Enterprise Java

Lazy evaluation

Recently i was writing log4j appender and wanted to use logger in it to log some diagnostic details during custom appender creation, but log4j initialization completes only after appender instance are created, so message logged during this phase are ignored.

I felt the need for lazy initialization in custom appender and started to look at options. In this blog i will share things that i tried.

One of the thing that came to my mind was Singleton approach but now it is known fact that singleton causes problem with testing and make it impossible to extend it, so approach of mixing concurrency & object construction is not that good.

Incase if singleton is required then it is better to use Dependency Injection framework rather than spoiling your application code. Lets get back to lazy initialization/eval.

Some programming language like scala/swift etc has support for lazy, so no custom code is required to do this but in java space we still have to write thread safe code to get it right.

Lets look at some options we have in java and what type of performance we get.

– Brute force using Synchronized

This is the most simple and inefficient one, scala is using this approach. Scala one is available @ScalaLazy.java

public class SingleLock<V> implements Lazy<V> {

    private Callable<V> codeBlock;
    private V value;

    public SingleLock(Callable<V> codeBlock) {
        this.codeBlock = codeBlock;

    public synchronized V get() {
        if (value == null) {
        return value;

    private void setValue() {
        try {
            value = codeBlock.call();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


– Double lock

This is little complex to write and gives good performance.

public class DoubleLock<V> implements Lazy<V> {

    private Callable<V> codeBlock;
    private V value;
    private volatile boolean loaded;

    public DoubleLock(Callable<V> codeBlock) {
        this.codeBlock = codeBlock;

    public V get() {
        if (!loaded) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (!loaded) {
                    loaded = true;
        return value;

    private void setValue() {
        try {
            value = codeBlock.call();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


– Using Future task

This approach is simple to write and gives good performance.

public class LazyFutureTask<V> implements Lazy<V> {

    private final FutureTask<V> futureTask;

    public LazyFutureTask(Callable<V> codeBlock) {
        this.futureTask = new FutureTask<>(codeBlock);

    public V get() {
        return getValue();

    private V getValue() {
        try {
            return futureTask.get();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Double lock approach gives the best performance and brute force one is worst. I did quick bench mark for 1 Million calls using different number of thread.

All three
Single lock performance is very bad, lets have look at the number by removing single lock to see how Double Lock & Future Task performed.

2 Types


These benchmark are done very quickly but detailed benchmark numbers should be close.

Code for this blog post is available @ github

Reference: Lazy evaluation from our JCG partner Ashkrit Sharma at the Are you ready blog.

Ashkrit Sharma

Pragmatic software developer who loves practice that makes software development fun and likes to develop high performance & low latency system.
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Robert Cooper
7 years ago

What, exactly, is it you are evaluating here? It is just time through the method *after* initialization? Are you looking for something that evaluates the lazy creation the fastest? I would be curious how AtomicBoolean initted …. get() { if(!innitted.getAndSet(true){ setValue() } return value; } Would perform. Generally I suspect on x64 systems where CAS is a CPU level op, it might work better than a volatile memory access. If you are in a situation where you are creating a LOT of lazies and only accessing a few of them, it is definitely going to be better than the double… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert Cooper

Problem that i am trying to solve is

– Thread safe initialization
– Waiting for other threads while initialization is in progress.

Things can be made worked with help of AtomicBoolean but some extra work will be required to manage waiting thread and will endup writing something similar to FutureTask.

Synchnorization/FutureTask has built in support for waiting.

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