Enterprise Java

Apache Ivy 2.5.0 released

This week, we released 2.5.0 version of Apache Ivy. Apache Ivy is a build dependency manager that is integrated with the Apache Ant build tool. The download is available as usual at https://ant.apache.org/ivy/download.cgi.

This 2.5.0 version comes after a long gap in releases of Ivy. 2.4.0 was released way back on December 26 2014. After that, the project has seen slowness in development activities. However, with help from the some community members, especially Nicolas Lalevée, back in around 2017, we had some bug fixes and enhancements done. On April 19 2018, we released 2.5.0-rc1. We called it a “rc1” because it was a long time since we had done a project release and wanted users to be aware that there might be some unexpected issues.

2.5.0-rc1 saw some community members using this version and reporting back some bugs that they ran into. We have been able to fix them during this past year and it was now finally time to release it as 2.5.0. We expect the Ivy community to start using this version in favour of older releases and report back any issues that they run into either at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IVY or in our Ivy user mailing list

Users migrating from previous versions of Ivy are recommended to use a fresh/clean Ivy local cache to avoid certain issues with cached Ivy metadata that might have been introduced in a previous version (2.5.0-rc1) of Ivy.

The complete list of changes (since 2.4.0) that are part of this release is available at https://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/2.5.0/release-notes.html.

Going forward, the goal is to fix any bugs that are reported and introduce certain enhancements that will help improve the usage of the tool.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Jaikiran Pai, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Apache Ivy 2.5.0 released

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Jaikiran Pai

Jaikiran works for Red Hat and is a developer in the JBoss application server development team. He's one of the authors of "JBoss AS Getting Started" DZone RefCard. When he's not doing anything JBoss related, you can usually find him at JavaRanch, in his role as a Sheriff(Moderator). He blogs at jaitechwriteups
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