
Java is The Stepping Stone of Development. Learn it!

Java is one of the most used programming languages around the world. Though there are a large number of other programming languages as well, but there’s nothing that can beat Java.

Java is one of those superb languages which is used to develop mobile apps, games, web apps, desktop apps and plenty of other exciting things. Also, it is proven that Java is widely used to do a variety of tasks.

There can many new languages entering the industry, but there is nothing better than Java, as it is used to do several things.

1. Why should you learn Java?

Java is used extensively. Thus, one of the main reasons for learning Java is that the career prospect is very bright.

You will definitely get many career opportunities because more than 500 fortune companies are using Java to develop various products. Also, these days plenty of new frameworks and technologies have started using Java like Big Data analytics.

One of the major reasons why Java is growing extensively is because there is a large pool of libraries which are used for various purposes. Java is not expected to perform only set tasks; it is a versatile language which is used to develop a variety of products.

2. How to become a world-class Java developer in 2019?

Java developers have to deal with a lot of competition in order to become the best. When it comes to learning Java, you have to make sure that you follow the latest trends and techniques. Also, you would be required to be an expert if you really want to make a mark in the industry of experts.

Java Development - a world-class Java developer
Become a world-class Java developer

3. Few of the top ways to become a topnotch Java developer in 2019

3.1 Know everything about Java APIs and libraries

Java is a very popular programming language, also it has been in the industry for a long time. Therefore, it has one of the biggest Stack Overflow community which has made a super powerful and valuable Java ecosystem.

Java Development - a topnotch Java developer
Become a topnotch Java developer

This comprehensive ecosystem contains a wide variety of Java APIs and libraries. Therefore, it is utmost essential to learn a few of the most common APIs and Libraries.

For example, every Java developer is expected to be well-versed with Java Development Kit. When it comes to knowing developer-targeted information about Java API, one has to go through Java SE documentation well.

It also consists of various workarounds and examples of many working codes which will help you to gain a better understanding. Though there are tons of APIs and libraries and every Java developer can’t know everything.

But, it is vital to understand at least the main APIs and libraries like Maven, JHipster, SE, etc.

3.2 Learn Java Virtual Machine

In 2019, we can expect more use of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM is expected to be pretty popular. Java Virtual Machine is basically an engine which offers runtime environment to steer various Java Codes and apps.

It is used to swap Java bytecode in machines language. JVM basically executes various other languages like Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, etc. and hence, you can easily switch to any of these.

JVM makes it easy to use the latest features of other languages. Also, they can be synced with Java tools.

3.3 Focus on Unit Testing Skills

If you want to become an expert Java programmer then you would have to have topnotch unite testing skills. You should practice the art of writing the unit tests for your codes.

This will eventually allow you to validate the code outcomes both in state testing as well as behavior testing.

There are many unit testing, performance testing, automation testing, etc. tools which should be used extensively. Mastering the skill of unit testing will definitely help you climb up the ladder of success.

Java is one of the most mature languages. At the same time, it is used widely and the adoption rate of Java is only expected to grow in the future. Thus, if you want to develop your Java skills, then you should definitely focus on the above-mentioned points. Also, stay updated with the latest happening in the world of Java.

3.4 Consider Project Work

Now that you know about java programming its time to put into the taste. And one of the best ways to test your abilities is by working on a real project. This way you will learn many new things and get to know about to use your skills to solve any problem in real life world.

You can choose to freelance if you want to work on some big projects. This way you will be paid for your work and one of the biggest perks of freelancing is that you don’t have to go to their chosen location and you can work from home.

3.5 Subscribe to Forums and Try to Learn Something New Every Day

When you are working on new technology, it is best to join forums as you might run into many problems. On the forum you can ask your questions and chances are this same problem someone may have faced in the past and they will help you.

This way you will learn something new every day, and you will get a good grasp on the JAVA language. Also, try to follow some of the excellent blogs which contain tons of new questions and tutorial and read them all every day.

Join communities like StackOverflow, dreamincode forum, java-forums and help each other and learn together something every day.

3.6 Dedicate Yourself

One of the most significant factors to becoming a java expert is dedication. Because if you are not willing to learn anything new, then you will become an average Java coder just like others.

What separates average java developer from expert one is their dedication and approach to learning new things. Don’t let yourself distracted and keep your focus on it.

4. Final Thoughts

So these were some of the tips you should follow if you want to become an expert in JAVA programming. No one becomes an expert overnight; it takes time and dedication.

Keep believing in yourself, start learning today and you will become a JAVA expert in no time.

Larry Brown

Larry is an enthusiastic blogger and a software developer with many years of experience in the IT field. He is a coder with great skills who like to help the community by sharing his knowledge. Also, He is an active person on communities like Java Forums and StackOverflow
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Raf Gemmail
Raf Gemmail
5 years ago

Hmm. As much as I love the declarative and modelling centricity of JHipster, I wouldn’t give it as an example of one of the main API’s to learn. I’m also a JVM and non-JVM polyglot who has been about the block. About 18 years ago, I advised people to learn C++ or C. About 15 years ago I suggested that people try out OOPerl or Ruby. About 10 years ago, I advised people to learn Java. About 5 years ago, I was suggesting that people try Scala or node for a starter project. These days, I’d say learn a language… Read more »

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