Enterprise Java

End to end BPM (with a splash of DMN)

Red Hat Summit next week is shaping up to be one of the best ever!

And if you are a Drools or jBPM enthusiast, you will be busy: another top presentation that we have lined up for you comes from a partnership between Signavio and Red Hat. Duncan Doyle and Tom Debevoise will be driving the show on this one with a great example of how do model processes (and a few decisions) with the BPMN and DMN standards using the awesome tools from Signavio, and then deploying those models into the solid Drools and jBPM engines for execution!

This is End to End BPM: from Process Modeling to Execution with Signavio and Red Hat !

Join us on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 3:30pm!

And here is some extra detail from Tom:

End to End BPM

For nearly a decade designing processes in Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) has been a best practice for aligning business and technical objectives. With BPMN, the business analyst or subject matter expert can precisely define the interactions of customers, systems and trading partners with the activities and events that drive them. Because the notation is a standard, the meaning of the process model is unambiguous.

Business uses BPMN to define

·      The roles of the participants
·      Their responsibilities
·      The timing and sequence of events
·      How to handle errors and exceptions

Figure1: Example BPMN process in Signavio

With the Signavio Process Manager, all stakeholders can collaborate on the process model using an ability to commutate comments and concerns and a shared definition of terms. As shown in the figure 1, BPMN activities can denote where forms, services and scripts are needed. BPMN is more than a drawing convention. Compliant software can export the diagram in an XML format that other systems can read. Signavio and Red Hat have leveraged this capability so that processes and more can be exchanged.

Figure 2: The same BPMN process in BPM Suite’s KIE Workbench

To create an executable process, the technical team would then and the code for user forms, scripts and services. So processes in the Signavio Process Manager can be exported to the BPM Suite for this objective.

Most business analysts are not concerned with ‘Code’, except in the areas of compliance where very detailed logic, including quantities, dates and computational logic is critical. Recently BPMN has been extended to include decision modeling with the decision modeling notation (DMN). While separate from BPMN, DMN has been designed to work with BPMN. With decision modeling the business analysts can control a process by determining the logic for:

·      What needs to be done next
·      Who need to do it
·      When and where it is done
·      And importantly, were any important rules broken

Figure 3: Decision logic for the process in DMN

Decision logic can be exported from the Signavio Process Manager and incorporated into the KIE workbench. The process in figure 1 and 2 is controlled by the decision in figure 3.


The teamwork of Signavio and Red Hat is a perfect separation of concerns between the business and IT. Because it is designed to be easy to use and collaborative, the Signavio Process Manager is the perfect environment for developing the business view of a process or a decision. Similarly, because it can leverage the power and scalability of the entire Red Hat middleware stack, the BPM Suite is the perfect environment for turning these decisions into an executable form and hosting them.

Reference: End to end BPM (with a splash of DMN) from our JCG partner Edson Tirelli at the Drools & jBPM blog.

Edson Tirelli

Drools Expert, Drools Fusion
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