Enterprise Java

AWS CodeBuild Error: Unable to access jarfile

Using AWS CodeBuild, I was using a buildspec that was to run an executable JAR file to execute JUnit tests. Here is my buildspec:

version: 0.2 env:   secrets-manager:     CLIENT_ID: AppSecrets/someapp:CLIENT_ID     CLIENT_SECRET: AppSecrets/someapp:CLIENT_SECRET phases:   install:     runtime-versions:       java: corretto11   build:     commands:       - echo $CLIENT_ID       - echo $CLIENT_SECRET       - java -jar -DclientId=$CLIENT_ID -DclientSecret=$CLIENT_SECRET junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.0.jar -cp myapp.jar --select-package="com.wall.steve"

As you can see, I am making use of AWS Secrets Manager to get a couple properties that are passed as system variables to the JUnit execution.

When this Build would run it would fail. In the logs I would see the following error:

[Container] 2020/10/16 14:18:55 Running command echo $CLIENT_ID *** [Container] 2020/10/16 14:18:55 Running command echo $CLIENT_SECRET *** [Container] 2020/10/16 14:18:55 Running command java -jar -DclientId=$CLIENT_ID -DclientSecret=$CLIENT_SECRET junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.0.jar -cp myapp.jar --select-package="com.wall.steve" Error: Unable to access jarfile from [Container] 2020/10/16 14:18:56 Command did not exit successfully java -jar -DclientId=$CLIENT_ID -DclientSecret=$CLIENT_SECRET junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.0.jar -cp myapp.jar --select-package="com.wall.steve" exit status 1 [Container] 2020/10/16 14:18:56 Phase complete: BUILD State: FAILED

Answers on Stack Overflow on the “Unable to access jarfile” error mostly talked about access/permission on the JAR file itself. This was not my issue.

In my case, the error was caused because the values I had set in AWS Secrets Manager for the Client ID and Client Secret were not correct. Once I set the correct values, my Build passed!

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Steven Wall, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: AWS CodeBuild Error: Unable to access jarfile

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