Software Development

SBT AutoPlugins Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the process of writing your own sbt plugin. There are several reasons to do this and it’s really simple:

  1. Add customized build steps to your continuous integration process
  2. Provide default settings for different environments for various projects

Before you start, make sure to have sbt installed on your machine and accessible via the commandline. The code is available on github. If you start at the first commit you can just step-through the tutorial with each commit.


The first step is to setup our plugin project. There is only one important setting in your build.sbt, the rest is up to you.

sbtPlugin := true

This will mark you project as a sbt-plugin build. For this tutorial I’m using sbt 0.13.7-M3, which lets you write your build.sbt as you like. No need for separating lines. The complete build.sbt looks like this.

name := "awesome-os"
organization := "de.mukis"

scalaVersion in Global := "2.10.2"

sbtPlugin := true

// Settings to build a nice looking plugin site
com.typesafe.sbt.SbtSite.SiteKeys.siteMappings <+= (baseDirectory) map { dir =>
  val nojekyll = dir / "src" / "site" / ".nojekyll"
  nojekyll -> ".nojekyll"

// enable github pages
git.remoteRepo := ""

// Scripted - sbt plugin tests
scriptedLaunchOpts <+= version apply { v => "-Dproject.version="+v }

The plugins used inside this build are configured in the project/plugins.sbt. Nothing special.

The Plugin

Now we implement a first working version of our plugin and a test project to try it out. What the plugin will actually do is printing out awesome operating systems. Later we will customize this behavior.

Let’s take our look at our plugin code.

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys.{ streams }

 * This plugin helps you which operating systems are awesome
object AwesomeOSPlugin extends AutoPlugin {

   * Defines all settings/tasks that get automatically imported,
   * when the plugin is enabled
  object autoImport {
    lazy val awesomeOsPrint = TaskKey[Unit]("awesome-os-print", "Prints all awesome operating systems")
    lazy val awesomeOsList = SettingKey[Seq[String]]("awesome-os-list", "A list of awesome operating systems")

  import autoImport._

   * Provide default settings
  override lazy val projectSettings = Seq(
    awesomeOsList := Seq(
      "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS","Ubuntu 14.04 LTS","Debian Squeeze",
      "Fedora 20","CentOS 6",
      "Android 4.x",
      "Windows 2000","Windows XP","Windows 7","Windows 8.1",
      "MacOS Maverick","MacOS Yosemite",
      "iOS 6","iOS 7"
    awesomeOsPrint := {
      awesomeOsList.value foreach (os =>


And that’s it. We define two keys. AwesomeOsList is a SettingKey, which means it’s set upfront and will only change if some explicitly sets it to another value or change it,e.g.

awesomeOsList += "Solaris"

awesomeOsPrint is a task, which means it gets executed each time you call it.

Test Project

Let’s try the plugin out. For this we create a test project which has a plugin dependency on our awesome os plugin. We create a test-project directory at the root directory of our plugin project. Inside test-project we add a build.sbt with the following contents:

name := "test-project"
version := "1.0"

// enable our now plugin

However the real trick is done inside the test-project/project/plugins.sbt. We create a reference to a project in the parent directory:

// build root project
lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(awesomeOS)

// depends on the awesomeOS project
lazy val awesomeOS = file("..").getAbsoluteFile.toURI

And that’s all. Run sbt inside the test-project and print out awesome operating systems.

sbt awesomeOsPrint

If you change something in your plugin code just call reload and your test-project will recompile the changes.

Add a new task and test it

Next, we add a task which stores the awesomeOsList inside a file. This is something we can automatically test. Testing sbt-plugins is a bit tedious, but doable with the scripted-plugin.

First we create a folder inside src/sbt-test. The directories inside sbt-test can be seen as categories where you put your tests into. I created a global folder where I put two test projects. The critical configuration is again inside the project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("de.mukis" % "awesome-os" % sys.props("project.version"))

The scripted plugin first plublishes the plugin locally and then passes the version number to each started sbt test build via the system property project.version. We added this behaviour in our build.sbt earlier:

scriptedLaunchOpts <+= version apply { v => "-Dproject.version="+v }

Each test project contains a file called test, which can contain sbt commands and some simple check commands. Normally you put in some simple checks like file exists and do the more sophisticated stuff inside a task defined in the test project.

The test file for our second test looks like this.

# Create the another-os.txt file
> awesomeOsStore
$ exists target/another-os.txt
> check-os-list

The check-os-list task is defined inside the build.sbt of the test project (/src/sbt-test/global/store-custom-oslist/build.sbt.


name := "simple-test"

version := "0.1.0"

awesomeOsFileName := "another-os.txt"

// this is the scripted test
TaskKey[Unit]("check-os-list") := {
  val list = / awesomeOsFileName.value)
  assert(list contains "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu not present in awesome operating systems: " + list)

Separate operating systems per plugin

Our next goal is to customize the operating system list, so users may choose what systems they like most. We do this by generating a configuration scope for each operating system category and a plugin that configures the settings in this scope.

In a real-world plugin you can use this to define different actions in different environments. E.g. develope, staging or production. This is a very crucial point of autoplugins as it allows you to enable specific plugins to get a different build flavor and/or create different scopes which are configured by different plugins.

The first step is to create three new autoplugins: AwesomeWindowsPlugin,AwesomeMacPlugin and AwesomeLinuxPlugin. They will all work in the same fashion:

  1. Scope the projectSettings from AwesomeOSPlugin to there custom defined configuration scope and provide them as settings
  2. Override specific settings/tasks inside the custom defined configuration scope

The AwesomeLinuxPlugin looks like this:

import sbt._

object AwesomeLinuxPlugin extends AutoPlugin{

  object autoImport {
    /** Custom configuration scope */
    lazy val Linux = config("awesomeLinux")

  import AwesomeOSPlugin.autoImport._
  import autoImport._

  /** This plugin requires the AwesomeOSPlugin to be enabled */
  override def requires = AwesomeOSPlugin

  /** If all requirements are met, this plugin will automatically get enabled */
  override def trigger = allRequirements

   * 1. Use the AwesomeOSPlugin settings as default and scope them to Linux
   * 2. Override the default settings inside the Linux scope
  override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Linux)(AwesomeOSPlugin.projectSettings) ++ settings

   * the linux specific settings
  private lazy val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
    awesomeOsList in Linux := Seq(
      "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS",
      "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS",
      "Debian Squeeze",
      "Fedora 20",
      "CentOS 6",
      "Android 4.x"),
    // add awesome os to the general list
    awesomeOsList ++= (awesomeOsList in Linux).value

The other plugins are defined in the same way. Let’s try things out. Start sbt in your test-project.

awesomeOsPrint # will print all operating systems
awesomeWindows:awesomeOsPrint # will only print awesome windows os
awesomeMac:awesomeOsPrint # only mac
awesomeLinux:awesomeOsPrint # only linux

SBT already provides some scopes like Compile, Test, etc. So there’s only a small need for creating your very own scopes. Most of the time you will use the already provided and customize these in your plugins.

One more note. You may wonder why the plugins are all getting enabled and we didn’t have to change anything in the test-project. That’s another benefit from autoplugins. You can specify requires, which define dependencies between plugins and triggers that specify when your plugin should be enabled.

// what is required that this plugin can be enabled
<span class="k">override</span> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">requires</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">AwesomeOSPlugin
// when should this plugin be enabled
<span class="k">override</span> <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">trigger</span> <span class="o">=</span> allRequirements

The user of your plugin now doesn’t have to care about the order he puts the plugins in his build.sbt, because the developer defines the requirements upfront and sbt will try to fulfill them.


SBT Autoplugins make the life of plugin users and developers a lot easier. It lowers the steep learning curve for sbt a bit and creates more readable buildfiles. For sbt-plugin developers the process of migrating isn’t very difficult. Replacing sbt.Plugin with sbt.AutoPlugin and creating an autoImport field.

Reference: SBT AutoPlugins Tutorial from our JCG partner Nepomuk Seiler at the blog.

Nepomuk Seiler

Nepomuk Seiler is a information sience student at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University Munich. He uses Scala for machine learning tasks and web development with play. Also he provided some small contributions to the Eclipse community.
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