set of conventions and best practices, fostering a consistent coding style that resonates across the entire team. It’s like speaking a shared language that enhances collaboration and accelerates our progress.
  4. Scaling Heights with Ease: Java frameworks don’t just stop at structured code; they equip us with tools to tackle scalability challenges head-on. Be it accommodating a surge in user loads or handling expanding datasets, these frameworks provide solutions that seamlessly grow with our ambitions.
  5. Security, Our Trusted Ally: Many Java frameworks come fortified with built-in security features, acting as our vigilant guardians against common vulnerabilities. It’s like having a security companion that ensures our web applications stand strong against potential threats.
  6. Community Camaraderie: Stepping into the world of Java frameworks means joining a vibrant community of fellow developers. This camaraderie translates into a goldmine of resources, documentation, and hands-on support, making problem-solving and staying updated a collaborative adventure.
  7. Cross-Platform Flexibility: Harnessing Java’s “write once, run anywhere” prowess, these frameworks empower us to create applications that seamlessly adapt to various platforms. It’s like having a universal toolkit that ensures our creations reach a diverse audience without missing a beat.
  8. Swift Development with Libraries Galore: Java frameworks bring along an extensive library collection, a playground of pre-built functions and utilities. This accelerates our development journey by sparing us the need to reinvent the wheel at every turn.
  9. Maintainability, Our Code’s Guardian: The structured approach enforced by Java frameworks isn’t just for show; it significantly contributes to the maintainability of our code. As our projects evolve, this becomes our trusted ally in navigating updates and enhancements.
  10. Future-Proofing for Endless Possibilities: Regular updates and enhancements to Java frameworks ensure our applications stay in sync with the ever-evolving industry standards. Choosing frameworks with active development is like future-proofing our web applications for endless possibilities and sustained relevance.

3.10 Popular Java Frameworks still in Demand for 2024

Now, let’s explore the leading Java frameworks for the year 2024. These frameworks stand out as the top preferences for dedicated development teams globally in the realm of web development

3.1 Spring Framework

Spring stands out as a nimble and open-source Java web development framework, offering a robust infrastructure for crafting Java applications. Renowned as a cornerstone in the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) ecosystem, Spring empowers developers to fashion high-performing applications through the simplicity of Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs). Now, let’s delve into its distinctive features and the advantages it brings to the development arena.

Table 1: Key Features of Spring

Dependency Injection (DI)Facilitates loose coupling by allowing the injection of dependencies, enhancing modularity and maintainability.
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)Enables the modularization of cross-cutting concerns, such as logging and security, enhancing code modularity.
Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller)A robust web module that follows the MVC pattern, providing a clean separation of concerns for web application development.
Spring BootMicroservices-friendly framework that reduces configuration complexities and accelerates development through convention-over-configuration.
Spring DataSimplifies data access by offering a consistent and expressive data access framework with support for various data stores.

Table 2: Advantages of Utilizing Spring

Modular DevelopmentSpring’s modular architecture promotes clean and organized code, simplifying the development process.
Enhanced TestabilityFeatures like Dependency Injection make unit testing easier, ensuring robust and reliable code.
Loose CouplingDependency Injection fosters loose coupling, allowing components to evolve independently, enhancing flexibility and maintainability.
Comprehensive SecuritySpring Security offers a robust framework for implementing authentication, authorization, and protecting against security vulnerabilities.
Simplified Database AccessSpring Data streamlines database interactions, reducing the effort required for data-related operations.

In summary, these tables highlight the key features and advantages of Spring, emphasizing its role in promoting clean, modular, and efficient Java development.

3.2 Hibernate

Hibernate remains a trending and widely adopted framework in modern software development, and its continued popularity is attributed to several factors. Hibernate stands out as one of the leading frameworks for web development, offering a valuable abstraction layer that simplifies the developer’s experience. This abstraction relieves programmers from the nitty-gritty details of implementation, as Hibernate seamlessly handles performance-related tasks internally. Take, for instance, the intricate processes of establishing database connections and crafting queries for fundamental operations like Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). Hibernate takes the reins of these tasks, alleviating the programmer from the burden of low-level intricacies. It is this adeptness in handling performance intricacies that positions Hibernate at the forefront of the Java frameworks landscape.

Let’s delve into the features and advantages that contribute to Hibernate’s enduring relevance:

Table 1: Key Features of Hibernate

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)Provides a robust ORM solution, enabling seamless mapping of Java objects to database tables.
Database IndependenceAbstracts database-specific details, ensuring portability across different database management systems.
Automatic Table GenerationAutomatically generates database tables based on entity classes, streamlining the database schema creation process.
Lazy LoadingSupports lazy loading, fetching data only when needed, enhancing performance by minimizing unnecessary queries.
Caching MechanismsIncorporates caching mechanisms, reducing database round-trips and improving overall application performance.
HQL (Hibernate Query Language)Provides a powerful and database-independent query language (HQL) for executing queries against Java objects.

Table 2: Advantages of Utilizing Hibernate

Productivity EnhancementSignificantly reduces boilerplate code, allowing developers to focus on business logic and improving development speed.
Improved PerformanceFeatures like lazy loading and caching contribute to enhanced performance by minimizing database interactions.
Database PortabilityEnables seamless switching between different database systems without extensive code changes.
Reduced Development TimeAccelerates the development process with automatic table generation and simplified data access.
Maintainability and FlexibilityEnhances code maintainability and provides flexibility in evolving the application with a clean separation of concerns.
Community SupportBenefits from a robust and active community, ensuring ongoing support, updates, and a wealth of resources for developers.

3.3 Struts

Struts stands out as a robust web application framework for Java, providing developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features to streamline the creation of scalable and maintainable applications. It embraces the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, facilitating the separation of concerns and promoting a modular code structure.

At its core, Struts simplifies the development process by offering a clear structure for building web applications. The framework manages the flow of data between the model, responsible for handling the application’s logic and data, the view, representing the user interface, and the controller, orchestrating the interaction between the model and view.

One notable feature of Struts is its form-handling capabilities, allowing developers to easily collect and validate user input. The framework provides a straightforward mechanism for binding HTML forms to Java objects, reducing the complexity of form processing.

Struts also supports internationalization, making it adept at catering to a global user base. Developers can easily incorporate multiple languages and locales into their applications, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for users around the world.

Furthermore, Struts facilitates the integration of various technologies and frameworks. Its modular and extensible architecture enables developers to incorporate additional functionalities, such as integrating with databases, security frameworks, or third-party libraries, without sacrificing simplicity.

In terms of extensibility, Struts offers support for custom tags, allowing developers to create reusable components and simplify the construction of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. This flexibility contributes to a more efficient and enjoyable development experience.

Overall, Struts remains a stalwart in the Java web development landscape due to its adherence to best practices, its promotion of modular and maintainable code, and its ability to simplify complex aspects of web application development. As developers continue to seek frameworks that balance structure with flexibility, Struts continues to shine as a reliable and versatile choice for building robust Java web applications.

Here are the features and advantages of the Struts framework presented in two tables:

Table 1: Key Features of Struts

Model-View-Controller (MVC) ArchitectureFollows the MVC pattern, promoting a clear separation of concerns for better code organization and maintenance.
Form HandlingSimplifies the collection and validation of user input by providing a robust mechanism for binding HTML forms to Java objects.
Internationalization SupportEnables developers to create globally accessible applications by facilitating the incorporation of multiple languages and locales.
Integration CapabilitiesEasily integrates with various technologies and frameworks, allowing developers to extend functionality by incorporating databases, security frameworks, and third-party libraries.
Modular and Extensible ArchitectureOffers a modular and extensible architecture, enabling developers to enhance and customize the framework to suit specific project requirements.
Custom Tag SupportSupports the use of custom tags, allowing developers to create reusable components and streamline the development of dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Struts

Clarity in Code StructureThe MVC architecture provides a structured approach to development, enhancing code organization and maintainability.
Efficient Form HandlingSimplifies the collection and validation of user input, reducing the complexity associated with form processing.
Global AccessibilitySupports internationalization, ensuring that applications can be adapted to various languages and locales, catering to a diverse user base.
Flexibility and IntegrationOffers flexibility by integrating seamlessly with other technologies and frameworks, allowing developers to leverage existing tools and libraries.
Modularity and ExtensibilityThe modular architecture enables developers to extend and customize the framework, adapting it to specific project requirements and promoting code reusability.
Enhanced User Interface DevelopmentCustom tag support simplifies the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces, contributing to a more efficient and enjoyable development experience.

3.4 JavaServer Faces (JSF)

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java web application framework that simplifies the development integration of web-based user interfaces. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and is part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE). JSF is designed to streamline the development of complex user interfaces for Java web applications by providing a component-based approach.

Here are the features and advantages of JavaServer Faces (JSF):

Table 1: Key Features of JavaServer Faces (JSF)

Component-Based ArchitectureJSF follows a component-based architecture, treating UI components as reusable and self-contained units.
Managed BeanManaged beans handle business logic and are managed by the framework, providing an organized approach to application logic.
Event-Driven Programming ModelJSF relies on an event-driven programming model, where server-side code responds to events generated by UI components.
Expression Language (EL)Utilizes Expression Language for accessing and manipulating Java objects in web applications, simplifying data binding.
Standardized Tag Library (JSTL) IntegrationIntegrates with JSTL, offering a set of standard tags for common tasks such as iteration, conditional rendering, and formatting.
Built-In Ajax SupportSupports Ajax for dynamic and interactive user interfaces, allowing partial page updates without full page refresh.
Integration with Java EE TechnologiesSeamlessly integrates with other Java EE technologies, enhancing interoperability and enabling the development of enterprise-level applications.

Table 2: Advantages of Using JavaServer Faces (JSF)

Rapid DevelopmentAccelerates development with a component-based approach and built-in features, reducing the amount of code needed.
Reusability and ModularityFosters code reusability and modularity, making it easier to maintain and extend JSF applications.
Integration with Java EESeamless integration with Java EE technologies ensures interoperability and facilitates enterprise-level application development.
Reduced Boilerplate CodeFeatures like Expression Language (EL) and managed beans contribute to reducing boilerplate code in the development process.
Ease of TestingThe separation of concerns and the use of managed beans simplify unit testing, ensuring the reliability of application components.
Rich User Interface (UI) ComponentsProvides a rich set of UI components, allowing developers to create sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces.

3.5 GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. Developed by Google, GWT allows developers to write client-side code in Java, which is then translated into highly optimized JavaScript that can run efficiently across different browsers. GWT facilitates the development of interactive, high-performance web applications while abstracting away many of the complexities associated with cross-browser compatibility and JavaScript development.

Google Web Toolkit (GWT), akin to Spring and various other Java development frameworks, has gained favor among software developers, establishing itself as a top choice. Regarded as one of the premier Java web UI frameworks, GWT boasts a thriving open-source community, contributing to its widespread adoption for application development. Noteworthy is its exceptional lightweight nature, facilitating seamless integration into diverse projects. This attribute, combined with the active and popular community support, positions GWT as a preferred framework, making it an accessible and powerful tool for Java developers.

Here are the features and advantages of Google Web Toolkit (GWT) presented in table formats:

Table 1: Key Features of Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Java to JavaScript CompilationAllows developers to write client-side code in Java, which is then compiled into highly optimized JavaScript.
Cross-Browser CompatibilityAbstracts away cross-browser compatibility challenges, generating JavaScript code tailored to each browser.
Rich UI ComponentsProvides a rich set of UI components and widgets that can be easily customized for creating visually appealing interfaces.
Asynchronous Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)Supports asynchronous RPC for efficient communication between the client and server without blocking the UI.
Development ModeOffers a Development Mode for testing and debugging applications in a hosted mode environment during development.
Code SplittingIncludes a code-splitting feature to divide the application code into smaller parts, improving loading times.
Built-In Widgets and LibrariesComes with built-in widgets and libraries for common tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, and animation.
Integration with Google ServicesSeamlessly integrates with various Google services and APIs, allowing developers to incorporate Google functionalities.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

Java-Centric DevelopmentLeverages existing Java skills, enabling developers to use Java for building feature-rich web applications.
Cross-Browser CompatibilityHandles cross-browser compatibility, ensuring consistent behavior across different web browsers.
Efficient JavaScript CodeThe Java-to-JavaScript compilation process results in highly optimized and efficient JavaScript code.
Rich UI ComponentsProvides pre-built UI components, saving development time and facilitating the creation of visually appealing interfaces.
Debugging and Development ModeThe Development Mode facilitates easy debugging and testing during development, enhancing developer efficiency.
Code Splitting for PerformanceImproves application loading times by loading only necessary code, contributing to overall performance.

3.6 Play Framework

Play Framework is a modern, open-source web application framework designed for building scalable and reactive web applications using the Java and Scala programming languages. Developed with a focus on developer productivity and code simplicity, Play Framework follows a model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and incorporates features that promote rapid and efficient web application development. Distinguishing itself by offering type-safe RESTful Web Services, leveraging the capabilities of Scala, Play also includes essential components like a web server and application server within its web profiler toolkit. The utilization of the Scala programming language further enhances the development process, contributing to the framework’s efficiency and versatility.

Here are the features and advantages of Play Framework presented in table formats:

Table 1: Key Features of Play Framework

Reactive ArchitectureBuilt on a reactive architecture for efficient handling of concurrent requests using non-blocking I/O.
Hot ReloadingSupports hot reloading, allowing developers to instantly see code changes without restarting the application.
RESTful by DesignEncourages a RESTful design approach, making it well-suited for building scalable and maintainable APIs.
Integrated Testing SupportIncludes integrated testing support for unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests to ensure application reliability.
Convention over ConfigurationFollows the convention over configuration principle, reducing the need for explicit configuration and promoting consistency.
Built-In Web ServerComes with a lightweight, high-performance web server for easy deployment and running of applications.
Scala CompatibilityHas strong compatibility with Scala, allowing developers to use both Java and Scala in a Play project.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Play Framework

Developer ProductivityEnhances developer productivity with features like hot reloading and a convention over configuration approach.
Reactive and ScalableWell-suited for building reactive, scalable applications capable of handling a large number of concurrent users.
RESTful API DevelopmentSimplifies the development of RESTful APIs, providing a clean and intuitive structure for building web services.
Integrated TestingFacilitates integrated testing, ensuring the reliability and stability of applications through comprehensive test suites.
Language FlexibilityOffers flexibility in language choice with support for both Java and Scala, catering to developers with different language preferences.
Lean and Fast Development ServerProvides a lean and fast development server, eliminating the need for complex server configurations during the development phase.

3.7 Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a robust and opinionated open-source framework designed for streamlined Java web development, particularly excelling in the creation of RESTful APIs. Known for its lightweight nature and predefined conventions, Dropwizard offers a cohesive set of tools and libraries that simplify the development process. At its core, the framework predominantly relies on Hibernate, a robust data access layer that furnishes the functionality of an object database. In facilitating communication between the application and the database, Dropwizard employs a client API. This communication is secured through an HTTP-based API, ensuring a reliable and protected interaction channel. The synergy of these elements within Dropwizard simplifies the process of building RESTful services with a focus on efficiency and secure data access.

Below, the key features and advantages of Dropwizard are elaborated upon:

Table 1: Key Features of Dropwizard

Lightweight and OpinionatedDropwizard is a lightweight and opinionated framework, providing a set of predefined conventions and best practices for building web applications.
Embedded Jetty and JerseyComes bundled with the Jetty web server and Jersey for JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) implementation, simplifying deployment and RESTful service creation.
Metrics IntegrationBuilt-in support for metrics collection and reporting, allowing developers to monitor and measure various aspects of their applications.
Health Checks and MonitoringOffers health checks and monitoring functionalities, making it easy to assess the status and performance of the application.
Configuration ManagementProvides robust configuration management, allowing developers to externalize configuration settings and easily manage application properties.
Built-In Support for JSON and YAMLNative support for handling JSON and YAML formats, simplifying data serialization and deserialization in RESTful APIs.
Extensible and Modular DesignFeatures an extensible and modular design, enabling developers to plug in additional components and customize the framework according to project requirements.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Dropwizard

Rapid DevelopmentThe lightweight and opinionated nature of Dropwizard promotes rapid development by eliminating unnecessary configuration and decision-making.
Simplified DeploymentThe inclusion of an embedded Jetty web server simplifies the deployment process, making it easy to package and run applications.
Efficient RESTful API DevelopmentIntegration of Jersey for JAX-RS simplifies the creation of RESTful APIs, providing a streamlined approach for building web services.
Monitoring and MetricsBuilt-in support for metrics and health checks facilitates real-time monitoring and allows developers to identify and address potential issues promptly.
Configuration ManagementRobust configuration management simplifies handling application settings, promoting a cleaner separation of configuration and code.
Built-In Support for Data FormatsNative support for JSON and YAML formats enhances the handling of data serialization and deserialization in RESTful APIs.
Extensibility and CustomizationThe extensible and modular design allows developers to extend functionality and customize the framework to suit specific project needs.

3.8 Vaadin

Vaadin is a web application development framework that simplifies and streamlines the process of creating rich and interactive user interfaces for Java-based applications. Unlike many other web frameworks, Vaadin emphasizes a server-centric architecture, where the majority of the application logic and UI components reside on the server side. This approach allows developers to create web applications using Java, taking advantage of their existing skills and reducing the need for extensive JavaScript knowledge.

Developed using the Java programming language, Vaadin boasts cross-platform compatibility. It leverages Java Swing components to construct web applications and includes a UI builder enabling designers to craft UI layouts seamlessly.

Here are the features and advantages of Vaadin presented in table formats:

Table 1: Key Features of Vaadin

Java-Centric DevelopmentEnables web application development entirely in Java, reducing the need for extensive JavaScript knowledge.
Component-Based UI DevelopmentFollows a component-based approach, providing a rich set of pre-built UI components for easy customization and assembly.
Server-Side RenderingUtilizes a server-centric architecture, rendering UI components on the server side and updating them on the client side.
Event-Driven Programming ModelEmploys an event-driven programming model, allowing developers to respond to user interactions and update the UI dynamically.
Built-In Data BindingProvides built-in data binding capabilities for simplified synchronization of data between the client and server.
Responsive Design and ThemingSupports responsive design for adapting to different screen sizes and devices, along with theming options for customization.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Vaadin

Simplified Java DevelopmentAllows developers to use their Java skills for web development, reducing the learning curve for front-end technologies.
Component ReusabilityPromotes reusability with a component-based approach, enabling the creation of modular UI components for various parts of the application.
Consistent UI Across BrowsersEnsures consistent UI rendering across different browsers, mitigating challenges associated with cross-browser compatibility.
Efficient Data BindingSimplifies the management and synchronization of data between the client and server, facilitating the development of dynamic content.
Productivity and Rapid PrototypingHigh-level abstractions and pre-built components contribute to increased productivity and rapid prototyping of web applications.
Responsive and Themed UIsSupports responsive design for seamless adaptation to different devices and provides theming options for customizable visual appearances.

3.9 Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is an open-source Java web application framework that simplifies the development of scalable and maintainable web applications. It adopts a component-based approach, allowing developers to build web pages by assembling reusable components. Apache Wicket emphasizes a strong separation between application logic and presentation, promoting code reusability and modular development. Wicket finds application in the development of diverse web applications, catering to desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms. Its compatibility extends seamlessly to J2EE containers such as Glassfish, Geronimo, Tomcat, and JBoss EAP.

Here are the features and advantages of Apache Wicket presented in table formats:

Table 1: Key Features of Apache Wicket

Component-Based ArchitectureFollows a component-based approach for building web pages, allowing the assembly of reusable components to create complex user interfaces.
POJO ModelUtilizes a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) model for managing application state and behavior, simplifying development with standard Java objects.
Strong Separation of ConcernsEnforces a clear separation between HTML templates and Java code, facilitating better code management and collaboration between developers and designers.
Stateful ComponentsComponents are stateful by default, allowing for consistent management of component state across multiple user requests.
Declarative UI DevelopmentSupports declarative UI development through HTML templates, enabling developers to define the structure of web pages using standard HTML.
Ajax SupportOffers built-in Ajax support for creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces seamlessly integrated into the component-based model.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Apache Wicket

Reusable Components and CodePromotes code reusability through a component-based architecture, making it easier to create and maintain modular and reusable components.
POJO Model for SimplicitySimplifies application development with a POJO model, allowing developers to work with standard Java objects without complex abstractions.
Strong Separation of ConcernsEnhances maintainability with a clear separation between HTML templates and Java code, facilitating collaboration and focused development.
Stateful Components for PredictabilityDefault stateful components provide a predictable programming model, aiding in consistent state management across user interactions.
Declarative UI DevelopmentSimplifies the creation of web pages with declarative UI development, allowing developers to define page structure using standard HTML.
Integrated Ajax SupportSimplifies the development of dynamic and interactive user interfaces with built-in Ajax support, enhancing overall user experience.

3.10 Grails

Grails is an open-source web application framework built on the Groovy programming language and inspired by the Spring Framework. It follows the Convention over Configuration (CoC) paradigm, which means developers can achieve a lot with minimal configuration due to sensible defaults. Grails aims to streamline and simplify the process of building robust and maintainable web applications by providing a high-level framework with integrated tools and libraries. It also prioritizes developer productivity through the use of Groovy, Convention over Configuration, and integrated tools like GORM and the Spring Framework. Its extensible nature with a plugins ecosystem makes it suitable for a wide range of web development projects.

Here are the features and advantages of Grails presented in table formats:

Table 1: Key Features of Grails

Groovy LanguageBuilt on the Groovy programming language, known for its dynamic and expressive syntax running on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Convention over ConfigurationFollows the Convention over Configuration (CoC) paradigm, minimizing explicit configuration through sensible defaults and naming conventions.
Integrated with SpringIntegrated with the Spring Framework, leveraging features such as dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management.
GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping)Includes GORM, a flexible Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for simplified and expressive database interactions using domain objects.
Dynamic ScaffoldingOffers dynamic scaffolding, allowing automatic generation of basic CRUD views and controllers based on domain classes, accelerating development.
Plugins EcosystemFeatures a robust plugins ecosystem that extends functionality and facilitates the integration of additional features and libraries.
Asset PipelineIncludes an asset pipeline for managing and processing static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images, enhancing front-end resource optimization.

Table 2: Advantages of Using Grails

Rapid DevelopmentThe CoC approach and dynamic scaffolding contribute to rapid development, allowing developers to create applications quickly with minimal boilerplate code.
Groovy Language FeaturesLeveraging Groovy provides benefits such as concise syntax, dynamic typing, and powerful metaprogramming capabilities, enhancing expressiveness and productivity.
Integrated with SpringIntegration with the Spring Framework provides access to a mature ecosystem of enterprise-level features, supporting the development of robust and scalable applications.
GORM for Database InteractionGORM simplifies database interaction with an easy-to-use syntax for CRUD operations, relationships, and queries, making database management intuitive.
Plugins for ExtensibilityThe plugins ecosystem enhances extensibility, allowing seamless incorporation of additional features and benefiting from community contributions.
Asset Pipeline for Front-End ManagementThe asset pipeline simplifies the management and optimization of static assets, improving the organization and performance of front-end resources.

4. Conclusion

Exploring Java web development frameworks has been a real adventure! Grails brings in some cool vibes with Groovy, hosting a no-fuss coding party with friends like GORM and Spring. On the other hand, Apache Wicket is like the organized conductor, making sure everything runs smoothly with different parts doing their thing. And hey, there’s even an asset pipeline – think of it as a stylist for your web app’s look!

Whether you’re hanging out with Grails, conducting a symphony with Wicket, or checking out the scenes with Vaadin, each framework has its own cool style.

Thanks for joining the web dev party – hope your code stays bug-free, your launches go well, and your coffee keeps you going. Until next time, happy coding, and may the frameworks always work in your favor! 🚀✨

Eleftheria Drosopoulou

Eleftheria is an Experienced Business Analyst with a robust background in the computer software industry. Proficient in Computer Software Training, Digital Marketing, HTML Scripting, and Microsoft Office, they bring a wealth of technical skills to the table. Additionally, she has a love for writing articles on various tech subjects, showcasing a talent for translating complex concepts into accessible content.
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Andrea Martano
Andrea Martano
3 months ago

Well, I an strongly agree only on SpringBoot because the other mentioned frameworks earned a quite limited adoption or have definitely dropped in developers’ favour and adoption. DropWizard is the only one having some hopes to have a future if used in containerized environment. In the last 10 years working for the most important public european board (the European Commission) I haven’t seen starting any new project based on Struts but many projects started as refactoring of old JEE/Struts using Spring MVC or SpringBoot. The same occurred to applications based on Vaadin refactored using a SpringBooot/Angular stack. JSF had a… Read more »

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