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FREE Hadoop eBooks giveaway from Java Code Geeks and Manning (worth $39.9)!

Want to boost your knowledge on Hadoop ?

Then we have something especially for you!

We are partnering with Manning Publications, publisher of cool programming books, and we are running a contest giving away FREE copies of their latest Hadoop eBook.

Hadoop in Practice, Second Edition provides over 100 tested, instantly useful techniques that will help you conquer big data, using Hadoop. This revised new edition covers changes and new features in the Hadoop core architecture, including MapReduce 2. Brand new chapters cover YARN and integrating Kafka, Impala, and Spark SQL with Hadoop. You’ll also get new and updated techniques for Flume, Sqoop, and Mahout, all of which have seen major new versions recently. In short, this is the most practical, up-to-date coverage of Hadoop available anywhere.

hadoop_practice_coverHadoop in Practice, Second Edition provides a collection of 104 tested, instantly useful techniques for analyzing real-time streams, moving data securely, machine learning, managing large-scale clusters, and taming big data using Hadoop. This completely revised edition covers changes and new features in Hadoop core, including MapReduce 2 and YARN.

Enter the contest now to win your very own copy of their Hadoop in Practice, Second Edition eBook. There will be 10 lucky winners, for a total value of $399!

In addition, we will send you free tips and the latest news from the Java community to master your technical knowledge (you can unsubscribe at any time).

In order to increase your chances of winning, don’t forget to refer as much of your friends as possible!

You will get 3 more entries for every friend you refer, that is 3 times more chances!

Make sure to use your lucky URL to spread the word! You can share it on your social media channels, or even mention it on a blog post if you are a blogger!

Good luck and may the force be with you!

UPDATE: The giveaway has ended! Here is the list of the lucky winners! (emails hidden for privacy)


We like to thank you all for participating to this giveaway. Till next time,

Keep up the good work!

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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